Fried mushrooms with onions - simple and delicious, fast and beautiful! A selection of popular recipes for fried mushrooms with onions


Mushrooms are peculiar products.

Even in nature, their place is not precisely defined.

Some believe that mushrooms are plants because of the similarity of lifestyles, while others distinguish them in a separate subclass. And all because mushrooms have special differences.

And one of them is a high protein content, which a plant rarely boasts of. Moreover, this quality is combined with a low calorie content.

It is these properties that make mushrooms a very valuable product in cooking.

Porcini mushrooms and a number of others successfully compete with meat in terms of protein. In addition to nutrition, many appreciate mushrooms just for their good taste.

There are many types of edible mushrooms and, accordingly, a huge number of dishes from them.

The simplest thing is fried mushrooms with onions. But even this recipe has many options.

The basic principles of cooking fried mushrooms with onions

Fried mushrooms can be used as a standalone dish, appetizer, side dish, the basis for other, more complex recipes, as well as a preparation for the winter.

Based on the huge variety of mushrooms, you can cook fried almost any of them. The most popular in this quality are champignons, white, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles and many others.

Be sure to make sure before cooking that the mushrooms are edible! This applies to those collected independently or purchased from private individuals.

These gifts of nature must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grass leaves, washed well. Many mushrooms are soaked for several hours and even days - this applies to those that contain bitterness.

Most often, according to recipes, it is proposed to boil the mushrooms first - depending on the type, for 15-30 minutes. Especially tender, for example, champignons, it is not necessary to boil.

Boiled mushrooms are thrown into a colander to glass water, and then cooked in accordance with recipes.

Onions when frying mushrooms will be a great addition. In addition, it is possible to enrich this dish with other various vegetables - potatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes.

Mushrooms with onions are usually fried in vegetable oil, at the end it is very tasty to add a piece of cream or a few tablespoons of sour cream.

Fry mushrooms with onions on a moderate heat, so that the moisture evaporates, but the mushrooms are not burnt.

For convenience, recipes are given on the basis of the mass of the main product - mushrooms of 500 g. This is enough for two or three servings. If necessary, the number of ingredients can be increased or decreased.

The basic recipe for fried mushrooms with onions

This dish can be the basis for further culinary delights, as well as a wonderful snack or the basis of lunch or dinner. It’s easy to prepare, the main thing here is mushrooms, onions, butter.


500 g of any edible mushrooms suitable for frying - chanterelles, mushrooms, porcini, champignons

Large onion

50 ml refined oil

Salt, dill.

Cooking method

Prepare mushrooms - peel, boil, depending on the type, remove excess moisture, cut into slices or cubes.

Chop the onion in half rings or chop finely - if desired

Heat the oil in a pan, put onions there and fry until transparent.

Send mushrooms to the pan.

Fry, stirring occasionally, until excess moisture evaporates and the mushrooms with onions begin to fry.

Salt, mix well, thanks to salt from the mushrooms, another part of the moisture will come out.

Cover the pan and continue cooking for about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally.

Turn off the fire, add a handful of chopped fresh dill to the mushrooms, mix again.

Serve with potatoes in any form, rice, pasta or just as an independent dish.

Fried mushrooms with onions in sour cream - from the piggy bank of your favorite recipes

Adding sour cream makes mushrooms fried with onions softer, more aromatic, saturates them with additional tastes.


500 g of mushrooms, best saffron mushrooms, but any other

Large onion

50 ml of sunflower oil, can be unrefined

2 or more spoons of sour cream


Ground black pepper.

Cooking method

Wash the saffron milk thoroughly, clean the lower lamellar part of old mushrooms, wash the young ones well enough, changing the water several times.

Boil for 20 minutes in slightly salted water, strain, let cool slightly.

Cut into slices or strips.

Cut the onion into small cubes.

In a pan with hot oil, send onions and mushrooms at the same time, cover with a lid.

