What dreams of fat in a dream


Even the ancient people said that dreams can predict the future. But, if at that time it was customary to turn to the witches and shamans, today it is enough to look into the dream book and find out the interpretation of your dreams.

Today we offer to make out various variants of dreams with the vision of fat. During the publication we will consider situations from the various parties, and we will learn interpretation on various dream books.

Dreamed of fat in a dream what does it mean

In order for the interpretation to be complete, the dreamer must try to remember the maximum amount of detail, recall his actions and the appearance in which he dreamed it - in this version the interpretation will be more accurate and will give more information about the near future.

But total sleep valuein which this product dreams, has mostly good subtextbecause it is a symbol of a happy turn in the destiny of a person, especially if it was dreamed of as a third-party image, lying somewhere in the side.

But still, we propose to understand the details in which it dreamed, because they help to clarify the nuances and find out more information about their future.

What dreams of salty bacon

Dream Miller says: if you dream of salty bacon, which a person is going to eat, you should expect a good profit.

But, to see a small piece of a salted product is a warning of impending need or stagnation, i.e. a person should be more reasonable and more modest to the issue of costs.

Interpretation Vanga also speaks about profits, but clarifies that a large piece of salty product foreshadows a good inheritance, a small piece that a person is going to eat will tell about a minor surprise from relatives.

If you dream of lard fresh to what it is

If you dream of fat fresh woman, then soon fate will present her a gift, and she should not lose her chance.

If you dream of fat fresh fat man - This is the harbinger of close luck in the form of an exceptional chance to improve their well-being. This may be a good deal or a lucrative offer of cooperation.

The dream warns aboutthat in real life this chance can be heavily veiled, so you should be careful and have time to use the gift of fate.

What dreams of fat with an interlayer

If you dream of a pork product with a good layer of meat - this is a good sign. Such a dream promises a successful outcome of any planned events - luck will accompany in everything.

Some clarifications and various dream books can suggest important nuances:

  • if dreamed raw with a meat layer, when the dreamer eats it - according to Freud's dream book, this dream promises violent sex and frantic pleasure, it gives the same interpretation if it lies on the table next to a piece of meat;
  • if this product is dreaming with a large layer of raw - Freud's dream book interprets such a dream, as a sign of the lack of romance in real life, the dream tells a person to have to do something pleasant for his partner;
  • if it dreamed of fried meat - an esoteric dream book gives a description of such a dream, as a symbol of a tough struggle on workers, but the outcome will be successful;
  • if you dreamed that you yourself are going to salt this pig product with a good layer - the dream book Maya explains it this way: the new passion turns the wheel of fortune in the direction of the dreamer and helps to consolidate success.

If you dream of smoked fat to what it

  • If you had a smoked dream in your dream, then according to Flamenno's dream-book, the time has come for you to accomplish new things. Take care of something new and enjoy life, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.
  • If this smoked product was with meat - wait for quick changes that will radically change your life. Do not be afraid to take risks - it will bring new sensations and fresh emotions into your life.

Buy or cut fat in a dream for what it is

To the question, what is the dream of buying and eating fat in a dream, the dream books give the following interpretations:

  • Dream Miller - if it dreamed in this form, then the dream draws the dreamer's attention to problems in the sexual life, the dreamer should pay more attention to his partner, otherwise the flame of love will be irrevocably extinguished;
  • Dream Vanga - if it dreams in such situations, on the contrary, it promises a person a good turn in his destiny, the person will be able to come out of the confused situation with honor and solve all his problems;
  • Dreaming maya - promises the person to whom it dreams of a high position in society, which will result in tireless work.

However, if after the purchase the product is planned to be melted and this process is dreamed of by a person, this may mean an unfortunate turn of events, an attempt to hide the secret will be revealed.

For a woman to see her hands in a melted smalt, may be evidence of a quick quarrel in the family. But even such a dream ultimately predicts the opportunity to emerge victorious from the situation.


Watch the video: Fat Pat - Dreamz (June 2024).