October 31: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


More recently, Halloween was celebrated only by Americans, but today this controversial and “magical” holiday covers more and more territories, approaching the countries of Europe, the CIS and Russia. Halloween is a very old holiday that came to us from the depths of time. The attribute of the celebration, as you know, is the head of a pumpkin in which frightening holes are cut out (eyes, nose, mouth), and a burning candle is placed inside. The kids, dressed as little monsters, walk the streets and scare the neighbors, who in turn buy off sweets. Young people have "scary" parties in the form of inconceivable devils, witches and other evil spirits.

Day of the sign language interpreter, established in 2003, has become a professional holiday for specialists connecting healthy people with hard of hearing. According to official figures, more than 10 million Russians either do not hear at all, or they hear very poorly. And how many such people on the planet? That is why the state drew attention to an important problem. For the first time in Russia, they began to help the deaf during the reign of Maria Fedorovna. The empress summoned several sign language interpreters from Europe to train Russian teachers in sign language. By the way, sign language translation is still not officially recognized in our country. And in many countries, many social professions simply oblige you to know the basics of sign language translation.

The Black Sea Day began to be celebrated with the signing in 1996 of a number of Black Sea countries of the Strategic Action Plan for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the Sea. The plan was developed after a comprehensive study of the marine environment, which showed that the viability of the sea and its territorial resources have deteriorated sharply compared to previous years. Together with the signing of the Strategic Plan, it was decided to introduce an annual reminder in order to encourage the public to take more care of our country's water resources.

On October 31, 1963, the concept of a pre-trial detention center was introduced in the penal system, and after more than 40 years the Federal Service established a professional holiday - the Day of Prison and Prison Workers. Traditionally, the event of the event includes solemn meetings of the relevant employees, as well as awards for excellent service.

On October 27, 1924, a congress of bank representatives from 29 countries took place, as a result of which the idea of ​​creating World Savings Day was born. A little later, the UN directive officially fixed the holiday, since its creators called not only to save money, but also to save in a broader sense. In their opinion, the event should encourage society to think about saving energy, time, natural resources, things, etc.

On October 31, 1864, Nevada was recognized as the US state. Since then, residents have celebrated the "birth" of Nevada on this day. Each year, state cities host parades and various entertainment events.

Luke is one of the associates of Jesus Christ, the author of several Bible chapters. Also, Luke was considered the first icon painter in history. The very first icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was painted by him. In addition, the list of his works includes the creation of icons of Our Lady of Vladimir, Czestochowa Our Lady, Kikk and Sumel faces.

For the above reasons, St. Luke was personified with painting. And onions were considered the main root crop in the treatment of many ailments. People in Lukov arranged vegetable bazaars, the main "star" of which was a healing vegetable. On this day, they turned to the saint to help him cope with family troubles or bless the newlyweds for a happy life together. The gardeners on Lukov looked at the cherry for a day: if the leaves of the bush are still sitting on branches, it means that the snow will not fall soon.

October 31, 1941 - completion of the construction of a national memorial in the United States

This is a national memorial to Mount Rushmore - the real pride of the Americans, their national symbol. The faces of the four presidents - Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson - are carved on the mountain. Work on the creation of the memorial lasted about fifteen years under the guidance of sculptor Gutzon Borglum. Portrait bas-reliefs stretch in height not less than 18 meters, therefore they are visible from a very distant distance. The main sculptor planned to supplement the memorial with a couple more masterpieces, but he realized that he would not have enough life to complete such a project.

October 31, 1961 - the body of Stalin was taken out of the Mausoleum

This happened by decision of the 22nd Congress of the CPSU Central Committee at night from October 31 to November 1. Stalin was buried in the fifty-third year in the Mausoleum on K. Square, however, after three years the 20th party congress began to insistently demand that the bodies of Stalin and Lenin should not rest in one tomb, and in 1961 Stalin's ashes were transferred to another place, the Mausoleum he began to bear the name of V.I. Lenin. The authorities prepared in advance for such an action, because they were well aware that the removal of the leader from the Mausoleum could provoke riots in the country. Stalin's body was put in a coffin and lowered into the grave. After 9 years, a gorgeous monument was erected on it.

October 31, 1984 - attempt on Indira Gandhi

In 1947, on August 15, India became an independent state. Naturally, the need arose to create their own national government. The prime minister's personal secretary was his daughter, Indira Gandhi, who accompanied him on all important trips. In 1960, she lost her husband. For Indira, this was a heavy blow, so for some time she moved away from politics, but after a few months Gandhi returned and became a member of the Congress Working Committee. Soon her father died, and the woman achieved the highest post in India. The best moment in Indira’s career was 1971, when she won the parliamentary elections. The last years of the reign of Gandhi were tragic for her. The operation to neutralize extremists, unsuccessfully, caused her death, and in 1984, 31 years, two Sikhs planted twenty bullets in Indira.

October 31, 2011 - 7 billionth resident born on Earth

The seven billionth resident of the planet was born exactly according to the estimates of the United Nations Population Fund in the city of Kaliningrad. The exact date of the birth of the baby was recorded by UN observers and doctors taking birth. The "jubilee" newborn was called Peter. His parents were promised a special certificate, indicating that the boy became a seven billionth resident of the Earth.

- John Keats (1795-1821) - an outstanding English poet. From the age of 14 he began to study medicine. John's surgeon teacher Thomas Hammond tried to make a good doctor out of a young man, but Keats felt that his craving was for versification, and beautiful poetic lines began to appear more often in lecture notebooks. Despite this, Keats successfully passes the exam and gets the right to work in the field of medicine. Soon the young man quits the profession and begins to write poetry thoroughly.

- Alexander Alekhine (1892-1946) - chess player, world chess champion. Born in a well-to-do family, he became interested in chess pieces even before he started to walk. The first victory in a major competition, Alexander got at only 16 years of age. He became a voluntary participant in the First World War, but was soon shell-shocked and returned to his favorite pastime - chess. In 1927, A. Alekhine fulfills his main dream and becomes the fourth world champion in the game.

- Carp Weierstrass (1815-1897) - German mathematician. On the orders of his father, he entered law university, but after some time he left him and went to the Munster Academy. Then he worked as a teacher of mathematics, physics, geography, botany and a number of other subjects. In his free time he wrote work on Abelian functions, for which he subsequently received a doctorate and was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences.

- Liddell Garth (1895-1970) - English theorist and military historian. As a participant in the First World War, Garth was deservedly noted for his courage. Later, he began to develop his own strategic theories, which were published in popular magazines and newspapers. Having retired due to health reasons, Garth continues his career as a writer.

- Anatoly Papanov (1922-1987) - the famous Soviet actor and People's Artist of the USSR. In 1941, he was called up for war, but a year after a serious wound he returned and entered the acting department at GITIS. After graduation, he went to work in the theater. Papanov was delightful in all roles: any roles were given to him easily and naturally. In 1973, Anatoly received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

- Jean Amery (1912-1978) - writer, journalist and film critic. He became famous thanks to the books published in the sixties: “Idols of our time”, “Charmed by jazz”, “Hauptmann - the eternal German” and many others.

The day of the angel (name day) on the last day of October is celebrated by the owners of such names as: Gabriel, Andrew, Ivan, David, Leonti, Joseph, Julian, Sergey, Luka.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).