Sun-dried breast is an affordable and healthy delicacy. How at home to cook a delicious dried breast and dishes with it?


Dried chicken breast is an unusually tasty delicacy, practically no one can refuse to taste it. And if you think that it is impossible to cook dried breast at home, then you are greatly mistaken.

Recipes are simple, products are simple and affordable.

The only minus of the dried breast is that it takes some time to cook, and a meat treat is eaten in an instant. Therefore, if you want a natural, fragrant chicken delicacy to stay in your house for at least a couple of days, harvest large quantities of dried breast.

Sun-dried breast - general principles and subtleties

Buy a poultry to dry your breast. If you have only chicken purchased in the store, and dried breast as desire, then you should first hold the meat for a couple of hours in slightly salted water. Before the process of drying the breast should be washed very thoroughly, then the film, fats should be removed from it, and then dried thoroughly.

Dry the breast can be as a whole piece, and pre-cut into pieces. There are several ways to dry meat: in the oven, in an electric dryer and without heat treatment.

Store finished product it is possible up to three years, provided that the storage location is completely dry. Packaging must be sealed in order to exclude the likelihood of moisture on the meat. Plastic containers, glass jars, cardboard boxes can be used as a container.

Dried breast is a delicacy that can be used as a cold snack, as a filler for sandwiches. This excellent meat delicacy can help you out during breaks at work or on hikes.

1. Dried breast with garlic in the oven


• chicken fillet - 4 pcs .;

• salt - 10 grams;

• garlic - 2-3 slices;

• marjoram, pepper, dried basil, oregano - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the chicken, cut the film, fat. Take a paper towel, dip it with prepared fillet.

2. Grate pieces of meat with salt and spices, massage the fillet as long as possible and thoroughly so that they penetrate into the fibers, and not remain only on the surface of the breast.

3. Cut the peeled garlic cloves in half, open side walk on the filet.

4. Put the fillet in a container that closes tightly with a lid. Put the meat in the fridge for at least 14-16 hours.

5. Remove the pickled fillets from the container, pat dry with a paper towel.

6. Clean the grate in the oven, install it on the top plate itself. Pass one fillet between the rods, hook it with a wooden skewer, do the same with the remaining pieces.

7. Put a dry baking tray on the bottom shelf of the oven to collect the juice flowing from the meat.

8. Set the temperature no higher than 60 degrees. Dry the breast for 5 hours without closing the oven door.

2. Dried breast with paprika in the fridge


• chicken fillet - three pcs .;

• garlic granules - 2 tsp;

• turmeric - 1/2 tsp;

• oregano, pepper mixture to taste;

• salt - one or two glasses;

• ground sweet paprika - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. For drying, take a clean and dry fillet without films and veins. Meat should be fresh, all used in the cooking process clean and dry dishes.

2. Pour half a glass of salt into a suitable container, put the prepared fillet, pour another half a glass of salt on top. Make sure that the chicken is covered completely, if there are open parts left, add more salt.

3. Tighten the container with cling film or, if available, close the lid.

4. Put the meat container in the refrigerator for three days. If possible, shake the container every two to three hours.

5. If the fillet produces too much juice, change the salt soaked in liquid for a new portion. By the end of the third day, the salt should remain completely dry, if it is still soaking, hold the meat in a cold place for some time.

6. Wash the dried chicken in cold water, rubbing it with your hands, dry it. Put the meat in the refrigerator in a dry container for 12 hours.

7. Put the granulated garlic, oregano, paprika, turmeric, and pepper mixture in a small bowl. Stir.

8. Carefully rub the defected breast with the aromatic mixture.

9. Wrap seasoned fillet with gauze cloth, wrap with thread.

10. Hang the chicken in the refrigerator above the top shelf so that it does not come into contact with other products.

11. The dried breast will be ready in five days.

12. Before serving, cut the meat into thin slices.

3. Dried breast in brine


• chicken breasts - 2 pcs .;

• purified water - 2 liters;

• onion peel - two handfuls;

• salt - 120 grams;

• garlic - 4 cloves;

• packaged black tea - 1 pc .;

• granulated sugar - 50 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Put the tea bag and onion peel in the pan.

2. Add salt, sugar.

3. Pour water into a pan with prepared ingredients, set the container on fire. Bring the brine to a boil, reduce the heat, simmer for five minutes. Cool it down.

4. Wash the breast. Remove the skin, separate the fillets from the bones. Remove grease, films. Pat dry with paper towels.

5. Put the fillet in a cooled brine, press the meat on top with a plate. Put any load on top of the plate.

6. Put the breast in brine in the fridge for a day.

7. After the time allowed for soaking the meat, drain the brine, dry the fillets.

8. Grate the breast with chopped garlic.

9. Wrap the fragrant meat in cheesecloth, tie with flaillet, hang in the refrigerator for three days.

10. Three days later, remove the dried breast from gauze, put it in a clean plastic bag, soak in a cool place for another 12 hours.

4. Dried breast soaked in skate


• chicken fillet - 2 pcs.;

• salt - 180 grams;

• cognac - 100 ml;

• chili pepper - 1/2 pod.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken, put it on a paper towel.

