Buckwheat diet for 7 days: a way to quickly lose weight without fasting. The effectiveness of buckwheat diet for 7 days, the basic rules


The buckwheat diet for 7 days is in great demand among the fair sex, who quickly want to lose weight without resorting to starvation. The main advantage of the food system is that, despite the meager and limited menu, a person does not feel hunger at all.

A small amount of cereal is very saturating. At the same time, one should not forget about the benefits of buckwheat. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the overall health.

Before you start a buckwheat diet for 7 days, you need to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and nuances of the nutrition system.

The main advantages and disadvantages of buckwheat diet for 7 days

Like any weight loss system, a buckwheat diet, designed for a week, has its positive and negative sides, which must be familiarized with in advance.

The benefits of buckwheat diet for 7 days

1. Profitable. Buckwheat is not expensive, a package of 1 kg may last a week. A larger amount of cereal will be needed for the first 2 days, then it will be easier, the stomach will narrow, and will not require a large amount of food.

2. Useful. This cereal is considered a very useful product, because it contains a large number of all kinds of vitamins. Like buckwheat, do not cook, it will still nourish the body with trace elements important for normal work.

3. Easy to cook. This is one of those diets that does not ask to stand for hours at the stove. It is enough to soak 1 cup of cereal with boiling water in the evening, cover with a lid and wrap the cauldron in a towel. Food the next day will be ready in the morning.

4. During the buckwheat diet for 7 days, excess water, toxins and toxins are removed from the body. Such "cleaning" occurs due to fiber, which is part of the cereal.

5. Efficiency. If you strictly follow all the rules and recommendations, in a week a person can get rid of 7 kg, one day leaves from 1 kg. In some cases, the result may be even more significant. It all depends on the individual amount of excess weight.

The disadvantages of the method of losing weight

1. The first thing to understand is a mono-diet, so the diet is strictly limited. You need to have willpower to withstand 7 days to eat only buckwheat and drink kefir.

2. Steamed cereal is fresh, and it is strictly forbidden to add salt or other seasonings to it. Such a tasteless dish gets bored very quickly, a person can break loose and add salt, and this already violates all the rules.

There are practically no shortcomings in the buckwheat diet for 7 days. These items are very difficult to call the "minuses" of this particular technique, since they apply to all mono-diets. For a long period of time, eating the same product is difficult. However, if you diversify the diet with fruits, then it will be easier to cope.

Variations of buckwheat diet for 7 days

There are several options for losing weight on cereals, but all are effective. Each person selects a method for himself, based on the individual characteristics of the body and the possibilities of combining a nutrition schedule with work.

Buckwheat diet options for 7 days

1. The most stringent method is to eat nothing but steamed buckwheat for a week. It is allowed to drink plain water and kefir. The technique is suitable for people with developed willpower and those who need the most effective result.

2. Diet with dried fruits. If a person has a sweet tooth and categorically can not tolerate buckwheat without sugar and salt, you can add dried fruits to it, but not much. For example, 1 piece of dried apricots or prunes per 1 serving.

3. Buckwheat with vegetables, cheese and fruits. This option is the most gentle, it will be much easier to sustain a week of losing weight. In addition to cereals steamed from the evening, 30 grams of hard cheese and 3 large apples are allowed to be eaten per day.

Sample menu for the week

The presented menu of buckwheat diet for 7 days was created on the basis of all the above variations of the weight loss technique. The diet is balanced, relieves hunger, does not "get bored" from the monotony. The result after a week is 5-6 kg, possibly more.

Day 1

1. Morning. A portion of buckwheat with kefir, grated carrots (50 grams).

2. Day. A portion of cereals diluted with green onions and dill.

3. The evening. A glass of kefir and 100 grams of cereal.

Day 2

1. Morning. A portion of kefir and 100 grams of steamed buckwheat porridge.

2. Lunch. A portion of cereals, a pinch of raisins can be added to it.

3. Dinner. Buckwheat diluted with natural unsweetened yogurt.

Day 3

1. Morning. 1 banana and low fat kefir.

2. Lunch. Buckwheat groats, 50 grams of soaked pre-dried prunes are added to it.

3. The evening. A glass of kefir.

Day 4

1. Morning. A portion of buckwheat porridge steamed in the evening and 1 spoon of honey.

2. Lunch. Vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes seasoned with natural yogurt.

3. The evening. Kefir of low fat content.

Day 5

1. Morning. A glass of kefir and a few lettuce leaves.

2. Lunch. Steamed buckwheat, dried apricots are added to it (soaked previously in the same way as prunes).

3. Dinner. A glass of kefir, 2 tablespoons of buckwheat.

Day 6

1. Morning. 1 spoon of honey and a glass of kefir.

2. Lunch. Green apple, 3 tablespoons of buckwheat porridge.

3. The evening. Natural yogurt without sweeteners.

Day 7

1. Morning. A glass of kefir and a serving of buckwheat porridge.

2. Day. Baked zucchini and 2 tablespoons of buckwheat.

3. The evening. 1 green apple and a glass of kefir.


1. One serving of buckwheat is 100 grams; eating more at a meal is not recommended.

2. A portion of kefir is one glass of kefir with a fat content of 1% specifically for this diet. It is allowed to add cinnamon to it, since it speeds up the metabolism.

3. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Kefir also does not need to be drunk later than 1 hour before falling asleep.

Notes must be taken into account in order to achieve a really good effect.

Important points catering on a buckwheat diet for 7 days

Despite the fact that the buckwheat diet for 7 days is incredibly simple, it also has several important rules. If they are not taken into account, the effect at the end of the weight loss technique will not be the same as we would like.

1. Buckwheat for a diet is prepared only before bedtime, steamed with boiling water. In no case should you add salt to it, or any other seasoning.

2. Abundant nutrition. In addition to kefir, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water without gas during the day.

3. During the day you need to eat in small portions and often. It is optimal to divide the whole amount of buckwheat into 6 meals.

4. It is not recommended to engage in active sports, as it is a mono-diet and it takes power. However, it does not hurt to do exercises every day for 15-20 minutes in the morning to speed up the metabolism.

5. In order to easily transfer the buckwheat diet for 7 days, you can purchase a vitamin complex in a pharmacy. An additional portion of useful microelements will allow you not to feel weakness and give a portion of vigor for the whole day.

The way out of the buckwheat diet: how to eat so that the kilograms do not come back

The realization that it turned out to lose weight can arouse the desire to celebrate achievements. In no case can you suddenly pounce on the refrigerator, eating everything that catches your eye. Products of animal origin should be included in me gradually.

For example, on the first day after a diet, you can afford a piece of boiled chicken for lunch, on the second day, fish and cottage cheese with sour cream. The main thing is not to overdo it with the size of servings, otherwise even low-calorie foods will contribute to weight gain.

Useful Tips

1. You need to accustom yourself to salt dishes as little as possible, it is better to do without seasoning at all. The fact is that an excess of salt in the body slows down the metabolism, which leads to the formation of subcutaneous fat.

2. Doing exercises every day - this should become a habit. Minimal physical exertion will positively affect the general state of health, will always help maintain your body in excellent shape.

A buckwheat diet for 7 days is the first important step towards a new lifestyle. Dropping a few pounds, a person will look completely different not only from the outside, but also from the inside, because the body is cleansed during weight loss. A slender body and a healthy mind are possible. Having sustained a diet on buckwheat, one no longer wants to overeat, so as not to return to the previous weight.


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