The meaning of the name Dmitry - what does it mean and what does it promise a person? The origin and history of the name Dmitry


When a baby is born, he is given a name that gives the baby special abilities. It forms character, attitude towards people and to oneself. Often, when a name determines fate.

The meaning of the name Dmitry

The origin and history of the name Dmitry began in ancient Greece. Then people worshiped many gods and goddesses, among them stood out the one who was responsible for fertility and bore the name Demeter. The one who devoted himself to serving the great goddess was called Demetrios, which means "dedicated to Demeter." Gradually, the name was simplified and to our days came a sonorous and comfortable - Dmitry.

There is a second version of the origin of the name. Some argue that for the name Dmitry became the basis of the word meter - mother, divine mother. And in this the meaning of the name Dmitry corresponds to the version. He is attached to his family, especially to his mother. Therefore, travel and travel are not so easy.

It is worth noting that Dima should not trust secrets, since a person likes to talk and keep secret something difficult and sometimes impossible. But at the same time at work it is always leading positions, high posts.

The nature and fate of Dmitry

Like every person, the owner of the name Dima is distinguished by both positive and negative character traits, which affects his life.

Consider what the name Dmitry means positive. First of all, this person is a buoyant, incorrigible optimist. He is friendly with people, although he is offended, but quickly leaves. It is noted that Dim has a good creative imagination and can sparkle with erudition. The guy quickly learns in a strange place, knows how to build relationships with other people, knows how to make useful connections.

What bad can be found in Dmitry. You need to be prepared for the fact that impulsiveness can prevent you from making the right decision, and add negativity to selfishness and self-will. As a child, Dima is often naughty, very offended and needs protection. But you will not envy his enemies. If Dima disliked someone, then his cruelty will be manifested in everything in relation to this person. At the same time, already an adult Dima, will not miss the benefit and will use every chance that fell in his way. He seeks to get everything at once. During communication, she likes to listen to herself, because the dialogue quickly develops into a monologue. The interlocutor is unlikely to have the opportunity to speak out, since Dmitry is verbose, tries to say everything at once, and as a result is lost in his own thoughts. Often breaks into adventure. He likes to take risks, but successfully. However, every failure severely punishes Mitya.

Dima, when he gets down to business, he brings it to perfection. He is distinguished by a strong will, perseverance. Always striving to become a leader, can defend his opinion. However, his talkativeness often makes it difficult to reach heights. Laziness also interferes. Often there are Dmitry's in love with their mothers, this is due to the fact that in them women see their dreams that have not come true. Mitya does not love and does not see boundaries. Legends can be made about his courage, as can his cruelty. At the same time charming and incredibly amorous, but quickly departs.

As a rule, the origin and history of the name Dmitry suggests that at all times Dima possessed and still has a sanguine type of character. Clever, able to insist on his own, if necessary, turn on the imagination and come up with something. The new situation is not a hindrance, Mitya will quickly orient and make friends with the right people. However, he will not give in, he will remain with his opinion. Although stubbornness does not interfere with making many friends, because Dmitry is benevolent, and can even act as a patron.

Dmitry - name compatibility

The personal life of the holder of the name is an eternal holiday. Dima easily falls in love, is not indifferent to a female gender. Does not plot against ex-girls, wives. Not afraid to remarry. Loves children.

If you manage to tame Dima, then the family will be able to get together with the following representatives of the female half of the population: Anna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Elena, Marina, Elvira, Natalya.

But you should not even think about marriage and make plans for the following female names: Christina, Katya, Jeanne, Sophia, Polina and Julia.

Despite the fact that Dmitry is a very amorous man, he leads his sex life as is customary in society. The partner selects carefully, with experience. Mitya does not share love and sex; for him, these are inseparable concepts. Therefore, marriage can cause problems, but for Dmitry, the reason for the quarrels will not be clear. He does not feel responsibility to his wife. However, Dmitry loves children sincerely, is strongly attached, and is ready to help in everything. Also, he will not allow the adoption of his own child by another man, even if he is the husband of his ex-wife. Not addicted to alcohol. Mother will always come first.

