We will become 10 years younger - we clean the intestines at home. How to clean your intestines at home: quickly and efficiently


I wonder what percentage of people even think about cleansing their body.

Why do we clean our house weekly, regularly wash our windows, whiten, paint, and do not consider it necessary to clean our intestines at home.

Say it’s not so important?

Have you ever seen a drainage corrugated pipe?

It looks like an accordion, and can serve as a prototype of our intestines.

After 10 years, the internal hollows of the pipe disappear, clogging up with dirt, mucus, pebbles, and this is also happening with our body. Pathologists say that there are cases when up to 20 kg of petrified stool deposits have been found in the human body.

To clean the intestines at home: indications and contraindications

Each doctor will confirm that without regular body cleansing it is impossible to have healthy vessels, lungs, liver and other organs.

To get rid of diseases such as:

• inflammatory processes in the respiratory system;

• allergy;

• bad breath and sweat;

• gastritis and concomitant inflammation of the stomach;

• cystitis and pyelonephritis;

• impaired metabolism and excess weight;

• cardiovascular disorders,

regular cleaning of the body is necessary. Should we wait until there are visible indications for bowel cleansing or will we start today to put our inner house in order?

To cleanse the intestines at home quickly and effectively and guarantee yourself stability in health and youth, you do not need special devices, expensive drugs and the help of doctors, except for their consultation if necessary.

Without the advice of specialists, it is impossible to begin bowel cleansing in diseases such as oncology, colitis and hemorrhoids in the acute stage, Crohn's disease. Women are better off refraining from drastic measures during critical days.

How to clean your intestines at home quickly and effectively: methods

There are many methods for cleaning the intestines both in medical institutions and at home.

- In the department of gastroenterology, hydrocolonotherapy is performed, when up to 20 l of herbal infusion is driven through the intestine. The procedure is not pleasant, but effective.

In this case, the weight will decrease by a couple of kilograms. To achieve the effect, you need to go through 3 sessions, it will take 3 whole days.

- If you are friends with enemas and know how to set them, then you can carry out mini-hydrocolonotherapy at home by preparing 2-3 liters of decoction of herbs or adding a little salt at a rate of 15 g per 1 liter.

The best time for an enema is morning, when the intestines are cleaned naturally.

Lying on your side, try to pour in all the liquid and hold it as long as possible, then you need to go to the toilet several times.

To fix the cleaning result, if there is strength, then the enema should be repeated, this time, pouring a half liter of water.

Doctors advise repeating this 3 times, but, as a rule, many stop at the second time when the outgoing water becomes transparent.

- You can empty the intestines by drinking 2 liters of warm, slightly salted water for one hour. Saline solution prepared from 2 dess. l salt and two liters of water, sometimes it’s difficult to drink, so you can reduce the salt concentration and increase the time between taking the next glass.

It is impossible to refuse the use of salt, otherwise all the liquid will be absorbed into the intestinal wall, causing it to swell, and the saline solution has a blood concentration and moves freely through the intestine.

Even if you have the urge to defecate, do not stop drinking water.

Cleaning is considered successful when the effluent becomes clear and nearly colorless. After this, you should definitely eat porridge, preferably rice, you can add steamed vegetables, fruits, baked at least in the microwave, but not meat and dairy products.

This bowel cleansing is carried out twice a week, 3 consecutive weeks, once every six months.

- Do not want to drink water, buy a potent laxative, but the disadvantage of this method will be that the "dirt" comes out only from the large intestine.

- You can also clean the intestines with castor oil, this procedure is shown in the video.

- A regular diet, proper nutrition, and cleansing by folk methods are also acceptable in order to cleanse.

How to clean your intestines at home quickly and effectively: a sequence of actions

Bowel cleansing is both healing and stress for the body, therefore, you should prepare for the cleaning process. Within 7 days before the start of cleaning, it will be hydrocolotherapy or maintaining a diet, you should switch to vegetarian food, limiting yourself to fried, fatty, spicy, consuming more vegetables, fruits and juices.

To clean the intestines at home quickly and effectively, enemas are not always used.

- Milk perfectly copes with this task, which should be boiled and left warm for a day for souring, but at the same time there should be no cottage cheese and whey.

- The next night, 20 ml of olive oil is added to a glass of sour milk and drunk.

- In the morning, swallow the peeled garlic clove on an empty stomach and have breakfast with an apple or beetroot salad.

- After some time, as starvation occurs, we cook ourselves porridge from equal proportions of rice and oat grains, but not cereal. We eat porridge in the morning and evening without oil, but with a small addition of salt, you can take boiled beets as a salad. This porridge will play the role of a cleansing brush, which removes undigested food.

- In order to improve the pathogenic flora of the intestine, you should regularly drink 3 times a day for two months before eating a glass of non-hot water with 35 g of honey, which will replenish vitamins, hormones, biologically active substances lost during cleaning.

