Pyelonephritis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Pyelonephritis - This is an inflammation of the kidneys, which occurs in acute or chronic form. The disease is quite widespread and very dangerous to health. It is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, fever, severe general condition and chills. It occurs most often after hypothermia.

Acute is called the first occurring pyelonephritis. Chronic - pyelonephritis, repeated many times (periods of exacerbation change with prolonged remissions). Pyelonephritis often affects girls and women (in 70% of cases). Often, the disease develops after cystitis - ascending pyelonephritis. In men, pyelonephritis is usually a complication of urological diseases or abscesses of various organs. Children rarely get sick (most often girls).

Pyelonephritis - causes

The cause of pyelonephritis, as a rule, is hypothermia, more often in spring or autumn. There are a number of factors contributing to the disease:
- repeated previous pyelonephritis disease;
- untimely emptying of the bladder;
- concomitant diseases that weaken the immune system, diabetes mellitus, hypovitaminosis, overwork, infectious diseases;
- improperly treated cystitis;
- acute inflammatory diseases (abscesses, tonsillitis);
- a decrease in immunity during pregnancy, plus an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the ureter, interfering with the outflow of urine from the kidneys.

Pyelonephritis - Symptoms

Like any disease, pyelonephritis has characteristic symptoms:
- An increase in body temperature to about 39-40 degrees, accompanied by periodic chills;
- Severe general condition, nausea and weakness, pallor of the skin;
- Frequent urination (within an hour - repeatedly). The norm is considered - 5-7 times a day;
- Turbid urine, often with an admixture of blood;
- back pain;

Pyelonephritis - diagnosis

Pyelonephritis is characterized by very specific complaints, which make it possible to suspect a disease with a high degree of probability. Pyelonephritis is confirmed and distinguished from other diseases by instrumental and laboratory methods.

The disease is most reliably diagnosed based on a general urinalysis (elevated protein and white blood cells, the presence of bacteria) and a general blood test (increased white blood cell count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

To determine the microorganism that caused pyelonephritis, bacteriological culture of urine is performed. This study also determines the susceptibility of the microorganism to antibiotics. In chronic pyelonephritis, this study is prescribed without fail.

A very important diagnostic method is ultrasound, which allows you to determine the condition of the kidneys and concomitant kidney diseases, which is necessary for proper treatment. X-ray studies, blood tests and cystoscopy with pyelonephritis are prescribed extremely rarely.

Pyelonephritis - treatment and prevention

Uncomplicated forms are treated with antibiotics and uroseptics (antimicrobial drugs that act exclusively on the urinary organs). The appointment of antispasmodics, which contribute to the outflow of urine from the kidneys, drugs that strengthen the immune system, anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretic herbs, is very important.

Most often, antibiotics of fluoroquinolone (ozerlik, ofloxin) and cephalosporin (ceftriaxone) series are prescribed. Of the uroseptics, furadonin, nitroxoline and palin are the most popular.

The duration of treatment and the dose should be agreed with the attending physician, since self-medication may cause complications of pyelonephritis. During treatment, spicy, sour and salted foods, alcohol and strong coffee are excluded. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

Prevention of pyelonephritis is the exclusion of factors contributing to the onset of the disease. It is recommended to empty the bladder on time, avoid hypothermia, treat infectious diseases and associated urological diseases in a timely manner.


Regina 09/11/2016
And Monurel was prescribed to me together with antibiotics. After the course of treatment, she also fully recovered. But my urologist still offers me to use Monurel occasionally, as a preventive measure. I think it's worth taking his advice.

Katya 08/25/2016
Monurel helped me with cystitis. The doctor explained that antibiotics alone would not help cure the disease, so he needed another drug with proanthocyanidins. And Monurel is good in that it contains 36 mg of cranberry extract, which prevents bacteria from attaching to the wall of the bladder. After a course of treatment I had cystitis)

Victoria 07/24/2016
I also used amoxicycline for the treatment of cystitis. It helps, but not for long. Additionally used uroprofit. The treatment is very long. Recently I learned that there is a new drug - Monurel. I decided to use it. It helped remarkably simply, especially with antibiotics. I decided to figure out what's the matter, because both Monurel and Uroprofit contain cranberry extract. It turned out that uroprofit contains only 25 mg of cranberry extract (and the minimum required dose, which has been confirmed by research, is 35 mg) and 35 mg of vitamin C (unlike the same monurel which contains 35 mg of highly concentrated cranberry extract and 60 mg of vitamin C ) no certification - dietary supplements have not been conducted any serious studies on the degree and quality of the effect of the drug on the body.

Inna 04/10/2016
I took these drugs ceftriaxone, cefazolin, amoxicillin. And she helped her body with these folk methods // Thanks to the author for the article.


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