How many times a year you can do an ultrasound, x-ray and fluorography. What you need to know about these studies, how not to go over the radiation dose


The habit of using these studies to diagnose the condition of the body raises the logical question - how often it is possible to carry them out without harm to health. To answer it, you should carefully consider them individually and in comparison.

How many times a year you can do x-rays

X-ray is a rather complicated scientific procedure for studying the tissues of the human body. To date, science has not yet created anything more perfect for replacing X-rays, but this technique is largely controversial in terms of health effects.

Its essence lies in recording on a special film (initially, and then, of course, everything can be converted into digital form) of images obtained as a result of the passage of x-ray waves through the human body.

They really are a kind of radiation, and although in its natural form it is constantly present in the surrounding world (for example, in the sun), in this case, the single dose it receives with each picture is significant.

X-rays are widely used to check the integrity of the skeletal system (the presence of fractures, control of their fusion), in dentistry, for the diagnosis of some ENT diseases. And in general, it is informative (due to the characteristics of the waves), mainly for hard tissues.

The detrimental effect of an X-ray is based, roughly speaking, on its ability to knock electrons out of a person’s body. The body is able to recover - but gradually and subject to not too intense loads of this kind.

Therefore, the opinion of most doctors is unambiguous - if an x-ray affects the head (brain) and spinal column - then it does not need to be done more than 1 time per year.

If we are talking about pictures of limbs (arms, legs) - you can take up to 5 pictures a year.

Only 5 times you can visit the x-ray at the dentist, and then provided that the radiation will be directed only to the teeth, with protection (closing) is not necessary for the image of the head.

But if there is a need for this, it is naturally more correct to expose the body to very frequent stresses than, for example, to allow incorrect bone fusion after an accident.

Plus, how often, how many times a year an X-ray is taken, whether it is possible to combine several examinations with it in a short time interval, is largely influenced by modern technologies - many clinics are equipped with the latest equipment, due to which the X-ray emits much less harm and is characterized by the highest informational content.

Regardless of the frequency of creating x-rays, after the study it is recommended to support the body with a varied diet, including in the diet, in particular, foods rich in antioxidants - sea fish, oatmeal, grapes (better than black and sweet varieties), as well as those generally conducive to quick recovery foods like whole grain bread, nuts, dairy.

How many times a year you can do fluorography

This diagnostic method, in fact, is a lightweight version of the x-ray, that is, with it the human body is also exposed to radiation, but to a much lesser extent.

Which, firstly, allows you to focus the research area on soft tissues, and secondly, poses a significantly lower threat to health.

Most often, using fluorography, the state of the respiratory system (lungs) is examined, revealing the presence and characteristics, in particular, of pathologies such as:

• tuberculosis;

• pneumonia;

• pleurisy.

This diagnosis is somewhat less popular for monitoring the cardiovascular system.

Fluorography is mandatory for many professions, for example, for cooks, mining workers, teachers in kindergartens, often for students. In a word, for all those whose activities involve contact with many people (or with something intended for them) or are associated with certain health risks.

The fluorography passage rate for them is 1-2 times a year and also for 12 months the results of a study conducted as a preventive measure for all people are considered valid, relevant.

It is indicated for a number of chronic diseases, as well as for those who are completely healthy.

When the patient is done and how many times a year does fluorography, is it possible to replace it with other studies (for example, laboratory tests) - the doctor determines, sometimes its potential harm is assessed lower than the practical benefits for timely diagnosis (for example, with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system).

In any case, after it will not be superfluous to support the body by the same methods that are indicated above as recommended after an X-ray.

And just like x-rays, fluorography is undesirable to undergo during pregnancy (but this does not impose a ban on it at all), and during lactation - from diagnosis to feeding, a certain amount of time must pass.

In addition, fluorography can be postponed, postponed due to the patient’s serious condition (for example, breathing problems).

How many times a year you can do an ultrasound

Today, ultrasound seems to be one of the most dynamically developing diagnostic methods, widely in demand by medicine for a variety of purposes, in particular, to monitor the condition:

• urinary system organs;

• gastrointestinal tract;

• liver, gall bladder and bile ducts;

• of cardio-vascular system;

• thyroid gland;

• spleen;

• mammary glands (prevention and treatment of cancer);

• reproductive system;

• pregnancy (from determining the timing of conception to developing the fetus and determining its gender).

The list of ultrasound scopes can be continued for a long time, but it’s still important to note that the technique is appreciated for the ability to observe the body “in motion” - the image is displayed in real time on the screen of a special device (and can then be captured on images).

The method itself is based on the reflection by the tissues of the human body of ultrasonic waves of certain frequencies (different, in particular, for some organs, its areas).

Today, scientists are inclined to recognize ultrasound as a completely harmless diagnostic method - ultrasound waves are not able to accumulate in the human body, and the accompanying heating of the tissues is so short-term that it also cannot in any way negatively change the state of the body.

Thus, the question of how many times a year you can do an ultrasound scan, it is reasonable to ask the appropriate specialists and the doctors' answer will be unanimous - as often as necessary for timely and complete diagnosis. Do not be afraid even of several such studies in one day.

Moreover, the procedure actually has no contraindications, and how often a person how many times a year does an ultrasound scan, you don’t have to think about, except for the very unique cases prohibiting him and the general rule that the patient should not have an apparatus damage to the skin.

How and how many times a year you can do x-rays, fluorography and ultrasound in combination with each other

Modern medicine considers all three diagnostic methods to be almost equivalent, each intended for its own purposes and partly mutually complementary (for example, sometimes pathology in the body can be initially fixed with x-rays and examined in more detail using ultrasound).

As for their compatibility, then doctors share ultrasound and fluorography with x-rays. The first method, as already mentioned, is harmless and, without affecting anything, can be combined with any diagnostic methods. The second two methods that are close in terms of the method of action, ultrasound do not contradict, but are extremely undesirable in mutual combination in one short time interval (for example, one day), in addition to those cases where clarification of the patient’s health status is of great importance and is urgent.

When determining how many times a year fluorography and x-ray can be done, they cannot be taken into account instead of each other, and it can definitely be said that after frequent forced x-rays, the frequency of examinations using fluorography should be reduced if possible (and vice versa).


Watch the video: My Swallow Study (July 2024).