Why does an unfamiliar girl dream: is it good or bad? Interpretation of the leading dream books of the world about what an unfamiliar girl dreams of


Often if a stranger comes in a dream, this is considered a harbinger of trouble or happiness in the understanding of the person to whom she dreamed.

Also, this can be understood as a certain form of the inner world, which conveys in itself the thoughts of a sleeping person about his actions or the events surrounding him.

Today we will talk about what the unfamiliar girl dreams of, and what this can mean.

What does a stranger dream about: general interpretations

Of course, in order to interpret such a dream as accurately as possible, it is important to remember the face of the stranger as best as possible, that is, roughly speaking, a dream in great detail. So, if you had a dream:

  • the girl appeared to you in a vague dream, that is, I remember the dream clearly, and the image itself is very bad, then this most likely promises some kind of minor failure;

  • the stranger was incredibly beautiful, moreover, she was friendly and smiling - this could mean that soon you will find great joy;

  • a girl in position - it promises a change in life, or in the subconscious, glorious past times surfaced, nostalgia;

  • the stranger is completely untidy and groomed, this is probably to some quarrel in the future or even in the past, which left a painful mark;

  • a girl stained with blood is a sign of a tragedy that has already happened, but not yet completely overcome;

  • a young lady wet from water is an embodiment of the desire for peace of mind and peace, which a sleeping person really lacks in real life;

  • the stranger pursuing you is the image of impending darkness, into which the sleeping one gradually sinks into a trap, not wanting it himself;

  • a girl leaving a sleeping person in a dream may indicate that he does not feel too comfortable due to any inner feelings, or cannot decide on an important decision for himself. If the sleeping man himself begins to drive away a stranger from himself - this means that the experiences inside him have acquired a particularly acute form;

  • a girl who calls for help can remind herself of a guilty feeling that she has not completely lost consciousness and lurked deep in her soul;

  • a stranger taking care of a child (or several children) may mean that the life of a sleeping person is wonderful, and he is doing well;

  • a lactating young lady promises new, not too pleasant worries;

  • a stranger with a beard growing can be a harbinger of some unexpected event, it is also possible to meet an attractive lady in real life. This does not have to be an unfamiliar girl, perhaps some acquaintance will reveal herself in a new way for you;

  • if you dreamed of an older woman, this may promise the beginning of not the most pleasant gossip or rumors, which in the near future will poison your life. However, there are other interpretations of this dream, depending on the sex of the sleeping person, these can be completely opposite omens.

What does a strange girl dream about in Freud’s dream book

  • The appearance of a young and beautiful stranger in a dream of a sleeping man may be the image that has formed in his head as the ideal of a woman, or as a symbol of his erotic fantasies;

  • if the young lady dreamed of a fair sex - this is probably the image of a rival in amorous affairs;

  • the appearance of a lady with a child can speak of very painful jealousy, which is very difficult to get away from. Otherwise, there is a high probability of losing your other half forever;

  • beating a young person in a dream may indicate that the sleeping person has a tendency to sadomasochism in bed;

  • a stranger dressed in bright, multi-colored clothes speaks of the desire of the sleeping man to diversify his sex life.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar girl from Vanga’s dream book

  • If a man is married, then meeting a stranger in a dream can promise a number of quarrels and scandals within the family, problems at work or trouble with dubious partners;

  • if a young lady is dreaming in white robes — for good thoughts, in dark ones — for bad thoughts;

  • if in a dream a mysterious stranger walked barefoot on the ground - this is a sign of unwanted obstacles in life. Further, everything will depend on the person - move on to the goal, bypassing obstacles, or continue trampling in one place.

Stranger in a dream according to the dream book of Nostradamus

  • If a stranger dreamed, it was fortunately, income, honor, excellent loyal friends and good communication;

  • marrying such a young lady in a dream is gaining good luck and true love;

  • if the lady does not differ in beauty - a sign that you should take more care of your relatives and friends, because they really miss this;

  • dreamy, easy girl - to good changes in life;

  • a large number of ladies in a dream - a harbinger of the end of the crisis in the state.

Stranger girl on Miller's dream book

  • The appearance of an attractive, well-groomed lady in a dream is a sign of favorable prospects in work and family;

  • a stranger with signs of illness can portend the same problems in the sleeping person;

  • if a man dreamed of intimacy with an attractive young lady - it is worth thinking about his mental health;

  • a mysterious stranger who beckons to herself is a symbol of the fact that conspiracies and intrigues are woven against you. Such a dream could be a harbinger of some kind of setup in crime.

Why is the girl dreaming about Loff's dream book

  • A stranger in a house in a dream brings good news - expect the same in real life;

  • a young girl who has a blush on her cheeks promises a useful meeting;

  • an unattractive young lady in a dream can talk about a disturbed life balance, a patient is a harbinger of bad news, a sudden illness of someone from relatives;

  • if a girl tries to run away from you - a symbol of career growth in the near future;

  • sobbing damsel - to family quarrels;

  • there is a mother in a dream saw a young girl - wait for the early news from the children.

The mysterious lady according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

- If I saw a girl in a dance - a symbol of future love, I received a kiss from her - wait for joyful news;

- if a man dreamed of a delightful stranger - to the disappointment of his wife in reality;

- intimacy with such a young lady in a dream - time to sort out their own feelings.

Dreamed a stranger - according to Hasse's dream book

- the appearance of an attractive young lady in a guy’s dream, men are a symbol of large expenses in the future, gifts, love;

- if you wipe away the tears of the young lady - wait for deception, if she has large expressive eyes at the same time - someone from people close to you is deceiving.

What did the stranger dream about - according to Longo's dream book

According to Yu. Longo, the appearance of an unknown lady in a dream is a reflection of your future plans, circumstances, an image of your own essence. Her appearance reflects the state of mind, her mood - the attitude of other people to your affairs and thoughts.

- If the image of a lady in a dream is vague - this is a sign of her own insecurity, instability, if she can be seen very clearly and she is also very attractive - on the contrary, full confidence in her abilities.

The girl in a dream - according to the Islamic dream book

  • the appearance of a pretty, cheerful stranger in a dream is a sign of happiness, love and good luck, gloomy and angry - wait for the bad news;

  • modest, decent young lady - receiving joyful, unexpected news;

  • a careless, indecent girl is a sign of future indecent acts;

  • emaciated, skinny lady - to financial difficulties;

  • if a man dreamed of a naked stranger - to an unsuccessful trade, if he knows for sure that she is a virgin - on the contrary, business will go uphill;

  • turning a young girl into an old woman - to improve the quality of life.

Dreamed a stranger - according to the French dream book

  • The appearance of a stranger in a dream is a sign of income, respect and pleasant communication;

  • to marry a young lady in a dream is a symbol of tender waking love;

  • beautiful lady - a reminder that with the help of small gifts you can strengthen friendships;

  • an ugly girl is a symbol of the rarest devotion shown to you by people close to you;

  • the desire to marry an attractive stranger in a dream is a harbinger of an improvement in living standards;

  • attempts to steal a young lady against her will - to trouble and tears.

As we see, an unfamiliar girl in a dream is a kind of landmark that can become a harbinger of future changes in your life.


Watch the video: 8 Dream Signs You Shouldn't Ignore (June 2024).