Treatment of cataract folk remedies at the initial stage. How to cure cataract with folk remedies without surgery?


Cataract is one of the most common diseases of the elderly. Its first signs - violation of the transparency of the lens fibersand in some cases partial or complete clouding of the lens.

The patient gradually reduced vision. He cannot distinguish the faces of people, read. The last stage of a cataract is characterized by the fact that a person is able to see only color and light without contours.

The main cause of the disease experts call metabolic disease. In addition, the lack of adequate nutrition of the eyes, reduced immunity adversely affects the lens.

It is necessary to seek help from an ophthalmologist, if you have observed:

• blurred vision

• blurry image

• decrease in visual acuity

• highlights, flashes (especially at night)

• painless sensitivity to light

• visibility of the halo around the light source

Cataracts are usually treated surgically. However, if you start treating the disease in time, you can slow down its development. This will help simple and natural folk remedies.

Treatment of cataract folk remedies - juices

1. Combine freshly squeezed juices, taken one by one: celery juice, parsley, lettuce. Add 4 portions of carrot juice to the mixture. Drink this tool that will fill your eyes with vitamins and beneficial substances.

Celery is indispensable for metabolic disorders and for various internal pathologies.

Parsley is also rich in essential oils, beneficial for the body microelements, acids. It is effective for any inflammation and problems with vision.

Salad removes salt deposits, improves the general condition of the body, removes toxins.

Carrots are used not only in cooking, but also for the treatment of various ailments. It is extremely rich in vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision.

In addition, carrots - a vegetable with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic properties. Carrots improve vision, removes from the body all that provokes the disease, and also strengthens the immune system.

2. A simpler version of the healing agent: carrot juice and parsley juice (3: 1). Drink well as described in 1 recipe.

3. Crush ripe blueberries, squeeze out the juice convenient for you, dilute it a little with water (1: 2). Use the composition as cataract drops only at bedtime.

4. Connect freshly squeezed carrot and spinach juice (10: 6). The benefits of carrots are written above. Spinach is famous for its rich vitamin content. In addition, it is able to cleanse, tone up, strengthen and protect the body from negative effects.

5. Drink often. carrot juice. Daily you can drink up to half a liter of useful natural product.

6. Squeeze the juice out of the bunch. parsley, tops of two small turnips, five carrots and one thick leaf of cabbage. Drink as a remedy for cataracts.

Treatment of cataract folk remedies with honey

1. A simple way to slow down the development of the disease is to drop a couple of drops of liquid high-quality honey three times a day in both eyes. For the procedure it is better to use acacia or may bee product. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Over time, gradually increase the honey content (up to 1: 1).

Eyes should be instilled for at least three weeks, after which you can take a ten-day break and begin treatment again.

2. Combine a teaspoon of good liquid honey with the same amount of aloe juice. Add boiled water (1 tablespoon) to the mixture, stir and pour 2-3 drops three times a day into each eye.

3. Cook 1 chicken egg. It should be tight. Then cut in half and remove unnecessary in this case, the yolks. Put honey in half protein (0.5 teaspoon), set aside for a day.

The resulting fluid in the proteins is the drug. Drain it in a glass container and place in the refrigerator.

Bury a couple of drops in the morning and evening with healing mixture. Long-term treatment - at least 3-4 months. Store the medicine in the refrigerator for up to three days, then make a fresh remedy.

4. Cut out the middle of the apple. Pour honey into the hole, and cover with the top of the piece of apple that you cut. Insist the remedy for two days, and then pour it into a clean glass dish and use a couple of drops twice a day for instilling into both eyes.

5. Pour a teaspoon of honey with a glass of not too hot water and place the container on a grill of fire. Let five minutes leave. Cool and make lotions on the eyes several times a day.

Honey is not recommended for diabetes and an allergic reaction to the product. Treatment of cataracts with honey is effective only in the early stages of the disease.

Cataract treatment with folk remedies - popular recipes

1. Midden or starfish medium - small weed, which is widely used to treat many diseases, including cataracts. Pour chopped grass (2 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water. Let the medium brew. Then strain it, bury in each eye a few drops three times a day.

Mokritsa has a soothing, softening, antiseptic effect. Its various vitamins, organic acids, essential oils and other substances make the plant truly healing.

2. Grind thyme and take grass powder (1 tsp.) for the night, seizing honey.

Thyme or thyme is a natural antibiotic with a powerful antiseptic effect. Thyme is contraindicated in case of stomach ailments, as well as during pregnancy.

3. Pour a couple of tablespoons. calendula - strong anti-inflammatory agent with boiling water (500 ml). Allow the composition to infuse for about half an hour, then strain it and drink at least three times a day (100 ml), and rinse with a healing extract of the eye.

4. Connect the flowers chamomile, wild rose, crushed burdock leaf. Stir collection with your hands and pour boiling water over it. Let the mixture simmer a little while covering the container with a lid.

Inside on the lid you will see healing droplets. They then need to collect and use for instillation into the eyes with a cataract.

5. Squeeze the juice from the leaves. aloe. Connect it with a small piece of mummy. Bury a healing agent for a month drop by drop before going to bed. After this period, use only aloe juice in its pure form.

6. Rinse eyes or make compresses from infusion. herb eyebright. To prepare a healing tool is simple: pour 3 teaspoons of the plant with boiling water (2 cups). Let the mixture stand, cool, and strain. Medicinal composition is ready! Use it for its intended purpose.

7. Another popular recipe on the basis of Eyebright. Prepare alcohol tincture: fill the grass (100 g) with vodka (1 l). Allow the mixture to infuse (better in the dark) for at least 3 weeks and consume 15 drops per day.

Eyebright contains nutrients necessary for eye health. But it is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach with low acidity, with hypotension and pregnancy.

8. When cataract is useful to breathe. infusion of valerian rootcooked personally. Fresh valerian root wash, dry, chop and pour alcohol (100 g). Allow the agent to brew for 10-12 days, then breathe the healing vapors of the plant before bedtime.

Cataract Diet

The best nutrition to the eyes is provided by products that are a powerful antioxidant. These include: cabbage (white cabbage and broccoli), spinach, eggs.

Maintains vascular tone of the eyes and reduces the risk of cataract fruits and vegetables containing a lot vitamin C: oranges, peaches, strawberries, tomatoes, red peppers, etc.

Vitamin E, part of peanuts, hazelnuts, seeds protects the eyes from the negative effects of free radicals.

Zincred beans, beef, chicken and seafood are no less important for eye health. Cataracts also fight omega-3 fatty acids found in fish: salmon, tuna, sardines, as well as walnuts and linseed oil.

The risk of developing cataracts reduces the use of foods such as brown rice, oatmeal, wholemeal bread. Apricots, melon, cranberry, honey improve vision.

In order for your eyes to remain in good condition for a long time, combine all the above products, do not get carried away with something one. In addition, drink enough liquid: green tea, herbal decoctions, mineral water without gas.

Minimize fatty products, sugar and baking. It is also better to abandon the marinated, canned, smoked food. Use more mulberry in any form.

To prevent a cataract, you can follow simple recommendations from your youth: use sun protection (glasses), use the “right” products, alternate tedious for the eyes work with active rest.

If a cataract already occurs, use the simple methods of treatment described above. This will help to stop the pathological process. But you should know that the main treatment of the disease when popular methods are ineffective is surgery.


Watch the video: Do You Have Cataracts? - Mayo Clinic (June 2024).