How to get rid of insomnia: medicines and folk remedies. Practical advice: get rid of insomnia, be healthy!


Insomnia is a common phenomenon that has become a serious problem for many people.

Sleep disturbance causes a lot of inconvenience: lethargy in the morning, a constant feeling of tiredness, high irritability, frequent depression.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Not sure how to get rid of insomnia?

This article is for you.

Insomnia: causes and types

Insomnia can occur for no reason, or become a consequence of any disease. In order to finally determine the method of treatment, you need to understand what caused the problem.

There are two main types of insomnia: primary and secondary. The latter occurs in more than 80% of cases, and is caused by various somatic, neurological, psychiatric, medicinal causes. Primary, more rare, is the result of psychophysiological abnormalities.

Based on the main causes of insomnia, it is customary to distinguish 11 of its types.

• Adaptation. It occurs as a result of nervous shocks, stresses, positive or negative emotions.

• Psychophysiological. Sleep disturbance is associated with a person’s mental anxiety. Restless, suspended state leads to the impossibility of falling asleep.

• Paradoxical. It is extremely rare, and is a very serious disorder. People affected by this disease complain of a constant lack of sleep, although in fact its duration can significantly exceed the norm.

• Idiopathic. Chronic sleep disturbance haunting a person from early childhood. As a rule, it occurs due to hyper- or hypoactivity of the nervous system. It is possible to get rid of such insomnia only with the help of a specialist.

• Organic. Disorders cause any disease, general malaise, malnutrition, etc.

• Medicinal. Often taking medications, stimulants, coffee or tea can cause acute sleep disturbance.

• Insomnia against the background of a nervous system disorder.

• Insomnia caused by poor sleep hygiene. Basically, this refers to improperly scheduled sleep patterns, overeating, alcohol and drug use.

The risk of insomnia is quite high among older people, women, people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, with a duration of sleep of less than 5 hours, unemployed people who are in stressful, conflict situations, or divorce.

If you do not know how to get rid of insomnia, pay attention to changes in life. The most popular reasons include: drinking alcohol or drugs, stress, taking medications, changing your time zone or work.

How to get rid of insomnia: medicines

If you do not know how to get rid of insomnia, the first thing to do is to visit a competent specialist. Lack of sleep can be the result of a serious illness, so any initiative is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, there is a huge risk of causing irreparable harm to your health.

But savvy in the matter has not yet bothered anyone. Consider the most popular medications for insomnia.

Modern pharmaceuticals have been able to give the world a huge amount of sleeping pills. They are usually divided into two types: chemicals, and medicines made on the basis of herbal, natural components. Of course, the latter is much safer for the human body.

Among the so-called herbal preparations, the most effective can be distinguished:

Ortho Taurine. An absolutely affordable drug that can quickly improve the patient’s health, improving sleep, mood and working efficiency during the day.

Neurostable. Pills that most doctors recommend to their patients. They quickly cope with insomnia, restoring the vitality of the patient. True, pregnant women and nursing mothers will have to find an alternative.

Biolan. One of the most expensive and most effective drugs. It helps not only to quickly get rid of insomnia, but also to restore the body, strengthen the nervous system.

Balance sheet. It is especially effective for people whose work is associated with great mental stress. Good in treating insomnia caused by ordinary overwork.

Chemicals that help get rid of insomnia are quite effective, but it is forbidden to use them without a doctor’s instructions. The components that make up such drugs can not only cause allergic reactions, but also significantly weaken the work of internal organs.

Among them, most often, experts prescribe:

Ambien. Highly effective medicine, as a result of which sleep occurs in the next half hour. It is recommended to use it up to ten days, no more.

Roserem. A good drug that is not addictive. Able to have a calming effect on the body, in particular, on the nervous system.

Zolpidem. It is prescribed to people who do not know how to get rid of insomnia over a long period. After its use, headaches, nausea and general malaise often occur.

Among the drugs for insomnia, another group can be distinguished - psychotropic drugs, or tranquilizers. It is impossible to buy them without a doctor’s prescription, and their main action is aimed at restoring the body and nervous system. After admission, the patient has a craving for life, insomnia disappears, and renewed strength.

The most popular is Fenazepam. Its use is extremely effective, but it has a lot of contraindications and side effects.

How to get rid of insomnia: folk remedies

You can also get rid of insomnia by the old "grandmother's" methods tested by the experience of past generations.

Treatment folk doctors recommend starting with your own bedroom. The situation in it should be relaxing, calming: dim lamps, bedding in neutral colors made from natural fabrics, a suitable mattress and pillows.

Now let's move on to products that provide a pleasant, healthy sleep.

1. Bow. An excellent soothing means has ordinary onions or green onions. Add it to dinner, for example, in a salad, and sleep will not take long.

2. Melissa. Tea with lemon balm is famous for extremely effective sleeping pills. Two teaspoons per 250 ml of boiling water, you can add a little honey. Such a drink has a calming effect on the body, thereby ensuring a good rest for the body during sleep.

3. Apple peel. Apple peel has amazing sleeping pills that do not disappear for three years. It can be stored without problems for a long time, making a soothing decoction before going to bed. Boil the peel for 5 minutes, strain, add a little sugar (to taste), and drink it overnight. Quality sleep guaranteed.

4. Lavender oil. Some essential oils calm the nervous system well. One of the most effective is considered lavender. Put a few drops on your fingers and brush them with whiskey before bed. Such an action will help you to quickly fall into a dream.

5. Herbal pillow. An excellent tool that has been used for several centuries. Take wormwood, thyme or mint, hops, mix herbs in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. After that, put them in a small bag, sew them, and put them at the head of the head. The delicate aroma of herbs helps to get rid of insomnia.

Folk remedies are effective if insomnia is the result of emotional failure. In another case, you need to seek help from a neurologist, and undergo an appropriate examination.

How to get rid of insomnia in a small child

Sleep disturbance in children can be a serious problem if neglected treatment in the early stages. The causes of insomnia in babies can be a huge number. Each age has its own characteristics.

For example, insomnia in children under the age of 1 year may appear as a result of external factors (bright light, changing environment, noise) or illness (indigestion, colds, infections). Up to 3 years, kids often fall asleep with great difficulty, as their nervous system is overloaded with constantly incoming new information. From 3 to 6 years old children often suffer from nightmares, fear of the dark.

Only after you figure out the causes of insomnia of the baby, you can start treatment. In no case do not prescribe medications to your child yourself! Consultation with a child specialist is a must.

For children under the age of 3 years, experts forbid giving medications. From only 3 years old, the doctor can prescribe the baby a light medicine based on herbal and natural ingredients. The most popular pills were Persen. It has a calming effect, combats the baby’s mood swings, and also helps to normalize sleep.

You can also use soothing herbal decoctions, safer for a fragile child's body, based on motherwort, chamomile, lemon balm, oregano, valerian or mint.

A light massage with essential oils helps to get rid of insomnia. However, do not do it for children under 3 years old.

Insomnia is a nuisance that can occur completely unexpectedly. It, like any disease, is easier to prevent. Move more, eat right, get rid of bad habits and obvious irritants, let yourself relax and enjoy life. All this in a complex will ensure a healthy sleep.
