Pancakes with ham and cheese - yum-yum! The recipe for delicious pancakes with ham and cheese: baked, stuffed, with sugar


Ham, pancakes, cheese.

The best you can think of from these products is to put them together.

And then the glory of a wonderful hostess is simply assured to you.

In addition to excellent taste, these dishes have another significant advantage - satiety. You no longer need to stand at the stove, baking piles of thin pancakes. Enough to do 10-15 stuff, combine with the filling and you're done!

Pancakes with ham and cheese - the general principles of cooking

There are hundreds of dough options for pancakes and each housewife has her own time-tested recipes. Basically, pancakes are cooked on plain wheat flour, but you can also take a pancake. Also add eggs, salt, sugar, milk or water to the dough. Tasty and lush turn out pancakes on kefir. You can also knead yeast dough, but because of the thickness of such products are not suitable for stuffing.

Pancakes are baked in a pan with a thick bottom. But modern housewives are increasingly using casual non-stick skins or special pancake makers.

Cheese and ham are used for the filling or they are added to the dough itself and pancakes are prepared. For filling products are cut or rubbed, add spices, sauces, herbs and mix. Pancakes are folded with envelopes, rolls, triangles.

Recipe 1: Pancakes with ham and cheese "Crispy" on the water

A stunning recipe for crispy pancakes stuffed with ham and cheese. The dough is kneaded on water, the products are thin, not torn. But especially succeeds crisp, in the preparation of which there is nothing complicated.


• 2 eggs;

• 200 grams of water;

• 1 cup sifted flour;

• a pinch of salt;

• 1 spoon of sugar;

• breadcrumbs;

• butter;

• 200 grams of ham;

• 150 grams of cheese.


1. Take one egg, mix with salt and sugar, add water and shake with a whisk. Gradually add flour. In order not to form lumps, continuously stir the dough with a whisk. At the end pour in a spoonful of butter.

2. Fry thin pancakes in a frying pan, put in a pile.

3. Cut the ham and cheese into any pieces. You can straw, dice, and even just rub, but large chips.

4. We start pancakes with prepared mass, roll up rolls or envelopes.

5. Pour some butter into pan after pancakes. You can put a piece of cream, it will be even tastier.

6. Beat the remaining egg in a bowl. Separately, pour breadcrumbs in a plate.

7. Dip a rolled pancake into an egg, then roll in breadcrumbs.

8. Fry on both sides in hot oil until golden brown. Pancakes are incredibly fragrant and crispy.

Recipe 2: Simple pancakes with ham and cheese

Cooking the most simple pancakes, which are then stuffed with ham and cheese. The dough is kneaded classic, with milk and eggs.


• 3 eggs;

• 200 grams of milk;

• 260 grams of flour;

• 250 grams of water;

• 2 spoons of sugar;

• 1/3 spoons of salt;

• 40 grams of butter;

• 2 spoons of vegetable oil.

For filling:

• 250 grams of cheese;

• 400 grams of ham.


1. Whisk to beat: 2 eggs, salt, sugar.

2. Add water, mix well.

3. Pour the flour without ceasing to beat, and gradually pour in the milk. Stir until smooth, add vegetable oil.

4. Heat up the pan, grease with three drops of oil. We bake thin pancakes. In subsequent times, it is not necessary to lubricate the bottom of the pan.

5. Cut ham into cubes. We rub cheese shavings. We mix.

6. Put some stuffing on the pancake, then roll it up with an envelope. Stuff all the pancakes.

7. Put butter in a frying pan, heat well and fry.

Recipe 3: Pancake with Ham and Cheese Snack Cake

Royal dish of pancakes from pancakes with ham and cheese. This cake can be served at a family dinner, decorate them with a festive table or just diversify the daily breakfast. Cooking pancakes according to any recipe, you can make one of the above.


• 10 pancakes;

• 500 grams of ham;

• 300 grams of cheese;

• 250 grams of mayonnaise;

• 1 tsp. paprika;

• some green onions and dill.


1. We rub cheese, it is desirable in small shavings.

2. Ham also rubbed. If the product is soft and can not be done, then you can just very finely cut into cubes or straws.

3. Cut the greens, mix.

4. Divide the mayonnaise into 2 parts, add the paprika into one, mix it and then remove to the side. Colored sauce will be used for decoration.

5. Lubricate the pancake with a thin layer of mayonnaise, sprinkle with ham, then with greens and the last is cheese. It is important not to confuse the layers, as the cheese must be linked to the top pancake.

6. Put the second pancake on top and repeat in the same sequence: mayonnaise, ham, greens and cheese. We collect the whole cake, as long as the filling or pancakes is enough.

7. Put our product in the microwave for 2 minutes so that the cheese melts slightly. Then remove and cool.

8. We take out mayonnaise with paprika, coat the sides of the snack cake, sprinkle with greens. The top can also be simply smeared and sprinkled. Or put mayonnaise in a pastry bag (syringe), apply patterns on the surface.

Recipe 4: Pancakes triangles with ham and cheese

We knead dough for pancakes with ham and cheese on kefir, it turns out very soft and soft. Finished products are rolled up in triangles. Ham should not be too large in diameter to fit a slice on a quarter cake.


