No secrets - simple lush pancakes on yogurt. Recipes for lush fritters on yogurt with cottage cheese, semolina, apples


Accidentally buying sour milk, do not even think to reproach sellers.

Do what the experienced psychologists advise - get the most out of a hopeless situation.

Sour - fine, we just need this!

Sugar, butter, flour, and something else, depending on the recipe.

Half an hour of time, and on the table there is such a jumble ... from an expired, mind you, product!

Lush pancakes on yogurt - general principles of preparation

• To fritters on yogurt, always turned out lush, soft and airy, you need to know a few secrets of making dough for them.

• One of the basic rules for making fritters is to use only high-quality flour. In addition, flour should always be sifted twice. It is fluffy, saturated with air, which gives the dough extra splendor, and it is better to rise.

• Sour-milk base (yogurt) must be warm. It is slightly heated in the microwave or in a water bath. The yogurt should be warmed carefully, far from boiling, otherwise it will stir. The fat content of the product does not play any role, but freshness is of no small importance. The longer the yogurt is stored, of course, within reasonable limits, the better it extinguishes the rippers and, accordingly, the pancakes are more magnificent.

• The consistency of the finished dough should be a little denser than thick homemade sour cream. If you take it on a spoon and try to pour it, the dough will fall off in a tight lump, and not drain.

• The finished dough for fritters must be allowed to stand for at least half an hour. Flour will give all the gluten, and the cultivator or added yeast will have time to "activate".

• The frying pan for frying fritters must be thick-walled or at least coated with a non-stick coating. It is well heated over a small fire and oil is added, which is also warmed well. If the dough is put in insufficiently hot oil, it will spread.

• Turn over the pancakes only after the bottom is well browned and the top starts to bubble. For too lush products, they also fry the sides or bring to readiness under the lid.

• In order for the pancakes to cook well and not burn, the fire should be small, slightly more than average.

• On yogurt you can cook pancakes not only from wheat flour. Often it is mixed with buckwheat, or even replaced with semolina. You can add poppy, fruit or bananas to the fritters dough. They are cut into small pieces or tinder on a coarse grater. Bananas are ground with a blender.

• The taste of fritters is regulated by the addition of granulated sugar and salt.

Classic curdled milk curd pancakes


• sour homemade milk, daily - 400 ml;

• 230 gr. wheat flour;

• one chicken egg;

• 0.2 cups sugar;

• 0.25 small tablespoons of quicklime soda;

• 0.3 tsp evaporated salts, Extra grades.

Cooking method:

1. In advance, about half an hour before cooking, remove the yogurt and egg from the refrigerator.

2. To make the soda evenly disperse in the dough, mix it with flour and pass it through a very rare nylon sieve twice.

3. Beat the egg well with granulated sugar and salt.

4. Pour in the yogurt, whisk intensively.

5. Gradually mix the flour and leave the fritters dough for twenty minutes on the table.

6. Then pour about 70 ml of vegetable oil into the pan and set to maximum heat. Once the oil has warmed up well, lower the temperature to medium and place the dough in a pan with a spoon.

7. Fry the pancakes for two minutes on both sides until lightly browned.

Curdled yeast curd pancakes


• one glass of yogurt;

• half a glass of 15% sour cream;

• four raw eggs;

• a tablespoon of refined sugar;

• a teaspoon of “instant” yeast;

• a small pinch of salt;

• 100 gr. white flour.

Cooking method:

1. Mix and slightly warm dairy products in a water bath.

2. Stir in yeast with granulated sugar.

3. Keep mixing, mix all the flour into the mixture. Cover the bowl with the dough with a cloth and set it forty minutes closer to heat.

4. When the dough rises, introduce beaten eggs into it slowly and let stand for ten minutes.

5. Slightly stir the finished dough and spoon into the oil boiling in the pan. On medium to medium heat, fry like regular pancakes, for about a couple of minutes on each side.

A recipe for lush fritters on yogurt with apples


• high-quality flour for baking - 300 gr .;

• half a liter of sour homemade milk;

• three raw eggs;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of table salt;

• six tbsp. l Sahara;

• 5 gr. baking cultivator;

• two large sour apples.

Cooking method:

1. Finely mash eggs, salt and granulated sugar.

2. Add warm yogurt and mix well.

3. Gradually introduce the flour sifted with the cultivator. If the dough is not thick enough, add more flour than the specified amount.

4. Free the apples from the peel and seeds, separate into thin small pieces.

5. Add slices of apples to the dough, mix well and let stand for about half an hour.

6. Repeat the process to achieve an even distribution of apples.

7. On medium heat, well heat the vegetable oil and spoon the dough in small portions.

8. Cook on medium heat, as usual, for two minutes each side. During the frying process, constantly stir the dough so that the apples do not settle to the bottom.

The recipe for curd fluffy pancakes on yogurt


• 300 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;

• half a liter of sour milk;

• eggs - 2 pcs.;

• three large spoons of sugar;

• white baking flour premium. - 3 tbsp .;

• one tsp ripper for the test.

