Nutritionists told how to lose weight without changing the quantity and quality of food. Scientific research on the basic principles of weight loss


Nutritionists have found that the process of losing weight, which many cannot fully sustain, can be facilitated: you need to eat no less, but simply at a certain time interval.

It turned out that if you eat for 12 hours a day (for example, from 9 am to 9 pm), and in the remaining 12 just do not touch the food, then you can have a significant impact on fat processes in the body.

It is curious that all this completely does not confirm the classical belief about the incredible harmfulness of night snacks.

Laboratory mice were used as experimental subjects. 400 individuals with different body weights were planted on different types of diets with variable time limits.

Mice fed only fatty foods received it only for 12 hours, as a result, they weighed 25% less and had better health indicators than those that, eating the same food, did not have time limits for this.

The mice fed the “healthy” food did not gain weight, but increased their muscle mass. Any short-term changes in the diet did not entail any malfunction in the metabolism.


Watch the video: Full Meal Plan to Lose Weight Step by Step Recipes (July 2024).