Puff pastry croissants - down with the monotony! The most delicious sweet and savory puff pastry toppings


Puff pastry croissants are super-delicious pastries.

And it can be varied, as it allows you to use any fillings.

Puff pastry has no pronounced sweetness or brackishness, so you can wrap anything you like in it.

But within reasonable limits, of course.

Indulge in delicious croissants?

Puff pastry croissants - general principles of preparation

Puff pastry can be made at home. It has a special warmth and taste. A detailed recipe can be found below. But not everyone has a desire to do this, so they often use purchased dough. It is affordable, sold in almost every store.

What can be used for filling:

• cheeses, cottage cheese;

• chocolate;

• jam, jam;

• fruits, berries;

• nuts;

• meat and sausages.

Fillings in croissants do not put much, since this is not a pie. Yes, and to wrap a large number of fail. And if the filling is sweet, then it is added quite a bit, usually not more than a dessert spoon, otherwise the mass will leak when heated and baked.

Croissants are rolled in the form of bagels, but when laid on a baking sheet, they bend the edges to form an arc. But this is optional. You can just bake bagels. Before sending to the oven, the products are allowed to rise, greased with an egg, sometimes sprinkled with nuts, seeds, sesame seeds. After baking, sweet croissants can be sprinkled with powder, cocoa powder or glazed.

Recipe 1: Puff pastry for croissants with different fillings

The recipe and technology for the preparation of puff pastry, which can be used for croissants with different fillings: sweet and salty. We cook with yeast, with such a test the baking is more tender and airy.


• 500 grams of flour;

• 250 ml of milk;

• 1 small spoonful of salt;

• 1 same spoonful of sugar;

• 310 grams of oil of at least 82% fat;

• 9 grams of dry yeast (25 can be raw);

• 60 grams of warm water.


1. Sift the flour and mix with salt and oil. We introduce yeast, warm water and sugar into milk. We combine both masses, knead a cool dough.

2. Leave for two hours, after an hour we crush.

3. We roll out a small layer of a rectangular shape and send it to the refrigerator for forty minutes.

4. We take out, roll out thinner and cover 2/3 of the area with softened oil. We cover the center with the free part, then also bend the second edge with oil. We pinch free slices and send the dough to the refrigerator.

5. We take out in half an hour and roll out the rectangle again, put it in 3 layers. We cool and repeat the procedure two more times, as much as possible.

6. At the end, the dough is rolled in a layer from 2.5 to 4 millimeters, and croissants are made.

Recipe 2: Puff Pastry Croissants with Cheese

Favorite filling for many - cheese. It can be absolutely anything: hard, cream, fused. The dough is made using puff yeast, homemade or purchased.


• 0.5 kg of dough;

• 0.2 kg of cheese;

• 1 egg;

• 5 branches of dill;

• some flour.


1. Three large cheese or just cut into strips, cubes. Add chopped dill to it. You can take dry greens.

2. Break the egg into a bowl, pour in a spoonful of water and interrupt with a fork.

3. Sprinkle the surface of the table with flour, roll out the layer, cut into triangles with a base of 10 centimeters.

4. Lubricate the surface with an egg, put the cheese filling with dill, wrap the edge, try to pinch it harder so that the filling does not leak when the cheese is melted. Twist the bagel.

5. We sculpt all the bagels, wrap the edges so that the products turn into croissants and shift to a baking sheet. Do not forget that they will increase, so we leave enough space between them.

6. Let products stand warm for 40 minutes.

7. Grease the remaining egg and bake until golden brown at 190 degrees, this is about 15 minutes.

Recipe 3: Croissants from puff pastry with boiled condensed milk

There are two ways to cook boiled condensed milk:

1. Put the filling immediately and twist the bagel.

2. Bake empty croissants and then fill with a pastry syringe.

The minus of the first option is that condensed milk flows out and burns on a baking sheet, like many other sweet fillings. The minus of the second is not always airy dough and a cavity inside the bagel is obtained. At home, it is better to use the first option and try to carefully hide the filling inside.


• 500 grams of dough;

• 250 grams of condensed milk;

• egg;

• 25 grams of flour or starch.


1. Condensed milk should be mashed in a bowl, add flour or starch to it and mix. This technique will make the filling stronger, and it will leak less.

2. Now, according to the usual scheme: we roll out the layer, cut the triangles, lay out the filling and twist the croissants.

3. We lay out on the greased baking sheet, bending the tips. Let's get up.

4. Grease with a beaten egg. If you want a brighter color, you can use only the yolk.

5. Bake until cooked, set the temperature average from 180 to 200 degrees.

Recipe 4: Puff Pastry Croissants with Chocolate and Nuts

Baking with chocolate is something! Such croissants will surely please the household, and no one will guess that making them is very simple. For taste, add a few chopped nuts to the filling. But you can take chocolate immediately with nuts.


• 400 grams of dough;

• 100 grams of chocolate;

• 3 tablespoons of crushed nuts;

• egg.


