Lush liver patties: recipes. Which liver makes the most magnificent liver patties: chicken, beef or pork?


The attitude to the liver at different times was ambiguous. Either science considered it harmful and dangerous, then the liver was called a very valuable product.

People eat the liver of pets, birds, and fish.

1. The liver of animals: beef (cows) and pork (pigs).

2. Liver of birds: chicken, goose, duck, turkey.

3. Liver fish: mainly cod

- burbot, saffron cod, cod and other species.

Fish liver

This delicacy was once a rarity among citizens. Now such a product has become more affordable at the festive table. From it they get fish oil, which is so useful for children.

Cod liver is rich in vitamins and minerals. One serving of a dish prepared from the liver supplies the body with a norm of healthy vitamins for a week, or even more. The most valuable human amino acid is Omega-3.

Cod liver is recommended for people with heart disease, anemia, gallstone and urolithiasis. Fish liver helps to maintain vision, hair, teeth, skin, brain in a normal condition. Drinkers and smokers support their own liver. In canned liver, cod-613kcal / 100g of product. Sandwiches, salads are prepared from the cod liver, tomatoes are stuffed, etc.

Liver of animals and birds

The liver contains 70-75% of water, 17-20% of proteins, 2-5% of fats. It contains a lot of iron, copper, amino acids, vitamins and ascorbic acid. For someone who at least once a week consumes dishes from the liver, the calcium necessary for bone tissue is well absorbed. Vitamins contained in the liver protect the body from osteoporosis, heart attack, supports its own liver from the effects of overeating, smoking, alcohol. The benefits of this product for different animals and birds:

1. Chicken liver - contains the daily intake of iron for the body. Also helps the formation of red blood cells. Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

2. Duck and goose-lower cholesterol in the vessels and prevent heart attacks.

3. Turkey is indicated for those who are on a diet for weight loss.

4. Beef liver - incorporates a high content of vitamins A and B, important trace elements. Existing chromium and heparin contribute to blood coagulation. The liver is indicated for kidney diseases, while folic acid in the liver gives strength to the body and enhances immunity.

5. Pork liver is similar in composition to beef, it is useful for smokers, it has potassium, calcium and sodium.

6. The cod liver is considered to be incredibly useful, it has fats, acids, proteins, vitamins A, E, D and folic acid in its composition. It gives strength to the legs, strengthens eyesight and gives elasticity to the skin.

5. The most expensive liver in cooking is foie gras. It is obtained from poultry ducks and geese, preventing them from moving. Under such conditions, the liver becomes 10 times larger and unusually tender.

Harmful properties of the liver

Along with the huge benefits of the liver to the human body, it is not recommended for the elderly. The fact is that the liver is very rich in cholesterol, its composition of this product contains 100-270 mg / 100 g of liver. Elevated cholesterol leads to stroke, heart attack and coronary heart disease.

Cooking Liver

This product can be consumed in a diet — it contains only 3% fat, but 18% protein. When treating any liver, large blood vessels, gallbladder ducts and lymph nodes should be removed from it. To remove the films, you need to rub them with lemon juice or salt. The raw liver tastes bitter to taste, so before cooking it is soaked in milk for about 20 minutes to 2 hours. The chicken liver is soaked in cold water so that all the blood comes out of it.

You can use an absolutely healthy liver. It can not be eaten by people who have increased thyroid function or are allergic to this by-product. It is advisable to cook a dish from the liver no more than once a week, in order to avoid an excess of vitamins in the body.

Cooking liver patties is similar to meatball recipes. They also taste like meat, but juicier and more tender. Chicken liver is better and easier for cutlets - there are no veins in it. For the preparation of minced meat, the liver of any animal, even not very young, is suitable. Buckwheat, brand, rice, crackers, fried carrots are added to the minced meat.

The secrets of making lush liver patties

Stuffing for such cutlets should not be liquid. To do this, add the crumb of bread soaked in milk to the grinded liver. Bread will absorb some of the moisture in itself and make the meat more thick and puffy.