Mitya quickly becomes a sexually active male, however, the habit of talking a lot, the desire to say everything at once and unrestrained energy make it difficult to attract a girl. At the same time, there is a sense of morality in him, he will not tolerate jokes from the side about love and sex. The first girl and woman does not appear immediately, but causes only the most reverent feelings, attentiveness and care. Because sex for him is in a special place and has a special meaning. Amorousness accompanies Dima all his life and even in old age repeated marriages are not excluded.

Dmitry - attitude to health

From childhood, the boy disposes of people around him. He is kind, flexible, calm. Studying at school, shows perseverance, if you initially pay attention to the education of Mitya, then in the future he will show success in the scientific direction. But subject to other people's influence, especially older comrades, with whom he prefers to have friendship.

As he grows up, Dmitry has charm, courage, and at the same time, cruelty grows. When injustice occurs or is directed towards him, resentment grows, which infuriates Mitya. Immediately rushes into battle, at this moment about the consequences of thoughts do not arise, which as a result is punished. To be friends with Dima must be patient. In particular, the boy, and only then the man is very proud, always tries to be better, higher, inaccessible. However, if a friend appears, then the loyalty of each of them is not in doubt.

He is active, temperamental, stubborn, has a strong-willed character, which contributes significantly to success in the field of show business, ballet. Even in politics, Dmitry will succeed. It attracts people to itself, the spirit of the magic of acting is felt in the name itself. A man is practical, money matters to him, he knows their value. From Dmitriev, good dentists, trade workers, often in senior positions, are obtained.

When they look at the meaning of the name Dmitry, they say that he is disciplined, which as a result requires others. Able to work, has a cold analytical mind. He does not make hasty decisions, first a thorough study of the problem, and only then draws conclusions and proposes a solution.

Cozy is important for Dima at home to be comfortable. Moreover, he needs a variety of pleasures and beautiful women. He will drink with pleasure in good company, but he cannot be called an alcoholic. He knows the measure and tries not to cross it.

The nature and fate of Dmitry

What does the name Dmitry mean if you look at his future career. When talking about the career growth of Dmitry, it should immediately be said that the holder of the name will always strive for the top of career Olympus. There is a creative beginning in a person, and when inspiration comes, bright and great ideas are born. The path is open for him to such professions as a writer, artist, scientist or composer. When circumstances force Mitya awakens incredible performance, endurance. But it is worth noting that the monotonous and routine work quickly tired of Dima. He needs constant movement, events, so that life is in full swing. Therefore, he will strive for a political Olympus or try to become a public figure. For such an occupation, he has a mind, eloquence and a generator of excellent and unusual ideas.

Dima is often distributed among entrepreneurs, organizers of movements, leaders.

Regarding business, Mitya is a risky guy who is ready to go all-in. At the same time, things will go with varying success, and money will quickly end. His unusual business abilities can develop and help achieve more if there are no stops on pipe dreams and dubious scams.

Working at the enterprise is more able to rise from the bottom, thanks to its sociability and incredible hard work. Therefore, the movement up the career ladder will go smoothly, without sharp jumps, but stable. At the same time, any sphere of human life is accessible to him. It is worth noting that Dima will not engage in work that he does not like, but if the project captivates him, you can be sure that it will be completed. He does not like sudden changes, he tries to keep life stable. Has a penchant for exact sciences, loves research projects.

Famous Dmitry in the history of Russia

Russian land has always been rich in talents, many of which bore and still bear the name Dmitry.

Dmitry Pozharsky. The great Russian prince, who lived in the 16th century. He took part in the liberation of Moscow from the invaders who came from the Polish-Lithuanian principality. He was a political and military leader.

Dmitry Shostakovich. Composer, pianist, taught and conducted active social activities. Winner of many awards, hero of work, people's artist.

Dmitriy Mendeleev. Great Russian scientist. The creator of the periodic table. He was engaged in chemistry, physics, metrology, economics and many other sciences.

Dmitry Kharatyan. Actor of the Soviet Union and Russia. Honored and People's Artist, has the medal "Professional of Russia".

Dmitry Likhachev. Scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, screenwriter.


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