Salad "Watermelon Slice" - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked salad "watermelon slice."


In the cold winter and harsh days, there is a lack of a piece of fresh summer. I want to colorfully furnish not only the rooms, but also a festive table. Offer your family and friends not only delicious, but also summer-style decorated "Watermelon Slice" salad. Such an unexpected and colorful design will cause a storm of enthusiasm and a feeling of summer warmth. Also this salad will perfectly attract the attention of a small company that does not always agree to use boring and monotonous dishes.

Salad “Watermelon slice. "Preparing Products

So, externally, the salad is made as a watermelon slice, that is, it is divided into two zones, the green rind and red flesh. Peel can be decorated with greens or fresh cucumbers, and the role of red flesh perfectly performed tomatoes, decorated with pieces of olives. However, it is possible that during the cooking process, the hostess herself will have interesting ideas for decorating the "Watermelon slice" salad.

Salad Recipes Watermelon Slice

Recipe 1. Salad "Watermelon slice" of chicken

You can even make such a salad for children's parties. Children will be delighted with the view, and their parents from the taste.

Ingredients Required:

• 400 g - breast;

• 200 g - mushrooms;

• 2 pcs. - tomatoes;

• 1 bunch - green onions;

• 3 pcs. - cucumbers;

• 2 pcs. egg;

• 150 g - cheese;

• 300 g - sour cream;

• 100 g - olives.

Cooking method:

So, a part of the listed ingredients will be needed to create the shape of a salad, and the other part will go to the design of a watermelon slice.

Boil eggs and breast, but in separate pans. After cooking and cooling the ingredients, cut them into cubes. Mushrooms will need fresh, so pre-cut them into thin slices and fry together with onions until golden brown in a pan.

You can proceed to the main process. We take directly the salad bowl, in which we will issue a watermelon slice. The ingredients are stacked in layers, so immediately create a crescent shape. The first layer is boiled bacon. Meat smeared with sour cream. Next are fried champignons with onion mixture, these vegetables are also spread with a cream layer. The last are eggs, which also need to coat with sour cream. Decorate the slice. Cut tomatoes into squares, stripes, as you like. For decoration, it is better to take a dense tomato base, rather than a watery gruel. The flesh of the watermelon is formed from a tomato, and the sides are decorated with cucumbers, which are pre-cut into strips. It remains to create grains, for this we use olives. Lightly sprinkle grated cheese.

Recipe 2. Salad "Watermelon Slice" with mushrooms

Ingredients Required:

• 200 g - ham;

• 250 g - champignons;

• 3 pcs. - egg;

• 100 g - cheese;

• 2 tooth. - garlic;

• 200 ml - mayonnaise;

• for decoration - cucumber, olives, tomatoes.

• 3 tbsp. l - lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Salads cooked in any form, in our case this is a watermelon slice, do not accept haste and fast work. Therefore, first we will do cutting and preparation of all the components, and after that we will start creating the "watermelon" image.

Onions with mushrooms are cut, it can be strips, plates, as convenient, and lightly fried in a pan. Peel and chop the boiled eggs. Ham also cut into cubes. Also for this dish we need to prepare a light and simple sauce. All that is required is to mix the mayonnaise with the pressured garlic, chop the dill finely and stir vigorously. Products are cut, the sauce is ready. You can decorate.

Chop tomatoes and cucumbers at their discretion. Semicircularly expose the ingredients in layers, each layer is coated with a light sauce. So, layers: ham, onions with mushrooms; eggs and grated cheese.

We decorate. Boca, that is, the green part of the salad, decorated with cucumbers. Be patient and do everything very carefully. Put tomatoes on top. Please note tomatoes are also coated with mayonnaise sauce. Top add olives, performing the role of watermelon seeds. Leave the salad in the fridge for impregnation.

Recipe 3. Salad "Watermelon Slice" with cheese

If the previous options were suitable for decorating a festive feast, then we will offer a simpler version that can be quickly prepared for children on ordinary days.

Ingredients Required:

• 3 pcs. - potatoes;

• 200 g - cheese;

• 2 pcs. red bell pepper;

• 1 PC. - tomatoes;

• 2 tbsp. l - olive oil.

Cooking method:

Boil potatoes and rub, use the large side of the grater. Pepper will need to decorate the salad. You can sprinkle potatoes with spices, for example, oregano. Form a slice of watermelon, the first layer of potatoes, then cheese and tomato are rubbed with a thick layer. The cucumber is cut into strips and placed in a common layer on top of the salad, not only on the sides. It remains to chop the Bulgarian pepper and decorate the top finishing red layer.

Salad "Watermelon Slice" - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

The main thing in the watermelon slice salad is not the composition of the ingredients, but the design. It can be said that internally a salad can even consist of their seafood or fruit, but externally it should be the image of a watermelon slice. In the case of fruit salad, decorate the dish with green grapes and red pomegranate seeds.


Watch the video: Satisfying Salads That Don't Suck (June 2024).