Colds on the lips: treatment at home - all options. Folk remedies and medicines for colds on the lips


Herpes, otherwise a cold, can occur in both children and adults.

Moreover, the herpes virus lives on absolutely every person if he has had chickenpox.

As long as your immunity is normal, the virus will not manifest itself in any way, but if you catch a cold, worry, then there is a strong itching and burning sensation, and bubbles form near the lips or eyes.

Absolutely everyone wants to get rid of a cold on their lips as quickly as possible.

Naturally, an instant cure cannot be achieved, but many modern means can cope with a cold at home in a short time.

Colds on the lips: symptoms and causes

Colds on the lips belong to infectious diseases. The main reason for its occurrence is the herpes virus of the first type, the virus is located in human DNA. Almost always, the disease begins with severe itching and burning in the lips. Sometimes just a few hours is enough for red spots to begin to appear on an irritated place. After a while, they turn into bubbles, which are filled with a transparent liquid. After the bubbles burst, the liquid will come out, and small ulcers form in their place. They are not deep enough, but they cause a lot of discomfort, they hurt and constantly itch. After some time, the sores will begin to become crusted, despite the fact that she will want to tear it off, this should never be done. Thus, you only aggravate the course of the disease and extend it for at least another couple of days.

If you do not take any measures for treatment, then the duration of the disease can be two weeks. But it is worth remembering that even after a course of treatment, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the virus.

First manifestation

The first virus infection occurs in childhood. It is transmitted to the child from parents or other adults. The first manifestation is usually imperceptible, but cells continue to remain in the structure of the nervous system and always wait for favorable conditions in order to protrude.

Even if you were not infected as a child, you still need to be careful, as you can get this unpleasant disease as an adult. For this, one contact with the skin of the patient is enough.

You can also get an infection from the fact that you touched the patient with a finger in an infected place, and then touched yourself with the same hands.

What factors can activate the virus

First of all, the possibility of a cold manifestation depends on how protected your body is. In this case, we are talking about the immune system.

The stress load also affects. The last factor provoking the disease applies only to women. The thing is that during pregnancy or menstruation, the body undergoes strong hormonal changes, which eventually lead to the appearance of a cold on the lips.

It should be noted abuse of bad habits, especially smoking.

Colds on the lips - how to cure at home: medicines

Colds on the lips - many people probably know how to cure this disease at home, especially those who are often bothered by this ailment. It is necessary to treat the herpes virus, otherwise it will begin to spread throughout your body, thereby causing other infectious diseases. But the main thing is to apply the treatment methods correctly. If, for example, the rashes are more episodic in nature, then you can easily get rid of this problem with the help of drying and disinfecting drugs. However, practice shows that almost everyone is faced with relapses of the disease, and the whole thing is in weakened immunity. That is why treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at strengthening the body's defenses.

Drug treatment

In pharmacies, there is a fairly large selection of drugs that can quickly get rid of a cold. But even despite such effectiveness of drugs, not a single remedy can completely rid you of the virus, which is why people only eliminate periodically appearing symptoms of the common cold. Pharmaceutical companies offer people the following drugs:

1. Viru Merz Serol - This is the most popular and common drug to date. The manufacturer is a German company. It is produced in the form of a gel, which must be applied to the affected areas. In just 3-5 days you will be able to get rid of the main symptoms of herpes. After some time, recovery will come.

2. Acyclovir - this medicine is used quite often with colds on the lips, the main active ingredient is acyclovir. Exactly the same effect is exerted by the drug Zovirax, although unlike Acyclovir, it costs much more. Experts do not recommend taking pills for rashes on the lips. They believe that tablets will be effective only if the virus has already infected a large area on the lips, as well as around them.

3. Panthenol Spray - this is only an auxiliary agent, since it has only a healing effect.

4. Dr. Mom. The tool does not have an antiviral effect, but still helps to fight the virus in the early stages of the disease. But it must be used immediately after slight redness has appeared.

Specialists also prescribe various ointments, for example, Gervirax, Valacyclovir.

Colds on the lips - how to cure at home: folk remedies

Very often there is a cold on the lips - how to cure at home? The question is common, and there are actually many ways to treat it. In addition to traditional methods, patients actively use traditional medicine. If you take all measures on time, you can avoid the appearance of bubbles. Below are the most effective recipes.


This method came to us from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, which means it has been tested for centuries. Take a cotton swab and clean her ear, after that, anoint the itchy place with everything that you managed to extract from there, namely gray.


Meet people who use this method can not often, but really in vain. After all, urine can cure many diseases, including colds on the lips. Going to the toilet, collect your urine in a container, then immediately dip a cotton swab into it and cauterize the affected area. But in order for this to be really effective, you need to repeat the procedure several times a day.

It is believed that it is best to use the urine of the infant, firstly, it does not cause such aversion, and secondly, it is considered the most "clean".


An interesting fact is that in its effectiveness, honey is slightly inferior to the first two methods. Nevertheless, it’s worth a try. Thanks to the natural product, you can get rid of annoying vesicles on the lips in just a few days.

Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and honey. Rub thoroughly and apply to the affected area.


If in the coming days you do not plan to go on a romantic date or another party, then garlic can be a good tool against colds. Take a few cloves of garlic and chop through a special crush. Learn a kind of gruel that needs to be applied to the bubbles.

The side effect is probably obvious to many - the smell of garlic will be so strong that it will not work out quickly. But then from a herpes in a couple of days there will not be a trace.


The juice from this plant is the mildest treatment for colds. It will be more effective if each time you pick a new twig and lubricate the sore spot with juice. You can also squeeze it, and then simply moisten the swab and apply it to your lips. As a rule, after a couple of days the virus surrenders, especially if at the same time you will take drugs to strengthen your immunity.


To many, this decision may seem unexpected - to poison rashes with valocordin. But according to practice, it is this medicine that helps get rid of the herpes virus in one two days.

Birch ash.

You need to take a birch twig and burn it to the ground. Then take the ash and mix it with honey and alcohol in equal proportions. You get a thick mixture, it is necessary to treat ulcers that appear after the vesicles burst.

Colds on the lips: doctor's advice

You need to know that the symptoms of the disease always develops gradually. The first thing you feel is a burning sensation and itching, after which the sore spot begins to redden, and small bubbles with liquid form in this place. Be sure to remember that in no case should they be squeezed out, scratched or rubbed. This will cause the infection to spread throughout the face, affecting new areas of the skin.

After the first symptoms have occurred, it will not be possible to stop the disease. But, nevertheless, you can make this process not so painful, as well as prevent further spread. It is best of course to begin treatment with drugs.

Any specialist will no doubt tell you that you must visit a medical institution. After all, it is a doctor who can establish an accurate diagnosis, and this is the main thing in treatment. It is possible that you will have to pass some tests.

If you treat a cold on the lips at home, then be sure to use only proven methods. Use drugs only after carefully reading the instructions.


Watch the video: Chronic Cough Treatment for Children - Mindy Ross, MD. UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital (July 2024).