Cooking method:

1. Stir the skim milk with a whisk, warm in a water bath, add a ripper for the dough. If the liquid does not start to foam and bubble slightly, add a little soda.

2. Separate the eggs and lay the yolks. Beat the whites with salt in a foam.

3. Mash yolks until white with sugar and combine with cottage cheese. If grains appear in the curd, grind it through a sieve.

4. Then add the yogurt and mix, gradually adding, the sifted flour.

5. Into the almost finished dough, gently mixing it with directed movements from the bottom up, enter the whipped whites.

6. Spread portions of dough in a calcined oil with a tablespoon. Fry on medium heat.

Recipe for lush fritters on yogurt with semolina without flour and eggs


• one and a half glasses of dry semolina;

• two glasses of homemade "stale" yogurt;

• 0.5 tsp baking soda;

• freshly squeezed lemon juice - 10 drops (replaceable with table vinegar);

• choice - cinnamon or vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Mix dry semolina with sour milk and leave until the croup swells.

2. Then add baking soda.

3. Pour one of the flavors (vanillin or cinnamon) to choose from.

4. Sweeten to your taste, slightly salt and finally stir.

5. Fry as usual, in well-heated lean oil over medium heat, but be sure to cover the pan.

Recipe for buckwheat, lush fritters on yogurt


• buckwheat and wheat flour - in a full glass;

• sour milk, medium fat - 2.5 cups;

• 1/3 teaspoon quicklime baking soda;

• one chicken egg;

• salt - to taste;

• 9% table vinegar;

• a large, full spoon of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Mix and transplant both types of flour.

2. Quench soda with vinegar, pour into the sour milk slightly warmed up in a water bath and stir well.

3. After the mixture has stood for a quarter of an hour, pour the egg in the egg, which is soaked in a whisk, and gradually stir in the flour. In a rare dough, add another mixture of buckwheat and wheat flour. Dilute excessively thick mass with yogurt.

4. Fry fritters immediately, spreading the dough in boiling oil. Fry, turning on both sides, without covering the pan with a lid.

Recipe: lush pancakes on yogurt, with honey and poppy seeds


• one and a half glasses of sour milk;

• chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

• a teaspoon of quick baking soda;

• two tablespoons of liquid honey;

• two full spoons of granulated sugar;

• five tablespoons of dry poppy;

• for supply - liquid honey.

Cooking method:

1. Pour quicklime soda into a heated sour milk, stir and hold warm for at least a quarter hour.

2. Then add sugar, a small pinch of salt and eggs. Pour in the honey, fill in the poppy and, stirring well with a whisk, stir in the flour.

3. Pour in a hot frying pan a little odorless vegetable oil and fry the pancakes, for two minutes on each side.

4. Serve such pancakes hot by pouring honey.

Recipe for Lush Banana Curd Pancakes


• two small bananas;

• 150 ml of sour homemade milk;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• 200 gr. white baker's bitch;

• 100 gr. natural thickened cream;

• a teaspoon of factory cultivator.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the bananas, cut into small pieces and kill with a kitchen processor (blender) in mashed potatoes.

2. Mix yogurt with a cultivator, add an egg whipped with a pinch of salt and beat well.

3. Then combine in one, both masses, and, constantly whipping, introduce flour.

4. At the very end, add well-melted, but not hot, cooled butter. Stir the dough again and let it stand for half an hour.

5. Put the pancakes in a boiling oil in a hot frying pan with a spoon, and fry them until tender.

Lush pancakes on yogurt - cooking tricks and useful tips

• All components of the test must be at the same temperature, so the sour cream added to it is mixed with sour milk, and only then heated. Eggs are laid out in advance from the refrigerator and allowed to warm at room temperature. Also, eggs can be warmed under a stream of warm, not hot water.

• After you have introduced slaked soda, in no case add flour to the dough, otherwise the pancakes will settle. First you need to adjust its consistency and only then add a cultivator.

• Quick soda and a baking powder are added directly to sour milk or mixed with flour.

• To make a thick dough better fall off a spoon, it can be dipped in water before each fence. Do not forget to shake off its remnants well so that water does not get into hot fat, otherwise you can get burned.

• The oil in the pan should be enough to cover the dough by a third. With a smaller amount of it, the products do not turn out lush and burn.

• The degree of hotness of the oil can be checked by dropping a little dough into it. If it quickly "seized" and did not spread, you can start frying.

• When purchasing homemade milk on the market, be sure to take an interest - in the morning, or in the evening, “skimmed”, or whole. The talkative seller will advise which one is better and sour faster.

• Squashing milk at home on pancakes, at the same time you can learn a lot of interesting things about the dairy industry. Good “store-bought” milk is badly sour - the composition of the product, the degree of pasteurization, reliability and quality of the packaging affects it.

• The amount of whey, a clear liquid at the bottom of the bottle with sour milk, a visual scale of the quality of the original product. If this is more than a third - beware of buying products from this manufacturer. If half the liquid is transparent, it is better to forget about this brand forever.


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