Classical, with smoked meats and vegetables pea porridge (recipes step by step). Cook in a slow cooker and on the stove pea porridge according to recipes step by step


A traditional dish of Russian cuisine is peas. An economical, satisfying, nutritious dish, always present on the tables of peasants and nobles. Even the feast of the kings could not do without her. Classic pea porridge was cooked in water and seasoned with sauteed vegetables. In wealthy families, it was supplemented with meat, delicacies or smoked meats. They baked cakes with her and even cooked meatballs. Dry peas poured in water for a long time languished in earthenware in a Russian oven, so it was well boiled and turned into mashed potatoes.

We offer to cook traditional pea porridge according to a step-by-step recipe in a pan on the stove, supplement the dish with smoked meats or vegetables.

Pea porridge step-by-step recipes - general principles of preparation

• To get a delicious and nutritious pea, you need to choose the right cereal. First of all, peas must be well ripened, as evidenced by its rich orange color. The surface of the grains should be smooth, well polished. Try to figure out one of them, if you do not need to make an effort for this - the grits will fall apart quickly. When choosing, the question often arises of which peas are better to take, crushed or whole. Of course, it takes less time to digest the crushed, and there is no need to soak it, but porridge from whole peas turns out to be with a richer taste.

• You can cook the peas with preliminary soaking or do without such a procedure. For proper soaking on one part of whole or crushed peas, you need to take three parts of water. The optimal time for soaking peas from two to six hours, no more. With prolonged exposure to water, peas often sour and do not boil. If you decide to soak in the evening, put it in the refrigerator and be sure to rinse and change the water at least twice. It is worth noting that even after prolonged soaking, the porridge will cook from forty minutes to an hour.

• Do not soak, much less cook peas in running water. Often, it contains impurities that prevent peas from digesting even after prolonged cooking. It is best to take bottled water, and flow through the filter in advance, after which it is good to defend.

• There are many options for preparing peas, and all of them are based on the recipe of classic pea porridge, a step-by-step recipe for which is given in the article. It is usually not supplemented with anything, but only slightly flavored with butter. You can enrich the peas by frying vegetables, often the dish is prepared with meat: pork, beef, chicken and even minced meat. Often it is cooked with smoked meats. Fragrant pea does not require an excess of spices, but a more saturated taste can be obtained by adding a little ground coriander.

• It is advisable to cook pea porridge in a non-enameled pan with a thick bottom, but in its absence you can completely dispense with a simple aluminum saucepan. It is recommended to add water, observing a proportion of 1: 3 or visually navigate by level. The liquid should cover the pea layer by at least two centimeters. After boiling, pea porridge is boiled over low heat, trying to stir as often as possible so as not to burn. The availability of a multicooker greatly simplifies the process. In it, the pea does not stick to the bottom, but it is advisable to look at it at least occasionally, until the pea absorbs water so that it does not run out.

• To determine readiness, just look at the dish itself - peas should almost boil. But this is a matter of personal taste, someone prefers not boiled pea porridge. In this case, you must definitely try peas for softness.

Pea porridge: a step-by-step recipe for a classic pea

The simplest, one can say, the basic version of cooking pea porridge. A step-by-step recipe is the basis for imagination. Instead of butter, you can add greaves, pre-fried meat in the form of minced meat or slices, smoked meats or mushrooms. After this, the porridge should be allowed to warm up a bit and insist.


• one and a half glasses of peas;

• three glasses of filtered or bottled water;

• half a spoonful of fine salt;

• 1/3 pack of "Farm" oil.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly wash peeled peas under the tap. We put it in a pan and add three glasses of filtered water to it. It is recommended to take two parts of the liquid for one part of peas. Is enough water poured, it can be determined by its level, the liquid should cover the peas by 2 centimeters, no less and no more.

2. On an intense fire, bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then set the medium heat. By this time, a lot of foam will accumulate on the surface, it must be removed. We do this with a spoon or slotted spoon - carefully remove, without leaving a small fraction. Next, cook the peas at the very minimum heat, without allowing the porridge to boil intensively.

3. Cook porridge, slightly covering the pan with a lid. Constantly stir so that the peas that have settled to the bottom do not burn and carefully monitor the water level, add if necessary.

4. When the peas start to boil, become soft, add salt. Mix thoroughly and continue cooking until we get the desired consistency and density. Someone likes homogeneous pea porridge, while someone likes to feel individual peas. It must be remembered that a homogeneous pea-tree, when cooling, becomes very thick.

5. Add a piece of butter to the finished porridge and mix well. For greater uniformity, you can kill the pea with a blender.