1. Hold the chocolate a little in the refrigerator, then chop finely with a knife and mix with nuts. They can be fried a little in a pan.

2. Roll out the dough, cut the triangles with a base of at least 8 centimeters. In each we put a dessert spoon of crushed chocolate with nuts and pinch tightly. We wrap the free end with the top of the triangle around, bend the edges with an arc.

3. Put it on a sheet, let the products rise, lubricate and bake until cooked.

Recipe 5: Puff pastry croissants with jam or jam

Another option for delicious croissants. Instead of jam, you can use not only jam, but also any jam, marmalade.


• egg;

• 500 grams of dough;

• 180 grams of jam;

• 2 tablespoons of powder;

• 1 tablespoon of oil grows.


1. If you use frozen dough, then remove it from the refrigerator in advance. Grease a baking sheet with oil.

2. Expand the layer, roll out and cut the triangles.

3. On a wide portion, put a teaspoon of jam. If it is liquid, then you can pour a little flour or starch, but do not get carried away, otherwise the taste and all the charm of the filling will disappear. It’s better to take a thick product or just pick berries and use them.

4. Twist the croissants, put on baking sheets, let go and bake.

5. Then cool, sprinkle with powder and you're done! By the way, there is not much jam. And when serving bagels it can also be offered.

Recipe 6: Puff pastry croissants with banana and chocolate

Bananas are ideal for toppings, because when baking, they do not produce as much juice as many other berries and fruits. Closely needed with yeast.


• 450 grams of dough;

• 2 bananas;

• 70 grams of chocolate;

• 1 egg.


1. Remove the peel from the bananas, cut in half lengthwise, then in small slices.

2. Chocolate is well cooled and crushed into crumbs. If bitter tiles are used, you can put a little sugar.

3. Roll out the dough with a layer, as usual, cut the triangles.

4. Put at the base of each 2-3 slices of banana, sprinkle with chocolate chips on top, firmly pinch, twist and bend with an arc.

5. As usual, let the dough rise, grease the deformed products with the egg and the oven until golden brown.

Recipe 7: Puff pastry croissants with glazed cherries

For such puff pastry croissants, you can use fresh, canned or frozen cherry berries. It is only very important to place them in a colander after removing the seeds and let the juice drain for several hours. You can speed up the process and squeeze the berries with your hands.


• 0.5 kg of dough;

• yolk;

• 150 grams of cherries;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 5 tsp. powder

• 1 tsp boiling water.


1. Roll out and cut the dough in the usual way. How this is done can be found in the recipes above.

2. Put 4-5 berries of cherries in each croissant and crush with granulated sugar. Close the edges and twist the bagel, twist the tips.

3. We carry out the procedure with all the other berries and pieces of dough. We shift to a baking sheet, leave for thirty minutes.

4. Grease with yolk, mixed with water, and bake.

5. For icing, you need to combine powdered sugar with a spoonful of boiling water, stir intensively. Cook immediately before use.

6. Remove the croissants from the oven and apply sugar icing on the surface with a brush. You can make several layers. Cool and set the kettle!

Recipe 8: Puff Pastry Croissants with Ham and Cheese

A variant of puff pastry croissants with savory filling. In fact, instead of ham, you can take any meat product. Tasty with sausage, boiled chicken, brisket. You can even cook with crab sticks or fish.


• 0.2 kg of ham;

• 0.4 kg of dough;

• 0.2 kg of cheese;

• 1 egg;

• sesame seeds;

• a little pepper.


1. We will do the filling fast. Simply cut the ham into cubes, three large cheese, mix, pepper. If the ham is lean, you can add a little mayonnaise, it will be tastier. But just a little bit, one spoon is enough.

2. Now everything is as usual. We roll out the dough, cut it into triangles, sculpt croissants, and send it onto baking sheets.

3. Let’s come up, grease with a beaten egg and immediately, until it has dried, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

4. Bake until cooked, about 18 minutes at 180 degrees. These croissants are best served warm. Although cold, they are also very tasty.

Puff pastry croissants - useful tips and tricks

• When kneading home-made puff pastry, one should not actively beat liquid ingredients, much less use a mixer or whisk. The French believe that a large number of bubbles harm the finished product. It should rise only due to the work of yeast fungi.

• Insufficient oiliness can hopelessly spoil the dough. This is especially true for the product for rolling. If there is a lot of water in it, then there can be no talk of any layering.

• Croissants are best baked at different temperatures. At 180 degrees, they are baked inside, and at 210 degrees you need to fry a golden crust.

• To get a crisp, you can remove the croissants from the oven at the end of baking and grease with whipped protein and sugar. This is done in a thin layer with a brush. Then the product is fried further.

• Not enough filling? Roll and bake empty croissants! They can be greased and sprinkled with nuts and seeds. Or, after baking, cover with glaze. Or you can just serve it with any syrup or sweet sauce.


Watch the video: Joanne Chang: "Flour, Too". Talks at Google (June 2024).