Pollock in sour cream or wine, with onions, cheese, potatoes and carrots! The best recipes for stewed pollock in sour cream


Sour cream - the best supplement for pollock! She will make the fish juicy, tender and very mouth-watering. And also, with sour cream, pollock is very simple and quick to prepare. Just some 30-40 minutes and a healthy dinner will show off on the table.

Pollock in sour cream - general principles of preparation

In the store you can buy whole carcasses of pollock or clean fillet. The product is inexpensive and affordable. Whole carcasses are usually small and usually the weight ranges from 0.4-0.7 kg. There are few bones in the fish, so cooking the fillet is usually straightforward.

Whole fish in sour cream is rarely cooked. Most often, the carcass is cut into slices 3-4 centimeters wide. Then they put it in the dishes, pour sour cream and send to stew. But this is the most primitive and boring version of the dish. It is much more interesting to diversify the composition with other ingredients and cook a really tasty dish.

What can be added to pollock with sour cream:

• vegetables;

• various seasonings;

• cheese;

• greenery;

• sauces.

And you can pre-fry the fish and it will immediately become much tastier. The dish can not only be stewed on the stove, but also baked in the oven in a variety of ways, and here the most interesting options are collected.

Recipe 1: Pollock in sour cream with onions and carrots

Pollock stewed in sour cream according to this recipe is cooked on a stove in a pan. It turns out juicy, tender and blends wonderfully with vegetables. And since they are added to the dish quite a lot, you can not cook a side dish.


• 2 pollock;

• 3 onions;

• 2 carrots;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• 40 grams of oil;

• spices, you can take a mixture of seasonings for fish.


1. Defrost pollock carcasses. We remove the fins, clean the abdomen and cut into slices three centimeters wide. Sprinkle with spices and leave for a while.

2. Peel the onion, cut into half rings. We also clean the carrots and chop the straws.

3. Fry the vegetables in a pan until half cooked.

4. Spread the pieces of seasoned fish. Cover and simmer in your juice for 5 minutes.

5. Add the sour cream. If it is thick and greasy, then it can be diluted with boiled water. The sauce is immediately seasoned with salt.

6. Cover the pan and simmer the fish for another 10 minutes. This will be enough to soak it in the sauce, but not have time to move away from the bones.

Recipe 2: Braised pollock in sour cream with paprika

To cook stewed pollock according to this recipe, in addition to sour cream, you will need ground sweet paprika. It goes well with saltwater fish. Preparing a dish on the stove.


• 600 grams of pollock;

• 200 grams of sour cream;

• 1 spoon of paprika;

• salt;

• wheat flour;

• butter;

• dill greens;

• 1 onion.


1. Cut the pollock in slices.

2. Roll in flour and fry in a pan until golden brown. No need to cover, cook over high heat.

3. Cut the onion, fry separately, then combine with the fish.

4. Mix sour cream with 100 grams of oxen, add salt and paprika. Beat well with a fork so that there are no lumps.

5. Pour the sour cream sauce into the fish.

6. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

7. Add chopped dill, turn off.

Recipe 3: Baked Pollock in Sour Cream under Cheese

The simplest pollock recipe in sour cream, which consists of only one stage. It is enough to fold the products into a mold and send for half an hour in the oven. We bake fish at 190 degrees, the oven must be turned on immediately.


• 2-3 carcasses of pollock;

• 7 spoons of sour cream;

• 3 tablespoons of milk;

• 90 grams of cheese;

• 0.5 tablespoons of dried dill;

• seasoning.


1. We prepare the carcasses in the usual way, remove the fins, wash, clean the abdomen.

2. Cut the pollock into pieces, put in a greased form.

3. Mix sour cream with milk, add seasonings, dried dill, fill the form with pieces of fish.

4. If there is time, then the fish can be left to marinate in sour cream sauce. Pollock from this will only become more tender and juicier.

5. Pour grated cheese into the oven! Cook until golden brown on the surface.

Recipe 4: Braised pollock in sour cream with potatoes

To prepare such pollock in sour cream, you need a stewpan or a cauldron. This dish is something between the first and second. If necessary, independently adjust the amount of fluid, add or reduce.


• 3 pollock;

• 6 potatoes;

• 180 grams of sour cream;

• 1-2 bulbs;

• butter;

• 1 carrot.

Spice: oregano, nutmeg, salt, pepper.


1. Fry chopped onions and grated carrots.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices. Half put on the bottom of the saucepan, sprinkle with salt.

3. Cut the prepared carcasses of pollock into pieces, lay on top of the potatoes, sprinkle with oregano, pepper, salt.

4. Spread the fried vegetables.

5. On top of the rest of the potatoes, salt again, add more spices.

6. Mix sour cream with a pinch of nutmeg, pour into a saucepan.

7. Pour 300 ml of boiled water. You can more or less.

8. Cover the stewpan, let the dish boil, then remove the fire and simmer the hour.

9. At the end, add the greens, put the bay leaf on and off.

Recipe 5: Braised pollock in sour cream with onions in a pot

For this dish, you will need pollock fillet, which you can buy or free the carcass from the bones and ridge yourself. The amount of ingredients is calculated on one portion pot.