You can add small oatmeal to the stuffing. They will slightly swell and cutlets will become even more magnificent and tender.

After frying, pour a little water into the pan, close the cutlets with a lid and simmer for 3-4 minutes. They become even more tender under steam.

Lush oatmeal liver patties

To prepare such cutlets, you will need such products:

-350-400g chicken or beef liver;

-250 g of stale bread;

-1 egg;

-1 onion;

-2 tablespoons of small oatmeal;

-1 glass of milk;

- salt and pepper to taste;

-vegetable oil.

1. Cut the crusts from stale bread and pour milk in a deep bowl for 10 minutes to swell. Wash and dry the liver.

2. Grind the liver in a combine or blender.

3. Cut the onion into 4 parts and put in the minced meat, the same egg, salt, pepper. Kill everything again with a blender.

4. Squeeze the bread and add, as well as small oatmeal, knead. Leave on the table for 15 minutes to make the oatmeal swell. If the flakes are large, then give more time to swell.

5. Preheat the pan and in a vegetable oil with a spoon to impose the cutlet mass. Brown meatballs over medium heat until browned for 3-4 minutes, then turn over and also fry.

6. When the cutlets are fried, pour a little water into the pan, close the lid. Douse for another 3-4 minutes.

Serve with sour cream.

Liver cutlets with potatoes

Potato starch will make cutlets tender and prevent them from falling apart.

To prepare lush liver patties with potatoes you will need:

-300g of beef liver;

-2 medium potatoes;

-1 onion;

- salt and pepper to taste;

Vegetable oil for cooking

1. Wash and dry the liver with paper towels.

2. Cut the onion into 4 parts and grind in a meat grinder together with the liver.

3. Potatoes on a fine grater and quickly mix with minced meat, because it is getting dark.

4. Add salt and pepper to the minced meat.

5. Spread the cutlet mass with a spoon in a hot pan and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side.

6. Add a little water and stew under the lid for 3-4 minutes.

Lush liver patties with semolina

Semolina is used in many powders and breadings. It is a neutral product in minced meat - it does not interrupt the taste of the main course. Because it is often used as a sorbent, it takes on excess moisture.

Product Composition:

-250 g any liver;

-2 tablespoons of semolina;

-1 egg;

- salt and pepper to taste;

-vegetable oil.


1. To kill the liver in a combine or blender.

2. Stir in an egg, semolina, pepper, salt in minced meat. Let it brew for 20-25 minutes on the table.

3. Fry, as usual, 3-4 minutes on each side.

4. Stuff out with 100 g of water under the lid for 3-4 minutes.

Lush liver patties with mushrooms and carrots

Cutlets with carrots are bright, and mushrooms fill them with a delicate aroma.


-400 g of the liver;

-150 g of champignons;

-1 onion;

-1 carrot;

-1 tablespoon of semolina;

- salt and pepper to taste;

-vegetable oil.


1. Crush the mushrooms very finely at 0.5 cm and fry them so that they "give away water."

2. Finely chop the onion.

3. Grate the carrots.

4. Add onions and carrots to the mushrooms, lightly fry.

5. Grind the liver.

6. Mix the minced meat with frying.

7. Fry the patties for 3-4 minutes on each side.

8. Stew for 4 minutes.

Lush liver patties with crispy crust

These cutlets will also contain meat. This will dilute the liver taste of cutlets.


-300g of liver stuffing;

-200g minced pork;

-1 cup cornmeal;

-1 egg;

-1 onion;

-1 clove of garlic;

- salt, pepper to taste;

-vegetable oil.


1. Mix two minced meat together.

2. Add 1 tablespoon of cornmeal and egg to the minced meat.

3. Finely chop the onion and grate the garlic.

4. Mix onion and garlic with minced meat.

5. Bread cutlets in corn breading and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side.

6. Put out the lid.

7. Put the patties on a paper towel to remove fat.


Watch the video: Liquid Meat + GHOST CHILI PEPPER and King of Crackling! Food Tour in Belo Horizonte, Brazil! (July 2024).