2. Remove the vein and fat from the fillet. Dry the meat thoroughly.

3. Pour salt in a bowl, pour brandy, mix.

4. Chicken fillet can be divided into two parts without cutting it. Do this with both pieces.

5. Pour a spoonful of prepared saline into a dry, clean container.

6. First put large pieces of meat, gently grease them with another spoonful of the mixture of salt and cognac.

7. On top, put small pieces of fillet, add the remaining cognac brine.

8. Close the container with a lid or wrap it with cling film. Remove the container for a day in the refrigerator.

9. Take out the pickled breast after the allotted time. Wash the fillet, dry.

10. Grind the chili, coat with dried breasts.

11. Wind each piece of chicken into gauze or cotton fabric, tie it with a thread.

12. Put the breast in the refrigerator for one week. It can be hung, as in the previous recipe above the top shelf of the refrigerator. Or put on a plate - in this case, a piece of meat should be turned from side to side two or three times a day.

13. The dried breast is ready to eat.

5. Sun-dried breast with mustard and soy sauce

For the preparation of dried breast for this recipe will need an electric dryer.


• Chicken fillet - 800 grams;

• soy sauce - 60 ml;

• mustard with grains - 50 grams;

• lemon juice - 20 ml;

• salt - 60 grams;

• pepper;

• oregano - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the marinade to dry the breast: mix the sauce, juice, mustard, pepper, salt and oregano.

2. Cut the breast into thin slices, no thicker than one centimeter.

3. Pour the meat with marinade, put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

4. Place chicken pieces on the trays of the electric dryer.

5. Expose 60 degrees, dry the breast for three hours.

6. Turn the meat over, reduce the temperature to 40 degrees, cook another 3 hours.

6. Sun-dried breast in a persimmon salad


• sweet persimmon - 1 pc .;

• lettuce leaves;

• salt;

• dried breast - 100 grams;

• one red onion;

• mustard - 20 grams;

• juice of freshly squeezed orange - 30 ml;

• peanut butter - 2 tbsp;

• a mixture of Provencal herbs - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

• Cut the peeled onions into thin half rings;

• Wash and dry lettuce leaves, place them on a flat plate.

• Cut persimmons into thin slices.

• Cut dried breast into layers.

• Lay out on a circle on lettuce leaves, alternating with each other, onion rings, persimmon circles folded into a petal, folded in half slices of sun-dried breast.

• Prepare a dressing from Provencal herbs, walnut oil, orange juice, mustard and salt.

• Fill the ingredients laid out on the dish with the prepared dressing.

7. Sun-dried breast in a salad with beans


• one hundred grams of white beans;

• one hundred grams of green beans;

• salt;

• Cherry tomatoes - 220 g;

• dried breast - 150 g;

• lettuce leaves - 5-6 pcs .;

• olive oil - 40 ml;

• lemon juice - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Pour white beans in a small pan, pour cold water. Set aside for four hours.

2. Drain, pour new. Simmer the beans for at least one and a half hours. Throw the beans in a colander.

3. In another saucepan, boil a small amount of water, slightly salt, put the green beans, cook for two minutes. Pour boiling water, pour ice - it will help to maintain the brightness of the string beans.

4. Cut the dried breast into thin strips.

5. Cut the cherry in four pieces.

6. Put in the salad bowl white and green beans, hands torn lettuce leaves, dried breast. Stir.

7. Season the salad with a mixture of lemon juice, salt, olive oil and pepper.

8. Spicy salad with dried breast


• dried breast - 250 grams;

• sweet pear - 1 pc .;

• pomegranate seeds - 100 g;

• salt;

• watercress leaves - 50 g;

• balsamic vinegar - 40 ml;

• garlic - 2 slices;

• olive oil - 35 ml;

• goat cheese - 80 g;

• A handful of walnuts;

• pomegranate juice - 20 ml;

• lemon juice - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the goat cheese into cubes, gently mix it with chopped garlic.

2. Cut the cured breast into thin slices, put a cube of goat cheese in the center of each, and fold the cured meat in half.

3. Wash the pear, peel, remove the core, cut into small slices. Sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice.

4. Rinse the salad, dry, tear your hands into pieces not too large.

5. In a small bowl, mix balsamic sauce and olive oil, pour in pomegranate juice, salt, and mix again.

6. Put the torn lettuce leaves on a flat dish, put the slices of pear and cheese stuffed with cheese on top of the mix, sprinkle with chopped walnuts and pomegranate seeds.

7. Pour the dried-breast salad into the prepared aromatic dressing.

9. Light sun-dried breast soup


• onion - two pcs .;

• dried breast - 250 grams;

• potatoes - 4 pcs.;

• pepper, salt;

• celery roots - 30 g;

• tarragon, cilantro - 50 g.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the dried breast for 15 minutes in cold water.

2. Pour two liters of water into the pan, put the meat in, cook on low heat for about an hour.

3. Peel the vegetables, chop the onion into half rings, and cut the potatoes into small pieces.

4. Remove the ready dried breast from the broth, cut it into thin layers.

5. Put the meat pieces, onions and potatoes into the pan, cook for twenty minutes.

6. Pour the ready soup into plates, season the dish with chopped spicy greens.

Dried breast - tips and useful tips

• Dried breast - a great snack to kvass, beer. It looks interesting and original on a meat plate.

• If you like dried dried breast, bring the cut pieces of meat, cooked in any way listed above, in the oven, setting the blowing mode.

• If your oven does not have a blow mode, you can put slices on skewers, fix them on the grill, and hold for 2–3 hours with the door open. The temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.


Watch the video: Pesto Pasta with Chicken & Sun dried TomatoesEnglish (July 2024).