Melissa - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Melissa - general description

Melissa medicinal - perennial tall herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae. The branched root passes into an erect, highly branched stem with a pubescent apex, leaves are rounded, elongated, ovate with coarse veins, the lower part of the leaves resembles nettles with their feathers.

Inflorescences are bluish and yellowish-white in color, located at the base of the leaves, its fruit is small and hard. The plant can be detected by a very strong lemon smell, so its second name is "lemon mint".

Melissa - types and places of growth

Scientists of ancient times, starting from the ancient Romans 2000 BC, have already described the healing properties of lemon balm. The birth of grass took place on the territory of the Eastern Mediterranean, then it spread to the Balkans, Iran and throughout Europe and North America. Of the five species of plants in Russia, one grows - medicinal lemon balm, which can be found in the Lower Volga region, in the south-west of Siberia, in Ukraine, the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Medicinal lemon balm grows simply in the gardens, nicely adjacent to parsley and dill, it perfectly adapted to climatic conditions. In a wild form, she meets under the names honey, mother liquor, lemon mint, warrior, beekeeper. She got her last name because a huge number of bees always swarm over her.

Melissa - healing properties

The "Canon of Medicine" authored by Avicenna has a description of lemon balm as an invigorating plant organism that treats blockage of the brain and helps with sweat and bad breath. It contains a large amount of bitterness and acid and nitrogen compounds, so it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates appetite, eliminates flatulence and acts as an antiemetic.

And most importantly, its infusions soothe the nervous system, therefore this herb is widely used to treat nervous diseases, heart neurosis, headache and migraine, general weakness of the body, asthma, shortness of breath, high blood pressure. Colds, chronic catarrh, rheumatism - the help of lemon balm for these and other diseases can be obtained in official medicine and in home treatment.

Melissa - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, only young leaves and shoots are collected even before the flowering period begins. A large amount of essential oil (0.1-0.3%) contains the main components: citronellal, citrrnellol, linalool, geraniol, citral, tannins (rosmarinic acid), chlorogenic and coffee acids, bitterness, flavonoids, mucus and resins.

The leaves of the grass are dried at a low temperature, since the essential oils evaporate quickly, this effect is perfect for inhalation. Official medicine uses this herb in the soothing preparation "Melissa" as well as in some medicinal preparations and numerous dietary supplements.

Melissa - recipes

This medicinal plant is very widely used in the treatment of many diseases with the help of infusions and tinctures.

1. Infusion number 1. For headache (arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease): 4 tablespoons of lemon balm herb, 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour, take half a glass before meals. Leaf infusion is also taken to increase appetite, improve digestion, eliminate intestinal colic, flatulence.

2. Infusion number 2. From hepatic colic, a less concentrated infusion is used: 2 tablespoons of dry lemon balm herb, insist in 2 cups boiling water for 1 hour, strain and take lemon balm 1/2 cup before meals.

3. Vodka infusion of lemon balm with noise in the ears: 1 part herb to 3 parts of vodka, leave for a week, bury in the ears.

Melissa - contraindications

Among the contraindications, in addition to individual intolerance, there is arterial hypertension. Melissa is slightly toxic, so make sure that there are no overdoses.


Diana 04/28/2016
I did not know that lemon balm has any other fruits. Thought only leaves and all. I somehow did not have to drink melissa decoctions. I tried only a couple of times the tea bought in bags with lemon balm. Of course, I did not notice the effect.

I bought dried lemon balm, or rather, there was a collection. I needed to cure inflammation in a feminine way. I started to drink, and my pain was still worse, and this went on for the first couple of days. I already wanted to quit, but suddenly the pain stopped. I went to the hospital - healthy!

Margarita 04/28/2016
Yes, I also noticed these properties of lemon balm: on the one hand, it puts nerves in order, some stresses leave the head, it becomes calm and confident. At the same time, lemon balm gives vigor, I want to roll mountains, and I'm sure you can do it.

Yana 04/28/2016
Who does not know this beautiful plant! In my garden, melissa feels great. Melissa tea is my favorite drink. It amazes me how interesting it affects the body - on the one hand, it soothes perfectly, and on the other, it gives vitality.

Alla 04/28/2016
ABOUT!!!! Melissa!!! My favorite plant !!! Tea with lemon balm is just heavenly pleasure. I, quite often, consume this beautiful plant. Calm down, only her. Moreover, with pains on the female part, I drank a decoction of lemon balm, and I felt much better.


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