Armenian pita bread - recipes of the best dishes. What can be cooked from Armenian lavash? Recipes for holidays and everyday life: just delicious


Armenian lavash is a truly brilliant product from which you can cook a huge number of dishes. Sweet, salty, spicy, quickly arrange lunch, dinner or snack.

But the main thing is that they prepare very quickly.

Armenian lavash is combined with absolutely any products, from meat to fish and even yogurt.

It is a great alternative to classic bread, as it does not contain yeast. What would you like to make from Armenian lavash?

Features of cooking with Armenian lavash

Good Armenian lavash is soft, resilient, does not crumble, while thin, it has roasted spots on the surface. The product is stored in a plastic bag and is afraid of fresh air, which makes it fragile. Despite its low humidity, the product is prone to mold, which can form on the 4-5 day. Therefore, when buying a well inspect the sheets through the packaging.

Different dishes are made from pita:

• snacks;

• second courses;

• pies;

• national dishes.

Very often, pita bread simply replaces the unleavened dough and becomes the main ingredient of lazy recipes. It is filled with a variety of products, but the main flavor is given to sauces. Lavash is first lubricated, then filled with filling and folded. Various fillings can be used in cakes and lasagna. Often cheese is added to dishes, which combines the ingredients well into a single dish.

Snack rolls - the best recipes from Armenian pita bread

Perhaps this is the most popular and well-known snack of Armenian lavash, the recipe for which every woman knows. There are a huge number of filling options and there really is a lot to choose from. In a pita you can wrap a variety of foods that can be found in the refrigerator.


• pita bread;

• greenery.

Examples of tasty fillings:

• chicken + cucumber + cheese + mayonnaise + garlic;

• salmon + fresh cucumber;

• cottage cheese + garlic + mayonnaise or sour cream;

• sausage + cheese + vegetables;

• fried mushrooms + melted cheese + pickles;

• crab sticks + fresh cucumber + boiled eggs;

• fried minced meat + onions + sweet peppers + hard cheese.


1. Pita bread is spread on the table, smeared with any sauce, mayonnaise, melted cheese or ketchup.

2. Fold out filling. You can just mix everything or make layers, depending on the type of food, cutting method and desire.

3. Sprinkle greens, which must be chopped beforehand. If any spices are used, they are sprinkled with each layer. Salt is better than sauces, and not fresh vegetables, otherwise there will be a lot of juice and pita will be very sour.

4. Pita roll rolled, outer seam should be on the bottom.

5. Snack is allowed to stand for half an hour, preferably in the refrigerator. Then cut into slices, laid out on a dish and served on the table.

Quick cheesecake - another recipe from Armenian lavash

Pie from Armenian lavash - a recipe for lazy achma. This is a national Georgian dish, based on several layers of thin dough. Here we will replace it with pita bread. The filling is used traditional, we will not change anything. Immediately heat the oven to 180 degrees, since the active process of assembling the cake will take no more than 15 minutes.


• 200 grams of hard cheese;

• 2 eggs;

• some greens;

• 300 grams of cheese, feta or suluguni;

• 80 grams of oil;

• a glass of yogurt or kefir (can be ryazhenka);

• 4-5 pita bread.


1. Prepare the filling. To do this, chop hard cheese grated, and soft varieties by any other means. You can just mash with a fork or chop finely. Add greens and you're done!

2. Melt the butter.

3. Separately mix raw eggs with fermented milk product.

4. Take a deep pan or form, put two sheets of pita crosswise to free edges hanging. Inside lubricate previously melted butter.

5. The rest of the pita we tear into small pieces.

6. Take the pieces of pita bread, dip in the egg mixture, gently squeeze and, without straightening, lay out the first layer of the cake.

7. Spread some of the cheese filling. Then again the crumpled pieces of pita, soaked in kefir.

8. The number of layers is arbitrary; we do it until the products run out. Then we cover the top with hanging edges. If they are not enough, then you can put another piece of pita.

9. We take a big knife, make punctures in the cake and pour the remains of the kefir mixture.

10. We bake cheese cake for about half an hour, and its readiness will be signaled by an unmatched flavor.

Recipe for homemade shawarma from Armenian lavash

Another popular dish of Armenian pita bread, the recipe of which is no secret to anyone. It is possible to make shawarma from any kind of meat, but we will use chicken, as it quickly cooks and is loved by absolutely everyone.


• pita bread;

• 150 grams of chicken;

• spices;

• 100 grams of cabbage;

• one cucumber;

• 80 grams of sour cream;

• clove of garlic;

• one tomato.


1. Cut the chicken into strips, fry in a skillet until ready. Season with spices, cool.

2. Mix sour cream with a clove of garlic, pre-chopped, salt the sauce. You can add any greens to it.

3. Shred cabbage, mix with sliced ​​cucumber and tomatoes.

4. Spread a sheet of pita on the table, grease with sour cream sauce.

5. Put half of the vegetable salad in the form of a rectangle, departing 10 cm from the edge. On top of a little sauce, then the whole chicken and again the cabbage with tomato and cucumber. If sour cream remained, then we spread all.