• 200 grams of pollock;

• 1 onion;

• 0.5 tsp spices for fish;

• ¼ lemon;

• 40 grams of cheese;

• a pinch of dry dill;

• 70 grams of sour cream.


1. Fillet cut into neat strips of two centimeters wide. Rub with spices for fish, pour juice from a slice of lemon. Usually, seasoning already has salt, but if it is not, then the fish can be slightly salted.

2. Leave pollock for 15 minutes.

3. Mix sour cream with dill, slightly salt, do not need much.

4. The bulb must be peeled and cut into neat little rings.

5. Lubricate the pot from the inside with oil, put half the onion at the bottom.

6. Lay the pickled pieces of fish on top.

7. And now again the onion and pour sour cream.

8. We fill in grated or chopped cheese and send the pot to the oven for 40 minutes.

Recipe 6: Baked Pollock in Sour Cream with Potatoes

A great way to cook pollock with sour cream in the oven, which eliminates the need to make a side dish. Convenient, simple and fast. Fresh tomatoes, which must be ripe, give a special taste to the dish.


• 2 pollock;

• 10 potatoes;

• 300 grams of sour cream;

• 4 tomatoes;

• spices for potatoes;

• spices for fish;

• 3 onions;

• 4 tablespoons of vinegar essence;

• 180 grams of cheese.


1. Dilute vinegar in a glass of water, mix and add onions, cut into half rings.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, sprinkle with spices for potatoes, but you can use any other or just salt. Spread in a greased form.

3. Cut the pollock in portions, rub with spices for fish, spread on top of the tile layer.

4. Squeeze the onion from vinegar, sprinkle pieces of pollock.

5. Cut the tomatoes into circles, spread on the dish. Too thin pieces do not need to be done.

6. Beat sour cream with a fork and salt and coat the whole dish on top.

7. Bake for about half an hour in the oven at 180 ° C.

8. We get it, fill it with grated cheese and the oven for another half hour, perhaps a little less. We are guided by the readiness of the potato, it should be easily pierced with a sharp object.

Recipe 7: Braised Pollock in Sour Cream with Wine

A variant of a sophisticated pollock dish. Ideally, white wine is used, as it is best combined with saltwater fish. But if it is not, then you can use a different kind of wine.


• 2 pollock;

• 4 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 onion;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• salt pepper;

• butter;

• 100 ml of wine;

• 1 spoonful of sautéed flour.


1. The washed and prepared fish is cut into pieces and breaded in flour.

2. Fry on both sides in oil.

3. As soon as the pollock turned upside down and fried for a minute, add the onion cut in half rings. You can move the fish to the side with a spatula and fry vegetables in the vacated area.

4. As soon as the onion becomes transparent and begins to fry, pour the wine into the pan, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

5. Mix sour cream with fried flour. To prepare the sauté, simply pour a spoonful of the product into the pan (dry) and fry until creamy.

6. Add 50 ml of water, salt, pepper to the sauce and send it to the fish and wine pan.

7. Cover and simmer another 10 minutes.

8. Done! It remains only to sprinkle the dish with herbs. And it is better to serve it with fresh cucumbers and radishes.

Recipe 8: Pollock in sour cream with tomatoes

Another version of stewed pollock with sour cream, for which you need fresh tomatoes. We will cook on the stove with preliminary frying of fish.


• 2 pollock;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 2 onions;

• flour;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• 1 bell pepper;

• butter and seasonings.


1. Cut pollock in batch pieces, roll in flour and fry on both sides. We shift into a saucepan.

2. Dice the onion, fry until transparent and also send to the pollock.

3. There we put the chopped bell pepper.

4. On the tomatoes, make a cross-shaped incision, lower it for half a minute in boiling water, then in cold water. Remove the skin and cut into cubes. If seeds are confused, then you can remove them before chopping tomatoes.

5. Combine the tomatoes with sour cream, add spices and transfer to a saucepan with fish.

6. Close the lid and simmer. Usually, 15 minutes is enough until complete readiness, since pollock has already undergone heat treatment.

Braised pollock in sour cream - useful tips and tricks

• Fish fins are easily removed with kitchen scissors. And while the risk of cutting is minimal. They are also convenient to cut off excess skin from the carcass and minor damage.

• Lemon juice is an ideal addition to any fish, regardless of the recipe. And pollock from the presence of this ingredient only wins. Pieces can be pickled with lemon juice before cooking, or simply sprinkled when assembling a dish.

• Pollock - a fairly dry fish, devoid of fat. Therefore, if you want to cook a really tender and juicy dish, then do not spare oily sour cream, butter.

• To remove the unpleasant smell of fish from a cutting board or other utensils, you need to rinse with water and vinegar, you can with lemon juice. Fresh citrus peels are also useful, with which you can simply rub the surface of the dishes, knife blades or boards.

• A dark film can be seen inside the abdominal cavity of the fish. It must be scraped off with a knife. The film can give an unpleasant taste and bitterness to the dish.

• If the fish is fried before stewing, then the bread slices must be breaded in wheat flour. If the product is simply fried, then you can use breadcrumbs or semolina. They give a beautiful and crisp.


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