Experts advise against getting to the hospital on weekends


Scientists say that if a person is in the hospital on holidays, then for him by 30-50% increased risk of death. In general, according to international statistics, during hospitalization during the weekend, mortality is more than 10% when compared with hospitalization on a regular working day.

Experts have found out how things are going with weekends and holidays. They took the data from a Scottish hospital as a basis, where deaths were recorded for 30 and 7 days after urgent hospitalization of patients for the period: January 2008 - December 2010. As it turned out, 20,000 people were hospitalized during this time, of which -77% on weekends - 23%.

On public holidays, approximately 5.6% of hospitalizations were necessary. On weekends, older patients usually experienced breathing problems. In total, 771 people (3.8%) died in a week, 1780 people (8.9%) in thirty days.

When the holiday was a holiday, mortality jumped even more. People who went to the hospital on holidays died 48% more often during the week, and 27% more often during the month.

Experts tend to blame the shortage of medical staff and extended weekends.


Watch the video: Expert tips on how to declutter and live your best life (July 2024).