After 5 minutes, when the contents warm up and give a lot of moisture, remove the lid.

Salt the mushroom mass and leave to fry.

Monitor the condition of the mushrooms, stirring them periodically.

When there is no water left, and mushrooms with onions begin to fry, you need to be especially careful not to burn.

Evenly fry the ingredients, add pepper to taste and put sour cream.

Cover the pan again, hold for five minutes, stir the contents so that the melted sour cream is evenly distributed throughout the dish.

Turn off, hold for a couple of minutes and can be served with any side dish.

Fried mushrooms with onions plus cheese - a simple version of julienne

A gourmet dish that comes from French cuisine called julienne is actually not that difficult to make. Regular fried mushrooms with our favorite onions are complemented with cream and cheese. Simple and fast, you can at the festive table.


500 g of mushrooms - champignons or others

Large onion head

Clove of garlic

200-300 g of hard cheese

A glass of medium-fat cream

30 ml olive oil

Black pepper, preferably freshly ground.

Cooking method

Fried mushrooms with onions as in any familiar recipe. If these are champignons, especially store mushrooms, you can not boil them, just wash them.

Cut into large pieces.

Grate the cheese.

Onions, on the contrary, chop quite finely.

Fry the onion in olive oil until light golden, put the mushrooms in it and hold for 10 minutes without a lid, stirring.

Salt, pour cream, pepper, let it boil.

Place the mass in a container for further cooking. This can be a form for the oven, special small cocotte makers, and in the absence of an oven, you can continue to cook in the same pan.

Put a layer of cheese on top. Send the mold or the cocotte into the oven to medium heat.

When the cheese is melted and begins to slightly brown, the dish is ready.

If there is no oven, cover the pan with mushrooms and cheese with a lid and hold mine 10 over medium heat until the cheese is melted.

Serve with fresh bread. However, domestic housewives often use julienne as mushroom goulash, serving it with mashed potatoes or another side dish. Here is a matter of taste.

Fried mushrooms with onions and carrots - the taste of grandmother's caviar

Mushroom caviar from a jar with a slice of white or rye bread - for many it is a taste of childhood, a memory of grandmother's blanks. In fact, you can quickly and easily cook this dish from mushrooms at hand.


500 g of mushrooms, preferably dense - oyster mushroom, codopolis, chanterelles, mushrooms, honey agarics

2 medium onions

2 medium carrots

3 garlic cloves

Bay leaf

5 peas of allspice

Salt, ground black pepper

Unrefined sunflower oil, preferably with a smell.

Cooking method

Mushrooms bring to a half-preparedness: soak, peel, rinse, boil.

Grind them in a more acceptable way: pass through a meat grinder or chop with a knife. You can call for help a food processor with a suitable nozzle.

Grate carrots on a medium grater.

Chop the onion.

Pour oil into the pan. Unrefined oil should not be allowed to become too hot. Once heated, immediately send mushrooms and vegetables.

Fry, stirring a few minutes and cover with a lid.

After 10 minutes of extinguishing, remove the lid, salt, put bay leaf, peppercorns and keep on fire until the onion begins to fry.

The last ingredients - ground pepper and chopped garlic - add to the pan, mix, turn off, leave under the lid.

Hot, this option of mushroom caviar can also be consumed, but it is best when it is warm or cold. Suitable for sandwiches.

Omelet with fried mushrooms and onions

Adding milk and eggs to the fried mushrooms with onions, we get a full, satisfying, tender dish. Great for a hearty breakfast.


500 g of mushrooms - for this recipe tubular mushrooms such as porcini, boletus and boletus are good

Large onion

50 ml of sunflower or olive oil

3 or more eggs

Milk at the rate of one tablespoon per egg


Fresh greens.

Cooking method

Cut the peeled mushrooms into small slices and boil in salted water.

Tilt in a colander and hold, periodically shaking - tubular mushrooms retain a lot of moisture.

