Vegetable vinaigrette - eat vitamins! Vegetable vinaigrette recipes: with beans, apples, mushrooms, cabbage


Vegetable vinaigrette - a simple, cheap, but amazingly tasty and healthy salad.

Once it was cooked for the holidays, and he shared a table with Olivier.

But today it is not considered solemn and is most often prepared on weekdays.

But there are vinaigrette recipes that deserve attention.

Indulge in a delicious salad?

Vegetable vinaigrette - general principles of preparation

Beets are the main and unchanging ingredient of vinaigrette. The root crop before cooking needs to be boiled. This is mainly done in water on the stove. To save time, you can let the beets boil for half an hour, and then put under a stream of cold water. After cooling, let lie in ice water for another half hour, and it will reach readiness.

What else is put in vinaigrettes:

• cabbage;

• potatoes;

• bow;

• carrots;

• salted cucumbers.

Often, green peas or beans are added to the salad. Salad is seasoned mainly with oil. But sometimes they make fragrant dressings from various ingredients. The addition of any greens is welcome, but it is best to do this immediately before serving.

All vegetables are diced. The size of the pieces can be arbitrary. Someone like finely chopped salads. And someone likes vegetables to be expressive and conspicuous.

Recipe 1: Vegetable Vinaigrette with Sauerkraut

The recipe for vegetable vinaigrette for those who do not like fresh food. Salad with sauerkraut will turn out to be sour, interesting and very fragrant. If the cabbage is too acidic, then you can rinse in cold water and squeeze. But remember that fresh vegetables will take some of the acid into themselves.


• 2 potatoes;

• 3 beets;

• 200 grams of canned peas;

• 1 carrot;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• 2 cucumbers salted or pickled;

• 300 grams of sauerkraut;

• bulb onion.


1. We wash the vegetables, remove strong impurities with a brush. Boil until tender. Potatoes can be with carrots, and beets are desirable separately.

2. All vegetables must be well cooled and peeled.

3. Cut the potatoes with carrots and beets into cubes. The size can be any, but preferably close to a pea, so that the salad looks harmonious.

4. We also chop pickles. Then put it in a colander or just wring out your hands from excess brine.

5. Peel the onion and send it to the salad.

6. Add sauerkraut and peas.

7. Fill the salad with oil and you're done! If suddenly there is little salt, then it is better to add it in front of the oil.

Recipe 2: Vegetable Vinaigrette with Mushrooms

Mushroom vinaigrette is a salad that can even be put on the festive table. Light, but very fragrant and nutritious. Surprise the guests! We take canned mushrooms, they will give the dish a very bright taste.


• 1 large beet or 2 small;

• 3 potatoes;

• 2 carrots;

• 30 grams of oil;

• 150 grams of peas;

• 200 grams of canned food. mushrooms;

• 1 pickle;

• 1 onion;

• 1 tsp acute mustard;

• salt optionally, pepper.


1. As usual, boil all the vegetables. This can be done in advance, as it is very important to cool well.

2. Peel, cut into cubes, drop everything into a bowl.

3. We cut the cucumber and onion in the same cubes and send it to the salad.

4. Add the peas. Preliminarily, express all the liquid from it.

5. The turn of mushrooms has come. If honey mushrooms are used, then it is better to lay them whole. They look spectacular in such salads. If the mushrooms are large and others, then simply cut into cubes, plates or slices. We do it at our discretion.

6. We are preparing a gas station. To do this, simply rub a spoonful of hot mustard with vegetable oil. But if you don’t want it quite simply, you can add black pepper, dried dill and other seasonings.

7. We fill vinaigrette, mix and that's it! After half an hour, you can serve it on the table, let it stand for a bit.

Recipe 3: Vegetable Vinaigrette with Beans and Chives

In classic vinaigrette, boiled beans have always been used. But to save time, many housewives switched to canned peas. With it faster and more convenient. Nevertheless, the salad with beans is special, and this wonderful recipe has a right to exist.


• 4 potatoes;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 bunch of green onions;

• 1 onion;

• 5 tablespoons of oil;

• 150 grams of red beans;

• salt, mustard, pepper;

• 4 pickles.


1. Pour dry beans with cold water. Leave for at least 5 hours. Better to do it at night. Then boil until cooked. If the beans are swollen well, then 40 minutes is enough. We drain the water, cool.

2. Boil beets with potatoes and carrots. We clean and chop everything. It is better to make the pieces larger in this salad, closer to the size of the beans. Otherwise, the salad will be plain.

3. Add the peeled and finely chopped onion, pickles.

4. The feathers of green onions are sorted, washed and crumbled. Sent to a vinaigrette.

5. Season with vegetable oil with mustard. In addition to feather onions, you can add other herbs.

Recipe 4: Vegetable Vinaigrette with apples "Two"

Apples give the vegetable salad fresh notes and an unusual, but very pleasant taste. It is better to use the fruits of green and sour varieties. Onions for this salad are pickled in vinegar, but you can use a salad grade. Remembering this recipe is very simple, since all the ingredients are taken in 2 pieces.