Pea porridge: step by step recipe with vegetable roasting for a multicooker

Cooking pea porridge according to a step-by-step recipe for a multicooker is simplified by the unnecessary use of constant stirring and supervision. Attention is required only the first time, until the water is absorbed into the peas. The formulation differs from the classical version in a different sequence of actions.


• peeled peas - 400 gr.;

• two medium carrots;

• large onion;

• two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• coriander.

Cooking method:

1. If in the first recipe we start the preparation with peas, in this embodiment we initially prepare the roasting. We clean the vegetables, grind the carrots with the largest grater, chop the onions in small cubes. Pour about two tablespoons of oil into the bowl and warm it a little. We spread the vegetables, cook on any frying option, until golden. Mix as often as possible, it is important not to dry and fry the vegetables, it is enough to bring them to softness.

2. We sort out the peas. Rinse, spread to vegetables and fill everything with water so that it covers peas for two centimeters. It is undesirable to fill the cup more than half, otherwise water will run out of it.

3. After making sure that there is enough liquid, close the lid and run the "Extinguishing" or "Multipovar" option for one hour. Be sure to at least occasionally control the process. Make sure that the maid does not run away, check the water - pour as needed.

4. After the end of the program, we check the readiness. If the peas are poorly cooked and still hard, increase the time. After receiving the porridge of the desired consistency, add salt, mix and leave for another quarter hour on heating.

5. Ready pea porridge, as in the step-by-step recipe above, can be supplemented with any products. But this must be done before putting on heating.

Pea porridge: step by step recipe with smoked ribs without carrots

You will need a roomy cast-iron cauldron or a separate thick-walled pan. Thanks to smoked meats, the peas are obtained not only tasty, more nutritious, but also fragrant, "with a smoke." Pea porridge, according to this step-by-step recipe, is prepared without carrots, the absence of a characteristic sweetness is compensated by sugar.


• a pound of crushed peas;

• large onion head;

• 700 gr. smoked pork ribs;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• three tablespoons of corn oil.

Cooking method:

1. Select all the garbage from the peas, rinse and put it in a bowl. Pour water so that it completely covers it, add a teaspoon of soda and stir well. Set the bowl aside for at least half an hour.

2. Cut the “ribbon” of smoked ribs into pieces, divide the large ones in half or chop them into even smaller pieces.

3. We put the cauldron on the stove, pour oil into it, turn on the medium fire. Well warming up the fat, dip the meat slices into it. Fry, stirring, five minutes. Smoked ribs are ready for use, we only need to achieve the appearance of a light blush on their surface.

4. Peel the onion. Cut in half and shred thinly. We shift to the ribs, evenly distributing throughout all the pieces, sprinkle with sugar. We simmer on low heat until the strips acquire a pleasant amber shade.

5. Thoroughly rinse the peas, put it in a cauldron. Fill with boiling water, observing the recommended proportions or focusing on the water level. Mix well, cover the cauldron with a lid. Cook the peas with a minimum boil for about an hour and a half. After the pea has absorbed water, it may start to burn. Try to stir the porridge more often by raising its lower layer so that the peas are steamed evenly.

6. Salted ready pea and remove from the stove. Do not salt, smoked ribs were already salted.

Tips for cooking pea porridge according to step-by-step recipes - useful tips

• Not all the step-by-step recipes for pea porridge described above involve soaking peas. If there is enough time, still soak it - the cooking time will be significantly reduced.

• There is no filtered or bottled water; cook the peas on an unsalted mineral water. Even soda will do.

• After boiling, systematically remove the foam that has risen to the surface and mix as often as possible, especially the first five minutes. While stirring, try to reach the bottom of the pan with a spoon and separate the peas that have settled. If this is not done, they will stick to it and may burn up in the future.

• It happens that the water was not taken and the peas seemed to be picked up correctly and how much the porridge does not cook does not turn out homogeneous. Try non-cooked peas, if it is soft, beat the pea to the desired state with a blender.

• Using crushed peas or soaking them is not the only option to save time. Using a pressure cooker will cut it in half, but you need to cook pea porridge in it with extreme caution. First of all, you can’t fill the pan above the recommended level. The proportions of peas to water should be strictly observed and steam should not be allowed to escape intensively through the valve. This indicates a strong drilling inside, and it can literally turn out to be dangerous: the water will evaporate quickly, the valve may clog with pea puree and the pressure cooker will “explode”.

• The classic version of pea porridge, the step-by-step recipe for which is described in detail above, is not only basic for all its types, cooked in a pan. It is also truly universal! Cakes are made from such a peawoman, it can become the basis for fritters, pea cutlets and even a filling for delicious pies.


Watch the video: Rice & Peas With Oxtail Jamaican Sunday Dinner. Recipes By Chef Ricardo (June 2024).