In oil, fry the onion chopped in half rings.

When the onions are gilded, add mushrooms and fry, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.

Mix the eggs with milk, add salt, and add finely chopped greens to the mixture.

Pour the egg and milk mixture into the mushrooms, gently stir, so that it penetrates to the bottom and keep on fire until cooked for about ten minutes under the lid.

You can place the container with mushrooms and egg mixture in the oven and bring to readiness there.

Serve hot portionwise or cool and cut into pieces.

Squash-mushroom toast with onions and tomatoes

This dish resembles a vegetable casserole with mushrooms. Hearty, juicy, full of different tastes, with a piquant cheese note. Due to butter and cheese, the dish is high-calorie, but zucchini and tomato bring freshness into it. It will be well combined with potatoes or pasta.


500 g of any mushrooms

2 onions

2 red not too sweet tomatoes

1 small young zucchini

2 garlic cloves

100 g hard cheese

Spices to taste


Sunflower oil.

Cooking method

Prepared mushrooms - peeled and boiled - cut into slices and fry in a small amount of sunflower oil. Put aside.

Also fry chopped onions. Lay out to the mushrooms.

Cut the zucchini into semicircles, quickly fry in hot oil so that it is not filled and not greasy. Add mushrooms and onions.

Thinly chop the tomatoes, crush the garlic with a knife and chop. Add to other ingredients.

Salt the mass and add spices, keep on fire for 5-7 minutes, gently mixing.

Remove from the stove, put on plates or put on one dish and sprinkle with grated cheese so that it has time to melt. Serve immediately.

Fried mushrooms with onions for the winter

Excellent preparation, which is well stored in a cool place. Having prepared such jars, in winter it will remain to get one of them and toss the contents into the soup or into the pan with fried potatoes. It is better to take several servings of these ingredients at once, depending on the available capacity.


500 g of forest mushrooms

Medium onion


100 g of pork fat.

Cooking method

Wash mushrooms, peel, boil.

Cut into small pieces.

Melt high-quality pork fat in a frying pan, cauldron or iron pot. If this is not available, you can melt it from fresh bacon.

Fat should heat up well. Put onion in it, let it sweat until moisture evaporates.

Add mushrooms, salt a little stronger than a regular dish.

Fry the mushrooms until the moisture is completely evaporated, and the pieces begin to squirm.

Prepare small jars with a volume of 500 ml or less, rinsing them thoroughly and sterilizing, also do the lids - nylon, screw.

In dry jars, spread the mushrooms fried with onions and pour hot fat. Mushrooms should be completely immersed in it.

Wait until the contents have cooled, so that no condensation forms, and only then close the lids.

Clean in a cool place. Use as needed, not forgetting that salted mushrooms and salt in the future dish need less.

Tricks and secrets of cooking fried mushrooms with onions

Mushrooms are a kind of product that can negatively affect one's well-being. Even provided that they are not poisonous. It’s just quite difficult to digest food, especially when fried. So that fried mushrooms with onions do not bring discomfort, but become a tasty and healthy dish, it is advisable to follow a few rules.

Mushrooms do not need to be fried until the crunch, as the protein contained in them loses its structure. No use, just a burden for the stomach. The same goes for onions.

So that fried mushrooms with onions are not too fat, oils should be taken in moderation. Sometimes the pieces begin to stick to the pan, the hostess adds oil, so as not to burn. In fact, it is advisable to run mushrooms and onions in hot oil and mix immediately. Then each piece will receive its portion of oil and will not stick.

Mushrooms are carefully given to children, and it is not advisable for children under three years of age to consume them. Care should be taken to handle mushrooms for people with digestive problems.

To make the fried mushroom dish with onions more tender, it is good to add sour cream, cream, a little milk at the end.

Enjoy your meal!


Watch the video: Sauteed Mushrooms with Caramelized Onion Recipe (June 2024).