6. Wrap the edge, from which not the stuffing receded, bend the sides to the middle. Fold the lavash with a straw and fry it on both sides in a pan, pressing the spatula to the bottom.

Hot roll - fragrant recipe from Armenian lavash

A hearty dish of Armenian lavash, the recipe of which can be slightly modified at its discretion. Minced meat is used as a filling, but if desired it can be replaced with chicken, fish and even crab sticks.


• pita bread;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• 120 grams of mayonnaise;

• butter;

• garlic;

• 2 pickled cucumbers;

• 500 grams of raw minced meat;

• onion;

• egg;

• any spices.


1. Crumble the onion, throw in the frying pan with butter and fry for a minute.

2. Add minced meat, spices and cook for about 5 minutes, stir well.

3. In mayonnaise (can be replaced with sour cream) squeeze a clove of garlic, add grated cheese and mix well.

4. Lubricate the pita cheese mass. The layer will be very thin.

5. Fold the layer of minced meat.

6. Sprinkle with sliced ​​pickles.

7. Fold the roll, put in a baking dish, directly or in the form of a ring, you can draw an arc. Then lubricate the egg and bake for 15-20 minutes. We take out as soon as a golden crust appears.

Recipe for lazy lasagna from Armenian pita bread

Italy and Armenia are two completely different countries, but there is something in common between them. From Armenian lavash you can cook Italian lasagna. Lazy version of the popular dish is not much different from the analogue, it turns out very juicy and amazingly tasty. Prepare?


• 3 pita bread;

• 0.5 kg minced meat;

• clove of garlic;

• 8 tomatoes;

• onion;

• 150 grams of hard cheese;

• a glass of milk;

• 50 grams of butter (butter);

• 150 grams of mozzarella;

• 2 tablespoons of flour.

From spices, you can use a dried mixture of Italian herbs, salt, pepper, oregano.


1. Fry the finely chopped onion with minced meat almost until tender, fill with any spices, do not forget to salt.

2. Cut the tomatoes in half, rub on a grater so that the skin remains in the hands. Add the garlic and put the tomato mass to boil down by half, the sauce should be thick enough.

3. For the bechamel sauce, put the flour in the pan, fry for a minute until golden brown and add the butter, melt. Then pour in a thin stream of milk. It is necessary to stir continuously in order not to form lumps. Heat the sauce, let it boil and turn it off.

4. Hard cheese three, cut mozzarella slices. Instead, you can use any other pickled cheese.

5. Cut the pita bread according to the size of the form, it can be a little less, so that they are easier to enter.

6. Lubricate the bottom of the form for lasagna with butter, then put the first pita bread. Pour over boiled tomato tomato sauce.

7. Spread half the stuffing, level. Fill with half the bechamel sauce, pour out half the hard cheese.

8. Cover with new pita bread. Lubricate tomato sauce, lay out the remnants of minced meat, pour the white sauce and lay out the remnants of cheese.

9. Cover with the last pita bread, smear with tomato sauce and put mozzarella plates on top.

10. Bake 15 minutes at 180 degrees, covering the form with lasagne foil. Then another 15 minutes without foil.

Pie "Borek" - a lazy recipe from Armenian lavash

A light version of Turkish unleavened pie. Lazy recipe from the Armenian lavash, which will save a huge amount of time, but it turns out no less tasty and juicy.


• 1 pita;

• 120 grams of mayonnaise or sour cream;

• 600 grams of ground beef or lamb;

• 3 bulbs;

• egg;

• salt;

• spoon dry adjika.


1. Cut onion very finely, mix with minced meat, add dry adjika and salt, mix.

2. Break the egg into a bowl, mix with two spoons of water.

3. Pita bread needs to be cut lengthwise so that it turns out 3 long strips.

4. We spread on each piece of pita bread a long strip of minced meat. We distribute all the stuffing at once on 3 sheets to get the same thickness.

5. Fold the long roll, lubricate the edge with an egg so that it sticks better and does not unfold.

6. Lubricate the form and put the resulting rolls in a spiral, you get a pie in the form of a snail. We grease it with an egg and send it to bake for about an hour, set the temperature to medium. If the top of the cake starts to fry strongly, then you can cover it with foil or parchment.

Recipes with Armenian lavash - tips and tricks

• In cold snacks, pita bread becomes very limp and in this state it resembles a raw dough. To avoid this, do not use too liquid sauces. You can simply grease the pita bread with melted cheese or its mixture with mayonnaise.

• If you decide to cook pita bread yourself, then in any case, do not use butter when baking. The pellet will lose elasticity and will crumble. Ideally, pita bread is baked in tandyr.

• For cold snacks from pita is undesirable to use a lot of oil and fatty meat. Lean pieces, fish, chicken breast or skinless meat are more suitable.

• Lavash dried up and began to crumble? Sprinkle it with clean water (a little) and put it in a plastic bag, it will go away. You can also hold it a little over a pot of boiling water. Steaming steam will gently soften the product. And if the pita is intended for rolling a roll or shawarma, then just grease with sauce, but do not rush to twist, let it soak until softened.


Watch the video: Lavash bread - recipe (June 2024).