The most unreliable zodiac wives. 4 zodiac signs, representatives of which should not be led down the aisle


When a man decides to marry, he expects changes for the better. So that the chosen one does not disappoint, the young wife surrounds him with care, attention. That's just not everyone succeeds. And the reason is often not in the absence of desire from the wife. According to astrologers, there are top 4 signs of the zodiac, whose representatives are unlikely to succeed in becoming good wives.


Women born under this zodiac sign have powerful sexuality, they are attractive and seductive. They choose a husband for themselves, but they are able to veil everything so that the chosen one will have to assume that it was their decision. They expect material stability and regular sex from marriage. Therefore, men are sought without material problems, predictable and pragmatic.

That's just a man who decided to tie the knot with Scorpio, you will not envy. You should not hope for a quiet and peaceful family life.

From a quiet life, their energy remains unclaimed, from which they begin to feel bad. Therefore, Scorpios consciously seek the thick of conflicts, and if they are not found, they create themselves. They are able to give hysterical workshops.

Such a wife will try to subjugate her husband, since manipulating people is one of her talents. They are struggling to subordinate someone weaker to themselves, and since they differ in intelligence and ingenuity, they manage to do it quite simply.

a lion

This lady is happy to flaunt herself, while holding on as if she was a tremendous price jewel on display. Believes that she was born to become a star. She needs male attention and admiration, like sex, in order to make sure that she still occupies a worthy place in the market.

Accordingly, Leo requires constant attention from his man. She loves to dress well, beauty salons for such a woman come first, so her husband should be ready to become a sponsor, give her expensive gifts, she will consider a good rest only in the best resorts in the best apartments. And do not be surprised if, after everything done, her attitude will not change in any way. It is just that women born under this sign believe that they should not be thankful for anything, but a man should already be for being near them. Her desires need only to be indulged, otherwise she will not sulk, but a wave of anger will spill out right away. For less than she wants, the female Leo will not agree. It should only be as she says, and not in any other way.

The female lion requires constant evidence that she is the only one. But such a lady will not allow her freedom to be limited. It is not against her and two men to push their foreheads together, because then she will be in the spotlight, and for a woman-Leo there can be nothing better than such grace.

If you sincerely fell in love with a Lioness, do not expect corresponding feelings from her. She is quite amorous, but her lack of dedication does not give her true love. In addition, a love triangle in which one man and two women touches her, because he feels power over both.

The Leo woman is created from contradictions: she will not miss the opportunity to command, but she will do this very tactfully, with high opinion of herself, and at the same time a kind soul. That's just the problems of others it is difficult for her to notice, unless they touch her herself.

But a divorce from the Lioness can be even worse than marriage with her. She will not miss her, and if the game does not follow her rules, she can turn the life of her ex-husband into hell.


Sagittarius is a very good woman, while they get what they ask. Do not even ask, but they begin to demand immediately after they receive the status of a spouse. Since that time, the husband has been forced to obey her orders, unconditionally fulfill all the whims of his wife.

But Sagittarius women have another negative trait of character - love of freedom. Thinking about marriage, this love of freedom will hinder it, sometimes it will not allow you to connect your life with a man.

All the negative aspects of a Sagittarius woman are the pursuit of search. All their lives they seek light in the dark, while striking at such life difficulties that other signs could hardly survive. Life obstacles greatly blur the already unstable nervous system of this sign, later they become vulnerable, explode due to the slightest turmoil. Sometimes for others the reason is completely insignificant, but only for Sagittarius it can be very important.

Sagittarius also live in constant fear, later they form many complexes. But only those around cannot understand this again, therefore, Sagittarius alone has to fight their fears.

Also, a Sagittarius woman has no desire to take on household chores. Therefore, the husband who wants to keep the marriage will have to do laundry, cooking and other things on their own.

In a word, Sagittarius extraordinary is not easy to cope with, but a man who can do this will bring marriage closer to perfection.


At first glance, Pisces can become perfect wives. They have a rare ability to give love, they have a creative approach to everything.

Pisces is also loyal and intelligent, but the husband will see the pitfall after revealing their changeable mood. And all this, most likely, will be revealed after the wedding.

In a good mood, this is an ideal wife, but in case of an unplanned delay at work, her husband will be covered with scandal, which will result in a tantrum and a wave of tears with Corvalol. And do not hope that explanations and persuasion will change the situation.

And yet, you should not take this article as truth and look in your chosen one hundred percent similarity with the description of the corresponding zodiac sign. Just as there are no one hundred percent sanguine people, phlegmatic people, melancholic, choleric people, there will not be a person whose character is fully consistent with the description as a zodiac sign. And even more so if the relationship has already developed.

The reasons for the betrayal of the spouse also depend on her zodiac sign


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