Yoga for weight loss


Yoga is considered one of the most ancient world teachings. Scientists found pictures depicting yogis in characteristic poses during excavations of the most ancient cultures that existed thousands of years ago. Yoga is a method and means of understanding the world, allowing you to develop and direct the ethical, mental and physical spheres of human life in such a way that a person is perfectly healthy, both from a spiritual and physical point of view. That is why in recent years so many sources talk about the positive impact of yoga on a person’s health, from his mental state to his figure.

Can yoga really help to lose weight?

Yes! However, choosing yoga for weight loss, you should not approach it so one-sidedly and think only about the loss of kilograms. They will begin to leave only if the body is healed, it is cleansed of toxins, normalization of the work of all internal organs, and, most importantly, the establishment of harmony between the mind and body. That is, losing weight in yoga is provided not only through physical activity, but thanks to an integrated approach to lifestyle in general. Regular yoga classes contribute to the fact that the body decreases the production of stress hormones and accelerates the secretion of insulin. As a result, food begins to be actively used by the body as fuel, and not deposited at the waist. At the same time, yoga followers carefully monitor their diet without eating fatty, fried and artificial foods, and if necessary, resort to cleansing procedures, for example, in the form of an enema.

However, those who have decided to take this path as a way to improve their body should clearly understand that yoga for weight loss requires patience and consistency. Ideally, an experienced mentor should be found for practice. Of course, today anyone who considers himself as such a mentor can even call himself a mentor, even having bought his diploma. However, visiting the training, you will soon be able to get an idea of ​​the level of training of the coach.

As we already said, weight loss yoga consists of physical exercises (asanas), training of consciousness and nutrition rules. Only with strict observance of all recommendations, after a few months it will be possible to rejoice at the first results. However, unlike the unsteady results of diets, these achievements will be persistent, as well as improving your well-being and attitude.

Before classes, the coach will tell you about the existing contraindications. The current belief that yoga for weight loss can suit a person of any age and with any health is incorrect. Therefore, deciding to start practicing, consult your doctor.

Contraindications for yoga are sciatica, blood diseases, central nervous system, cancer, pneumonia, tuberculosis and cardiopathy.

Features of yoga loads

Unlike classical aerobic exercises or strength training in the gym, yoga provides a comprehensive load on the body. It is based on isometric training, that is, the muscles of the body are tensed, but without a significant change in their length and movements in the joints. Yoga exercises are combined with a special breathing technique that allows you to speed up the metabolism in the body.

There are quite a few varieties of yoga. There is classical gymnastics represented by Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. As a result of the adaptation of these complexes and their partial dilution with modern trainings, Ashtanga yoga, power yoga and Bikram yoga appeared - the most effective types of training for losing weight.

Ashtanga yoga is the most dynamic kind of yoga. It should be chosen by people who have good physical fitness. Asanas in it change quickly and in a clear sequence, between them there are ligaments - vinyasas. The first complex is represented by 90 poses, in which should be held from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. About 70% of exercises are static, the rest are dynamic.

In power yoga, the asanas of ashtanga yoga are combined with aerobics, and pauses between them are not provided. Instead of pauses, breathing exercises and stretching are required to remove lactic acid from the muscles. With the help of power yoga, not only excess weight is lost, but muscle mass is also increased. Power yoga for weight loss can be chosen even by people who before that did not have training experience.

Bikram-yoga is an exotic kind of yoga, which requires imitation of the climatic conditions of India. In the room where the classes take place, there should be a temperature of more than 40 degrees and a humidity of at least 40%. The idea is that exercise contributes to the active release of sweat, with which the body gets rid of excess moisture and toxins. Bikram Yoga complex is represented by 26 classical asanas and breathing exercises. It is believed that Bikram Yoga more than others contributes to the burning of fats. People who are diagnosed with impaired cardiovascular system and lung disease should always consult a doctor before starting classes.

Thus, those who are interested in yoga for weight loss can choose the most suitable form for themselves and engage in achieving the desired result.

Yoga for weight loss - how to do it?

Yoga exercises for weight loss are performed several times a week (at least 3-4). Those who do not have the opportunity to engage with a mentor can practice at home, for example, having familiarized themselves with a set of exercises on the Internet. Classes at home have their pros and cons. The undoubted advantages include a free class schedule and the absence of the need to purchase expensive training clothes and equipment. For homework, you can limit yourself to any small rug and cotton clothes.

The main disadvantage of home yoga yoga for weight loss is that their effectiveness can be much lower compared to classes with a trainer. The fact is that it is the trainer who can provide professional assistance in choosing the type of yoga, postures and loads that are acceptable for the state of your body at this stage. That is why experts recommend at least basic yoga movements to master under the guidance of a mentor, visiting the yoga center for at least the first three months, and then you can do it yourself at home if you wish.

Yoga for weight loss will not help those who do not change their usual diet to a more wholesome and low-calorie diet. However, it is much more important for those who begin to practice yoga for weight loss, first able to properly direct their thoughts, their spirit. Then it will be much easier to establish a healthy diet.

There are several general rules that should be followed when doing yoga:

- before they start, it is necessary to ventilate the room;
- it is obligatory to use a mat for exercises
- The best time for classes - early morning or hours before bedtime;
- breathe should only nose;
- exercises can be performed only after 3 hours or more after eating so that the stomach is empty;
- during classes, you can not overstrain the muscles, allowing pain and overload;
- the implementation of exercises must comply with the principle of "from simple to complex."

Yoga for weight loss can be included in a set of exercises of more active sports: running, step aerobics, swimming, dancing. Other than good, it won’t do anything. However, starting to do yoga for weight loss, you should not constantly think about losing weight. The main value of yoga is to gain spiritual and physical health. If you adhere to this goal, then yoga for weight loss will definitely bring you a beautiful body, well-being and a positive outlook on the world.


Thoughtful 03/24/2016
I read the article and so wanted to do yoga. This is a whole psychology. Learning to disengage and retire in your small world is not easy.

Nevesta 03/24/2016
No wonder yoga is so popular with the stars. She keeps in shape both soul and body. The main thing is your laziness to defeat and find a coach whom you trust.

Alexandra 03.24.2016
I do yoga with a trainer. I will pay him any money, because he is a professional with great experience. It seems to me that homework is not effective.

Sacura 03/24/2016
The girl is so beautiful in the photo. I’m never going to bend my leg like that, well, I’m not flexible :( But my fitness trainer suggested that all this is achieved by training. Therefore, I will try.

Natalie 03.24.2016
Yoga is more suitable for spiritual purification, putting in order your thoughts and desires. I agree with the author, in conjunction with active physical exercises, the result will be.


Watch the video: Yoga for Weight Loss & Belly Fat, Complete Beginners Fat Burning Workout at Home, Exercise Routine (July 2024).