• 2 beets;

• 2 apples;

• 2 pickled cucumbers;

• 2 carrots;

• 2 potatoes;

• 200 grams of sauerkraut;

• 2 onions;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar;

• butter.


1. Throw boiled, peeled and chopped vegetables into a cup.

2. Dice the onion, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to it, pour in 150 ml of water and leave to marinate.

3. Peel the apples, remove the middle, cut into cubes and also toss into the bowl.

4. Add sauerkraut and chopped pickles.

5. Squeeze the previously pickled onions, send to the vinaigrette.

6. Fill with oil and you're done!

Recipe 5: Vegetable Vinaigrette with Seaweed

This version of vegetable salad is a whole storehouse of iodine and other useful substances. It is better to use pickled seaweed in cans, that is, Far Eastern Salad.


• 1 can of seaweed (200 grams);

• 1 beetroot;

• 2 potatoes;

• 1 small onion;

• 1 carrot;

• a little vinegar, salt;

• for refueling oil.


1. Immediately peel the onion, cut and scald with boiling water. Fill with a little water and add vinegar. Let stand while preparing other vegetables.

2. Peel and dice the cooked beets.

3. We do the same with potatoes and carrots, we send everything to a salad bowl.

4. Squeeze the onion, put in a vinaigrette.

5. From the cabbage, decant all the liquid, remove the pieces of native seasonings and peppercorns. We put in a common bowl.

6. Fill with oil, stir and taste. If necessary, salt.

Recipe 6: Vegetable Vinaigrette with French Dressing

A special recipe for vegetable vinaigrette, which uses a very tasty and aromatic dressing. In fact, it can be added to any salad, but with this set of products it turns out just a bomb!


• 300 grams of potatoes;

• 200 grams of beets;

• 150 grams of pickled cucumbers;

• 2 tablespoons of capers;

• 20 olives;

• 0.5 cans of peas;

• 1 onion;

• 150 grams of pickled champignons.

For refueling:

• 1-2 tsp mustard;

• a pinch of salt, sugar and pepper;

• 70 ml of olive oil;

• 1 tsp vinegar.


1. Cut the boiled beets and potatoes into cubes.

2. Add also the chopped onion head.

3. With cucumbers and mushrooms, decant the marinade and also turn them into cubes.

4. We take olives pitted. Cut into 4 parts, but can be cut into rings. Throw in the salad.

5. Drain all the liquid from the peas and throw it into the salad too. Add capers.

6. To prepare the dressing, combine mustard with vinegar, salt, pepper, put a pinch of sugar and fill with vegetable oil. Shake well.

7. Fill vinaigrette, mix thoroughly and done! Chill before serving.

Recipe 7: Vegetable Vinaigrette with Fresh Cabbage

A feature of vegetable vinaigrette with fresh cabbage is a lighter taste. Such a salad can be prepared at any time of the year. We choose juicy, fresh cabbage without hard veins.


• 400 grams of cabbage;

• 2 beets;

• 1 carrot;

• 4 pickles;

• 200 grams of peas;

• salt;

• butter;

• onion head;

• vinegar;

• any greens.


1. Shred the cabbage, add salt, pour a teaspoon of vinegar 9%, rub well with your hands and leave to marinate on the table for about half an hour.

2. Cut boiled beets, carrots and fresh onions. Pour everything on top of the cabbage.

3. Add chopped cucumbers and green peas.

4. Put chopped greens, season with oil and you're done!

Recipe 8: Vegetable Vinaigrette with Prunes and Nuts

Very interesting, you can say a festive version of the salad. Prunes give the salad an original flavor, while fried walnuts have an incomparable aroma. But so that the nuts do not get wet, it is better to add them just before serving.


• 2 beets;

• 2 carrots;

• 4 potatoes;

• 1 purple onion;

• 200 grams of canned peas;

• 3 pickles;

• oil and salt;

• 50 grams of nuts;

• 50 grams of prunes.


1. As usual, boil root vegetables. Peel and dice.

2. Take a salad onion and chop it very finely.

3. Add chopped cucumbers. Instead, you can take salted mushrooms, it will also be delicious.

4. Cut the prunes and also send them to the salad. If it is too hard, then you can first soak a little in water.

5. Add canned peas, salt and season with oil.

6. Fry nuts. It is possible in a frying pan or in the oven. A tiny knife.

7. Sprinkle the top of the vinaigrette with nuts and you're done!

Vegetable Vinaigrette - useful tips and tricks

• It is not necessary to cook vegetables for vinaigrette on the stove. You can wrap them in foil and bake in the oven. This is especially convenient if another dish is being prepared in it. At 180 degrees, they will be baked for about an hour.

• Beets turn out bright and juicy if steamed. And next to it you can lay out carrots and potatoes.

• If there is no time to cook beets in the usual way, then you can do it in 10 minutes in the microwave. We place the washed and punctured root crop in a bag, tie it, and make a small hole on top. Put in the oven and turn on for 8-10 minutes, depending on size.

• So that the beets do not stain other vegetables in the vinaigrette, it can be seasoned with oil separately and then added to the total mass. If you need to get a bright and red salad, then first mix the vegetables with beets and only then season.


Watch the video: Power Packed Salad. Cooksmart. Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana (June 2024).