With enterocolitis, 15 ml of apple cider vinegar should be added to this mixture. After six months, you can repeat the course of recovery.

How to clean your intestines at home quickly and effectively: diet

You want to clean your intestines at home quickly and efficiently, but it’s difficult for you to put up with fast stools, an inadequate reaction of the body, then give preference to diets that act more gently and you can sit on them more often.

- comes to the rescue linen. People noticed the healing properties of flax for a long time, having learned to use the seeds themselves and squeeze the oil out of them, in which they found anti-aging, unique Omega acids.

The ability of flax to swell, creating a kind of cork in the intestine, can be used to clean the latter, cleansing it and filling it with life-giving force.

In this diet, simplicity, cheapness and parallel guaranteed weight loss are captivating.

Sour cream and ground flax seeds are used as breakfast. It is advisable that the flax is milled every day, the seeds should be slightly fried before that, because linseed oil is released faster.

Bowel cleansing will occur 3 weeks, in increasing order. Every week, the amount of flax increases by 1 spoon, which means we start with 1 tablespoon, finish 3, in the first, second weeks we take sour cream 100 g each, in the third week its amount can be increased to 150 g.

Everything is surprisingly simple, ground flax, mixed with sour cream and had breakfast. After this, the liquid can be taken in a couple of hours, so we will drink coffee at work, not forgetting about two liters of water.

- It’s easier to cleanse the body with a diet using bran. Fiber from plants such as wheat, rye, oats, rice can swell, absorbing toxins, creating the necessary conditions for cleaning the intestines.

Cheap bran, which you can buy at any store, and water, that’s all the components you need to do the cleaning in two weeks.

In the morning, instead of breakfast, you need to eat 2 tbsp. bran, washed down with 2 glasses of liquid, preferably with water, but it is possible with juice or tea, repeating the same technique after dinner, before dinner or instead.

Do not get involved in a large number of bran, it can also hurt.

You can cleanse the intestines with a bran diet 2 to 3 times a year.

- One day diet a bit troublesome, for taking decoctions, each time different, you need to hourly, starting at 8.00, before drinking 200 ml of green tea.

A novelty is the use of tea from bread, for the preparation of which 500 g of real, preferably non-yeast black bread, is poured 0.5 l of boiling water for half a day.

So, 8.00 and we start, starting a new tea in an hour.

- apple + 1 cup of tea from bread;

- ½ cup grape juice and bread tea;

- 400 ml of green tea;

- ½ cup bread and carrot juice + white grapes (100 g);

- drink the same amount of grapes with a glass of grape juice;

- 400 ml of green tea;

- ½ cup bread and carrot juice;

- 200 ml of still water;

- 3 pcs. sweet pepper;

- ½ cup of bread and apple juice;

- drink green tea at night.

- Broom Diet is the most enjoyable and mildest way to cleanse the intestines.

We prepare the mixture, taking 100 g of these components:

• dried apricots;

• prunes;

• seedless raisins;

• figs;

• tableting buckthorn or hay;

• honey.

Grind everything and store in the refrigerator, taking 2 tbsp. at night, 2 hours after dinner, until we eat the whole mixture.

- If you need to urgently and effectively clean your intestines try this diet.

1 day

In the morning we brew tea from senna or buckthorn according to the instructions. During the day you can’t eat anything, just drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices, at least 1.5 liters per day

2, 3 days

We eat only seeds, nuts, but not almonds, and raw vegetables:

• carrot;

• cabbage;

• turnip;

• pumpkin.

All this can be mixed, but not salted.

4 day

An all-day diet consists of an unlimited number of vegetables stewed in their own juice without adding salt.

5, 6 days

The menu includes vegetable soup, buckwheat and oatmeal porridge with honey and dried fruits, and freshly squeezed fruit juices.

7 day

Skim milk products, boiled eggs, whey bread, 1 piece of baked potato.

Next, we eat everything, as usual, following the recommendations for a healthy diet.

- Holosasovaya jelly Also well recommended as a mild cleaning. In two liters of water we put a pound of prunes, 50 g of pressed buckthorn or hay, let it boil, and let it stand for another half hour on the smallest fire, filter. Pour 150 ml of pharmaceutical holosas, boil again, cool and store in the refrigerator, taking half a glass at night, 1.5 hours after the last meal. If you are an “owl”, then drink jelly 2.0 hours before bedtime, because after that it is advisable not to eat or drink anything.

What do we have, removing all the dirt from our body?

1. All toxic substances will be removed from the body.

2. Decrease weight.

3. The abdomen will become more inverted by reducing the size of the intestines.

4. The skin of the face and body will look cleaner and younger.


Watch the video: How to Empty Your Bowels Without Straining (July 2024).