Black cat: a cute pet or a sign of trouble? How to relate to signs.


Each person’s life is so unique and diverse that it has a place for everything: the good news, the problems that have fallen from nowhere, the overwhelming love, and even a miracle that sometimes cannot be explained by any facts.

Sometimes an event is preceded by a sign. In other words, a sign or a distinctive sign commemorating an event. And sometimes it happens that in the lives of some people it is signs, and not the events themselves that play the main roles.

Accept - a great many, but let's focus on the most familiar and common. After all, for sure you have repeatedly turned off the path of a person crossing your road with an empty bucket. Or returning home for a forgotten thing, canceled all plans for that day. Or dropping the cutlery, waiting for the guest to the doorstep. And having broken their favorite cup, they counted on happiness in the house. What about a black cat? This legendary black cat, which figures as the personification of evil and failure, appeared in your personal living space.

It is believed that all signs and signs sent to a person work only with those who sincerely believe in them. At the same time, we note that the sign itself can carry both negative and positive meaning. That is, it all depends on the treatment of examples. So it depends on you whether you will bring immeasurable happiness or bitter disappointment into your life.

So what do omens still mean? What is their role in life? Is it a myth or a reality? And what if a black cat with an empty bucket still crosses your path? Let's try to figure it out.

Broken dishes

Are the dishes beating fortunately? Well, of course. This is a true statement. If you have broken dirty dishes, you are at least spared the need to wash them. If it’s new, you have a wonderful reason to update your service or treat yourself to a beautiful cup. In any case, the dishes beat when they cracked or could not withstand heavy energy stress. So, you have cleaned your house and aura of negativity. Beat the dishes for happiness and be happy!

Empty buckets

So: in anticipation of working feats, you are moving towards the office. The weather is beautiful on the street, plans for fulfilling office tasks are ripening in my head and here ... across from your dreams and dreams a neighbor from the entrance with an empty bucket towards. Well, who said that an empty bucket for failure? Who is so smart there long ago came up with the idea that a woman with an empty bucket comes with a specific purpose - to take away a piece of your luck? And let's try a different interpretation.

Firstly, since the bucket is empty, it is quite possible that it is NOT STILL empty, but ALREADY empty. Most likely she got rid of something unnecessary from this bucket. I threw out a negative, something superfluous, not needed in life, thereby opening up new prospects and solutions to problems. And secondly, you always have the opportunity to throw something in her bucket. At least a share of positive. Both will win and your day will go according to plan and in a good mood.

Spilled salt

How many magical properties are attributed to this mineral? With its help they treat, bring their favorite dishes to the highest culinary masterpiece and even ... remove damage. It is believed that if you salt the dish, it means falling in love. And sprinkle salt on the table - quarrel with loved ones. Why? Yes, because before in Russia, salt was valued at its weight in gold. And such a negligent attitude to an expensive product was necessarily accompanied by a quarrel between households. But, today salt is not a luxury. Sprinkled salt is not worth attention at all. Consider that the sign has depreciated. Laugh together at the clumsiness of the culprit of the incident and the conflict is neutralized and high spirits. And also remember, if according to old memory you want to throw a pinch over your left shoulder - this is for cleaning.

Broken mirror

Many signs are associated with mirrors. And the main rule is that the mirrors in the house should not only be intact, but also clean! Since they conceal the memory of the owners and have the ability to remember people and moods, then just more often admit your love to yourself by looking in the mirror. This attribute performs not only an aesthetic role in your life, but also the most irreplaceable. After all, it is so important to see how you look in a given time period. But if your mirror is broken - do not panic. Carefully collect the splinters and take them out of the house. You have free up space for a new acquisition and interior renovation.

Magical black cat

From time immemorial, meeting with a black cat did not bring anything good. Where did such a sign come from? And is this a myth or is it reality? Poor black cats are credited with all their failures, they are not loved and even afraid. Where does this attitude to these dearest devoted animals come from? Since ancient times, people believed that the black cat is the assistant and messenger of the devil. And the soul of a black cat is nothing but the soul of a black witch, capable of the most sophisticated dirty tricks. That is why they did not expect anything good from a meeting with this animal.

To avoid trouble after meeting such an animal, they even came up with several rituals to help neutralize its diabolical effect. You need to spit three times over your shoulder, cross your fingers on your left hand, grab the button on your clothes and even twist the cookie on your hand.

In fact, everything looks much simpler. To begin with, stop seeing the enemy in her and look into your eyes. Call the cat, pour her milk, feed her, make friends with her and you will see that she has nothing but a grateful soul and a devoted character. She herself is defenseless against a hated human being. And she herself needs help and shelter.

Imagine just for a minute how much a grimy pet had to endure in its life. How many kicks and curses were released on his furry head. Here it’s just right to think about who is unlucky anymore: a person who has met such a cat on its way or a cat that crosses the road a hundred times a day in the wrong place.

Stop getting angry, stop cheating yourself and associate this sweet creature with failure. Better yet, make yourself such a black friend. And you will see and understand that you have acquired a real talisman and a catalyst for good mood in your home and health.

Meet the new day with a smile, be friendly with people, live easily and simply. Do not get attached to the bad, forgive the offenders and very soon you will realize that all the successes and achievements in life depend only on you! Be happy and make the black cat happy. Then your every day will be filled with light, love and positive emotions. And the omen about a black cat will sink into oblivion and turn your animal from a dark negative tangle into a kind sweet pet.


Watch the video: HOW TO UNDERSTAND YOUR CAT BETTER (June 2024).