June 19: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 19th.


Holidays June 19

Emancipation Day is celebrated in the USA

American women celebrate emancipation day on June 19, when, as around the world, on May 30. On May 30, 1431, the Frenchwoman Joan of Arc was executed, who was distinguished by her courage, courage, fearlessness. In such men's occupations as diplomacy, military strategy, warfare, she surpassed many members of the stronger sex. Joan of Arc showed that not only men can be strong and courageous warriors, women can protect themselves on occasion. The inhabitants of America decided not to start from the world, but from their history. It was June 19, 1865. in Texas, the entire black population of the state was freed from slavery. It just so happened that the residents of Texas began to celebrate their independence on this very day, which in this state has been an official public holiday since 1890. Currently, the Day of Emancipation is celebrated almost throughout the territory of the American state - in 41 states. Emancipation for American women means the opportunity, along with men, to participate in national, social, working life, to elect, to be elected to various government bodies, to receive an education, a decent salary, the ability to work in any, including high, leadership positions.

June 19 on the folk calendar

Larion Propolnik

On Larion, the peasants went to weed the crop. One had only to gape as the weed grass filled the rye, linen or millet fields, so much so that it was possible to remain without a crop. So both old and young worked in the fields in order to have time to harvest more weeds. According to the peasants themselves, they planted cereals, and mowing sow thistles and poppies. Particularly successful was Larionov’s day if he fell on a waning moon. If the moon was full, then it was senseless to get rid of weeds, because they grew up in the old place with renewed vigor. Therefore, weeding was postponed for another time until the lunar luminary began to decrease.

Historical events of June 19

June 19, 1956 the first beauty of the planet Marilyn Monroe was legally married to playwright Arthur Miller

Miller was not brutal in appearance, and was not considered handsome, but, as the actress later admitted, he subdued her with his mind. And also by the fact that Marilyn understood the inner world well. To marry his lover, Miller had to divorce his wife. But even complete mutual understanding did not help to save the marriage for a long time, and neither Marilyn nor Arthur brought happiness, and after 4.5 years they officially divorced. Of all the marriages that a sexy actress had, marriage with Miller lasted the longest.

June 19, 1991 the last Soviet military echelon left Hungary

In March 1990 between the USSR and Hungary a plan was agreed for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungarian territory. A few days later, the first echelons with military equipment and a motorized rifle battalion set off for their homeland. And a year later, on June 19, the last military train crossed the Hungarian border near the Zakhony station. The Hungarian government decided to perpetuate this event, and established the last Saturday of June to celebrate as the Day of Hungarian Freedom. The Hungarian railway company, which carried out the transportation of military equipment on its territory, did not remain unprofitable. Her treasury replenished with a billion forints.

June 19, 2002 Steve Fossett, an American extreme, went on a round-the-world non-stop balloon trip

Steve Fossett is not only extreme, but also a millionaire businessman. The rich, as you know, have their own quirks. Fossett had them too. He loved to tickle his nerves and constantly participated in risky sporting events. Steve has long cherished the dream of flying around the globe alone. He even undertook in 1996. first try. But for technical reasons, I had to interrupt the flight and land a balloon in Russia. In 2002, the attempt was successful. On June 19, Steve went on a trip, and on July 3, circling the globe, he successfully landed. During his life, he set more than 100 world records in the field of flying on airplanes, balloons, controlling sails. He climbed twice to Everest, crossed the English Channel, piloted the airship, flew around the globe without stopping. In September 2007, Steve Fossett died in a plane crash while making another flight.

Born on June 19

Ahmed Salman Rushdie (born 1947), British writer

Salman was born in India into a Muslim family. The young man received a worthy education. At age 14, he was sent to study in England, where he graduated from Cambridge University, and later received citizenship. He worked as a journalist, tried himself in literature. His life changed dramatically in 1988 when his Satanic Poems came out. In this novel, Salman illuminated his vision of the Qur'an Suras. But his point of view did not coincide with the opinion of most Muslims, who considered themselves offended. Ayatollah Khomeini announced the death sentence to Salman Rushdi. A scandal arose between Iran and Great Britain. British diplomats even had to leave the Iranian country, and Rushdie was forced to hide. The death sentence has not been canceled so far. The writer himself continues to literary work, has released several novels, wrote fairy tales for children. In 2007 the English queen granted him the title of knight. But the merits of Rushdie are unlikely to save from the hands of religious fanatics, so the writer still leads a hidden, reclusive life.

Natalya Selezneva (born 1945), Soviet actress

Natalia was born in a creative family. Her mother was an artist, and her father was a famous Moscow photographer. Perhaps that is why the girl from childhood decided to connect her life with creativity and become an actress. To star in a movie Natalia Selezneva began in childhood. She was given the role of Katya in "Girl and Crocodile" and Sasha in the film "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character." And little Natasha did a great job with them. But fame came to her a little later, after the Gaidaev’s Operation Y, where she starred as a student at a theater school. Then there were “Ivan Vasilievich”, “Zucchini 13 Chairs”, performances of the Moscow Satire Theater, in which Natalia Selezneva still serves.

Paula Abdul (born 1962), American singer, dancer, actress

Paula was born in California, in the family of a pianist and small entrepreneur. From the age of seven, she began to engage in dancing with enthusiasm. She not only danced herself well, but also enjoyed dancing for others. Jackson's brothers noticed her choreographic abilities and invited her to work in her show. Over time, Paula wanted to not only dance, but also to sing. She began to take vocal lessons, and 1988. released her debut album. To reach the top lines of the main American charts, they had to wait more than a year. But Paula gained recognition and became famous. The second album was released in 1991. and sold in seven million copies. And the single from this album "Rush Rush" (with a cartoon cat) kept on the top line for five consecutive weeks. After a tremendous success, Paula decided to take a break and went headlong into family life. In 1995 she returned to show business. Currently, Paula Abdul is acting in films, is engaged in a solo career.

Name day june 19

Efim, Safron, Elisha, Vissarion, Hilarion, George
Thekla, Susanna


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).