• 4 eggs;

• 300 grams of kefir;

• 2 spoons of butter;

• 170 grams of flour;

• 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;

• some butter;

• 1/3 spoons of salt;

• 1/32 tsp. food soda;

• 300 gr. ham;

• 150 grams of cheese.


1. We connect soda with kefir. Stir and set aside the mixture.

2. Stir 2 eggs with sugar and salt until dissolved, add half of kefir, then mix all flour, mix and dilute with remaining kefir.

3. Add 2 tablespoons of butter to the dough and fry the usual pancakes. More precisely, not quite ordinary. They will be very gentle and with small holes.

4. Cut the ham into slices by the number of pancakes. Cheese three.

5. Turn the pancake over to the wrong side, sprinkle with cheese, put a slice of ham on a quarter and fold the pancake in half, then one quarter sprinkle with cheese and fold it in half. Get a triangle. Optionally, you can lay the ham in another layer.

6. Beat 2 eggs, dip triangles and fry on both sides in butter. Eggs on the surface should not be many, so as not to make pancakes in an omelette.

Recipe 5: Rolls of pancakes with ham, cheese and tomatoes

Spectacular snack, which you can safely put on the festive table. If you wish, you can put more garlic and spices mentioned in the recipe inside. You can also vary the amount and type of greenery. Pancakes take any, but thin.


• 8 pancakes;

• 250 gr. cheese;

• 250 gr. ham;

• ½ bunch of dill;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 3 spoons of mayonnaise;

• lettuce leaves;

• black pepper.


1. Cheese should be finely grated along with peeled garlic cloves.

2. Cut diced ham and ship to the cheese mass.

3. Add chopped greens, mayonnaise, black pepper. To taste, you can also put paprika and any other flavored additives. Stir.

4. Tomatoes should be cut into oblong slices. If they are too juicy, the watery part with seeds is better to remove and use the pulp with sandpaper.

5. Put the pancake in front of you on the wrong side up. Back down from the nearby edge of 3 cm and lay out a horizontal roll of cheese filling with ham.

6. Put the tomato slices on top of the cheese filling. Twist the roll, cut into 3 equal parts.

7. Similarly, roll up the rolls from the rest of the pancakes, try to equally distribute the filling.

8. We lay lettuce leaves on the bottom of the plate, lay out a snack, decorate with greens, slices of tomatoes and you're done!

Recipe 6: Baked pancakes with ham and cheese

Original baked pancakes with ham and cheese in egg filling. They turn out very juicy, tender with a ruddy crust. We use any pancakes, you can prepare one of the above recipes.


• 10 pancakes;

• 3 eggs;

• 300 grams of cheese; 2 Bulgarian peppers;

• ham 300 grams;

• salt, greens.


1. Grate the cheese with small chips. A third is removed to the side, this part is required for the preparation of pouring.

2. Cut the ham into arbitrary slices, but not large. Combine with two pieces of cheese.

3. We clean the bell peppers from the seeds, cut them finely. Similarly, you can use tomatoes, but only fleshy and dense. Combine the peppers with the filling. Stir.

4. Grease the baking pan.

5. From each pancake and stuffing we form an envelope and put it in the form of seams down.

6. Beat 3 eggs with salt, add the remaining cheese chips, you can put black pepper.

7. Lubricate the pancakes laid in the form of the resulting sauce, just pour the remains on top.

8. We send to be baked in the oven. We take out as soon as the top is covered with a ruddy crust.

Recipe 7: Ham and Cheese Pancakes

Pripek - adding the filling to the dough itself. These pancakes are a little thicker than ordinary ones. We will cook on kefir.


• 2 eggs;

• 500 grams of kefir;

• 1.5 cups of flour;

• 1 spoon of sugar (incomplete);

• 0.5 tsp. salt and soda;

• 3 spoons of butter;

• 150 grams of hard cheese;

• ham 150 grams.


1. We extinguish soda in kefir.

2. Whisk, beat eggs with sugar and salt, gradually introduce kefir and flour, at the end oil. If kefir was liquid, then you can add more flour. If thick, then a little less.

3. Rub cheese and ham shavings. Mix with dough.

4. Lubricate the frying pan, pour the dough to the ladle and bake the pancake. As soon as it is browned on one side, you need to turn it over and cover for a minute with a pan with a lid so that the filling is fried.

5. Pancakes with pripoche can be greased with butter, served with sour cream, mustard, various sauces and fresh herbs.

Pancakes with ham and cheese - tips and tricks

• If you put more sugar in the pancake dough, the products will be more rosy and fried. But do not overdo it so that they do not burn, being raw inside.

• To make holes on the pancakes and the products are airy, put some soda in the dough before baking. You can also add a pinch of any baking powder.

• If hard cheese and low-fat ham are used for the filling, the filling will be dry. In this case, you can simply add to the mass a little butter, mayonnaise or greasy sour cream.

• Before baking the first pancake, the pan is smeared with a thin layer of vegetable oil. In old times, the surface was heated and rubbed with a piece of fresh bacon. Further, when baking, the pan can not be lubricated, as the butter is added to the dough.

• The main secret of pancakes - they need to be eaten after cooking, while they are fresh. After warming up, defrosting the taste is lost.


Watch the video: MANGO CHEESE PANCAKE ROLL (July 2024).