Will Smith - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


Will Smith (Will Smith) was born in Philadelphia on September 25, 1968. Will's father owned a small refrigeration company, and his mother worked as a school teacher. Will grew up an extremely restless, smart and very charming boy. It was quite easy for him to study at school, and all classmates fell in love with the smile of young Smith.

Thanks to his charm, Will easily got out of any trouble, for which he received the flattering nickname "Prince". At the age of 12, the guy got acquainted with rap and literally fell in love with this musical direction.

At a party in Los Angeles, Will met DJ Jazz Jeff. The result of a fateful acquaintance was the duet “DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince”. Rappers' compositions were very popular, two albums became platinum, and the song “Summertime” brought the prestigious Grammy Award to the musicians.

Will Smith - the beginning of a stellar career

In 1990, Warner Brothers invited Will Smith to star in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air series. The series brought the budding actor popularity with the audience and received the approval of film critics. However, Will himself believed that this was only the first step to real fame. In 1992, Smith made his debut on the big screen in the film "Where the day will catch you." In 1993, the actor received an offer from John Guar to play a role in the movie "Six Steps of Alienation." The game of the young actor was positively noted by critics who recognized that Will Smith worked at a very high professional level.

Will Smith - gaining popularity

The first notable success came to Will Smith after filming in the action movie "Bad Guys." Career sharply went uphill, and the fantastic movie “Independence Day” became a real commercial hit. In the super-popular comedy thriller “Men in Black” (1997), Will not only played the main role, but also wrote the soundtrack, which instantly took first place in the music charts. In the wake of popularity, Smith released the album “Willenium” and “Big Willie Style”, which immediately appeared on the top lines of the English charts.

Will Smith - The Most Notable Roles

In 1998, People magazine included Will Smith among the fifty most beautiful people on the planet. Then, Will got a wonderful role in the action movie "Enemy of the State", where he played with Jim Hackman. Most fans of Will Smith consider the actor’s refusal to play the role in The Matrix film to be a mistake. Smith preferred the painting Wild, Wild West. Unfortunately, the film was a failure and was called by critics the most unsuccessful film of the year.

In 2001, Will Smith was nominated for an Oscar for the role of Mohamed Ali in the film "Ali". The actor perfectly succeeds in dramatic roles. In 2006, the actor received the Golden Globe for the film Pursuit of Happiness.
It is worth noting the remarkable roles in the films “I am a Legend” (2007), “Seven Lives” and “Hancock”.

Will Smith - personal life

Will Smith's first serious hobby was Sherry Zampino, whom the actor married in 1990. Soon, the couple had a son, Willard, but after a few years the marriage broke up. In 1997, Will made an offer to his longtime girlfriend Jada Pinkett. The marriage was happy, in the new family, Will had two children - son Jaden and daughter Willow. A wonderful actor is an exemplary family man and simply adores his children. He even released a book dedicated to them - "Only two of us."

Will Smith - Interesting Facts

  • With his second wife, Will Smith met on the samples of the series "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". Jada Pinkett was supposed to play his girlfriend, but did not get the role.
  • The actor is very fond of chess.
  • Will Smith won a Grammy Award for Summertime.
  • Fluent in Spanish.
  • He was invited to Italy for the wedding of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.

Will Smith - Today

Today, Will Smith has reached such a level of fame that the mere mention of his name in the credits guarantees the film success. He is involved in many projects, including sequels of the famous blockbusters “I am a Robot” and “People in Black-3”. By the way, the premiere of the latter on Russian screens is scheduled for May 2012.


Hado) 05/09/2016
Can you get the number WILL SMITH? I really need him. You are welcome.(((


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