How to talk hernia in an adult?


Intervertebral hernia is a serious and dangerous disease characterized by sharp back pains that give to the buttocks and legs. Hernia can be diagnosed exclusively by a doctor, as there are a lot of diseases with similar symptoms in medicine. The danger of this disease is that over time a person can paralyze. In addition, the degree of tenderness of the tumor in the spine increases, and over time the pain becomes unbearable.

In folk medicine there are no means to get rid of vertebral hernia. But can this disease be cured with a conspiracy? What are the strongest conspiracies against vertebral hernia? What are the consequences of reading a conspiracy from a neoplasm on the spine?
Let's talk about this in the article.

Is it possible to speak intervertebral hernia?

Many patients who cannot be cured by traditional methods are interested in the question: can a vertebral hernia be started up? Experienced esoteric tend to positive answer to this question. To get rid of intervertebral hernia through magical intervention can be as follows:

  • Having transferred the disease to another person or animal;
  • By destroying the neoplasm at the energy level;
  • Having transferred the negative energy of the disease to the thin world.

Transferring the disease to another creature - the lot of black magicians. At the same time, the negative energy of the disease of the intervertebral hernia does not disappear anywhere and can cause irreparable harm not only to the chosen victim, but also to the exorcist. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to refrain from black conspiracies.

Care should also be taken with the transfer of disease energy into the subtle world. Only an experienced magician healer practicing free access to the astral can do this. Novice sorcerers are advised to destroy the ailment at a subtle level with the help of plots of white healing magic. These spells are aimed at the complete destruction of the intervertebral hernia without transferring it to someone or something. The effect of such conspiracies is rather slow, but the most effective. Thus, intervertebral hernia can and should be treated with the help of white magic.

A strong conspiracy against vertebral hernia

The strongest healing plots from intervertebral hernia are divided into the following types:

  • Pagan spells and rites. Magical mysteries based on the worship of pagan deities. The sorcerer appeals to natural forces. To feed the elements with energy, which is necessary for performing such rites, one should more often meditate on nature;
  • Prayer plots. Spells based on Orthodox prayers, seeking help from God and Christian saints. Preparatory activities before reading prayer plots include church attendance, daily prayers, weekly fasting with a vegetarian diet;
  • Combined rites. The sacraments, which are a combination of pagan rituals and prayer plots. Widely used by modern white magicians, healers.

The most effective plots from intervertebral hernia are:

  • On the fir cone;
  • To holy water;
  • On sour cream;
  • Bath rite.

Let's talk about each of them separately.

Fir cone plot

The plot from the intervertebral hernia to the fir cone is an ancient pagan spell rooted in Siberian healing. To perform the sacrament, the patient must independently go to the forest. In the forest, you should find an old spruce, choose a bigger cone from those that lie at the base of the tree.

Important to remember! When reading a conspiracy on any object, it is necessary to gaze at it without blinking and without looking at the object being spoken.

Looking at the cone, the caster must chant the following text:

"Perun-Batyushka! I cry to you,
I ask your help, I ask!
Hernia lives in me, can not go out
My back is eating me.
Let hernia go away
In the cone fir,
And from the cones - to Mother Earth,
May she come up with a strong fir tree
A century is worth it - don't let it go! "

The text of the plot should be repeated 3 times. Then the patient closes his eyes, imagining how his ailment first passes to the fir cone, and then is absorbed by the earth and turns into a Good. After that, the cone should be buried a little distance from the tree, near which it was found.

Plot on holy water

Prayer conspiracy from vertebral hernia to holy water is one of the strongest spells in the healer's arsenal. Church water must be collected in a bucket. A person with vertebral hernia is not recommended to do it yourself, since the disease does not allow lifting weights. In the absence of holy water, pure spring water will fit if it has previously been settled for a week.

The conspiracy itself is read by the patient in the full moon. The spell text is provided below:

"Mother of God walked on Earth, she carried water in a bucket.
Who asked her to give him a drink,
Diseases healed.
So I, a servant of God [name], ask:
Give me, Mother of God, pure water
Now get drunk
From hernia heal!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

The liquid you need to drink 1 glass each time with a waning moon. The ritual should be performed 3 times, 3 months in a row. Relief comes after the first treatment, complete healing - at the end of the cycle.

Bath rite

The bathing rite is a combination ritual. It goes back to the pagan past, however, with the advent of Christianity, the text of the conspiracy was rather prayerful.

The essence of the ritual:

The patient is well steamed in the bath. Then he lay on his stomach, and the caster slightly hits him with an oak broom, reading:

"Black comes out of the servant of God [the name of the patient],
He goes straight into the fire
Where he burns, disappears,
The servant of God [the name] no longer pesters.
For the Lord is Almighty,
The Lord is the All-Good,
The Lord is Gracious.
Amen! Amen! Amen! "

The plot should be repeated 3 times. At the end of the third reading broom is burned in the oven. After that, the patient and the exorcist must leave the bath as quickly as possible.

Plot on sour cream

Pagan conspiracy to sour cream can be pronounced if there is a cat in the house. The patient puts a saucer in front of him with sour cream and says:

"I will rise at dawn, I will turn to the east.
I go out into the open field - the gate behind me is locked up.
And in the open field - four cats.
One is black, the second is white,
The third is gray, fourth [color of own animal].
I'll come to the fourth, so ask:
Sharp claw!
You lick my pain,
Yes, cut out my hernia! "
It is said - closed.
Let it be so!".

After this, you should spread the sick part of your back with a conspiracy sour cream, walk like this for 3 minutes, then give your own cat a sour cream. The ritual should be repeated for another 2 evenings. Feels better the next day, and the hernia will retreat completely after 3 months.


White healing rituals do not entail dangerous consequences. However, it should be borne in mind that any conspiracy, even extremely powerful, may not work. The reasons may be completely different, for example:

  • The caster's lack of faith in the power of his own words;
  • The use of prayer conspiracy unbaptized sorcerer;
  • Unsuccessful choice of place to read a plot from an intervertebral hernia, etc.

Any conspiracy from vertebral hernia begins to act within a week after reading it. If, 7 days after the completion of the ritual, the patient does not feel better, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor in order not to aggravate the situation.


Watch the video: Hernia Repair Inguinal Laparoscopic Nebraska Patient Education (July 2024).