Fingers grow numb - what to do. For whatever reason, the fingers of the left and right hands are numb and what is the most effective treatment.


When the fingers of the patient’s hands are numb, the doctor may mention the term "paresthesia." This sensitivity disorder of the extremities is characterized by numbness, which is gradually replaced by tingling, followed by the appearance of goose bumps on the skin.

Such a frightening effect often causes panic in women who have encountered it for the first time during sleep or with a sufficiently high muscle tension. When fingers are numb, the causes of the pathology must be determined by a doctor in order to prevent errors in diagnosis. A visit to such cases of a medical institution is necessary, because it is essentially not about an independent disease, but about a very serious symptom, in some cases suggesting that there is some deviation from the norm in the body that requires professional advice.

Why do your fingers get numb?

Most often, this feeling occurs in a sleepy state - when a person wakes up, he feels his fingers grow numb. This is usually due to uncomfortable posture and impaired blood circulation. It is enough just to stretch the muscles, restore circulation in the vessels, so that everything goes without a trace.

But if a disorder like paresthesia arises often, then the reasons lie not only in this. According to doctors, there are a lot of provoking factors and they are very diverse.

1. Inconvenient clothes. If there are tight elastic bands or tight cuffs on the sleeves, the blood vessels are squeezed, causing a disturbance of the normal current through them. Certain types of substances that cause irritation of nerve endings come to the finger tips. From here there are those prickings, delivering a certain inconvenience.

2. Carpal tunnel syndrome. The medial nerve runs along the wrist. If a person spends in the same posture for quite a long time (for example, he sits at a computer, the mouse is located next to the table, the palm rests on it and hardly moves), then the nerve may be pinched, with the result that after the first stage of numbness come and quite tangible pain.

3. In osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, fingers often grow numb. The peculiarity of this case - the unpleasant sensations are characteristic only for one of the upper limbs.

4. Polyneuropathy. There are a lot of sensitive nerve endings on the fingers. If an organic lesion occurs on the nerve plexuses located on the hands and fingers, then numbness gradually turns into tingling. The more nerves are affected, the less time is required for the attack to recur. The reason for the development of polyneuropathy lies in the infection of the infection or existing functional ailments. Such a defeat can cause even a banal lack of vitamins with iron deficiency anemia.

5. Deep vein thrombosis in the arms. It can also cause numbness in the limbs. The blockage of the blood vessel should gradually pass itself. If the unpleasant effect lasts more than an hour, then, no longer postponing for later, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

6. Occlusion of the brain vessel. Due to this problem, a stroke can occur. Previously, a person feels that his fingers are numb. This is accompanied by a steady increase in blood pressure, sudden headaches. As soon as the first signs of such a condition are detected, you should contact your doctor or consult an ambulance doctor.

The most common causes of finger numbness are listed here, but in fact there are many more. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by various injuries that violate the blood circulation process. The same group includes diseases of the endocrine system, inflammation of the joints on the hands, etc. In any case, access to doctors is inevitable, especially to a neurologist. It is he who will establish the diagnosis and prescribe urgent treatment.

Why numb tips of the hands

The main reason that the tips of the fingers are numb is an acute shortage (deficiency) in the body of such vitamins as A or B.

The neurologist conceived considers such variants of the reasons for which the tips of the fingers are numb:

- old injuries;

- problems with the cardiovascular system;

- diseases associated with the endocrine system;

- inflammation of the joints.

If the doctor does confirm the diagnosis of avitaminosis, then you need to fundamentally revise your diet by adding a number of foods rich in vitamins of the above groups A and B. It could be fish oil, liver, seafood and sea fish, yolk eggs, butter, nuts, dairy products.

Such measures are necessary, because over time, simple numbness can lead to quite serious consequences, one of which is gradually increasing atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Why fingers on the left hand grow dumb

The safest reason in terms of possible consequences is an overstrain of the muscles of the left hand if it is a left-handed person. Here, to relieve symptoms, it is reasonable to combine periods of active work with rest and massage. Worse, if we are talking about heart disease, also capable of causing a condition in which the fingers on the left hand often numb.

Depending on which finger (or combination of fingers) becomes numb, an experienced doctor is able to determine where a nerve pinched in the spine, because the fingers are literally pierced with nerve endings. Characteristic signs of pinching are muscle weakness on the fingers, unpleasant or even painful sensations in the forearm and / or shoulder.

A neurologist can name as causes of illness and disruption of the internal organs. It is hardly worth joking with pneumonia, kidney and liver diseases. Naturally, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, as soon as the first numbness of the fingers begins. Especially if changing the position of the hand or massage hardly helps, because in such cases we will talk about any disease, a symptom of which is paresthesia.

Why fingers on the right hand grow dumb

The right hand is for most people working (we are talking about right-handers), so during the day the main physical activity falls on it. From here it becomes clear the main reason that the fingers on the right hand are numb. It is about overstressing muscles associated with fine motor skills. Thin needle movements of a seamstress, constant work with a computer keyboard, writing large handwritten texts cause numbness of the fingers until the appearance of convulsions.

To avoid this, you can often take breaks and knead the hands, do exercises for the fingers, thereby stimulating blood circulation. In cold weather, you should certainly protect your hands with warm, comfortable mittens or gloves.

The fingers on the right hand become numb less often due to problems in the cardiovascular system. A specific conclusion can only be made by the doctor after examining the patient.

Why numb thumb on hand

The most common cause of thumb numbness is an uncomfortable position of the hand during sleep, rest. Improper posture interferes with normal blood circulation, it can even completely convey the nerve endings of the arm.

Abnormalities in the spine can lead to the need to be treated in a hospital. Usually relevant and effective measure is a professional massage.

If the thumb is numb, then you can perform a small check - ask the patient to squeeze his hand into a fist. If it is impossible to perform such a primitive action, the doctor can make a diagnosis - carpal tunnel syndrome. This disease is our fee for the convenience of working with a computer.

Causes related to the cardiovascular system should cause particular caution.

Why fingers get numb: little finger

When the little finger becomes numb, painful sensations rise from the palm to the elbow on the inner side of the forearm of the hand. Doctors associate these symptoms with different reasons:

- diseases of the cardiovascular system (namely the heart);

- osteochondrosis of the spine (in the area of ​​the shoulder blades).

After receiving recommendations from the doctor, they should be fully and scrupulously carried out in order to avoid real problems and further complications.

Why numb ring fingers

Unnamed fingers on my hands go numb after suffering injuries to the forearm and hand. Or after excessive loads on the palm, for example, when carrying bulky luggage at the station. But these are not the only reasons for the development of such symptoms.

More serious are problems related to heart disease. As one of the options - the consequences of ischemic spasm, ulnar jade.

Why fingers on the hand go numb: little finger and ringless

The little finger and ring finger most often numb on the right hand. This may be due to the abuse of computer games, large loads of typing. If an attempt to eliminate such symptoms has failed, then perhaps the reason lies elsewhere. In the case of frequently repeated or unnecessarily long numbness attacks, the doctor will most likely recommend undergoing a magnet resonance imaging of the cervical region.

Why do index fingers of your hands go numb

The index fingers of the hands go numb for the following reasons:

- problems with the cervical spine;

- neuropathy of the radial nerve;

- interosseous nerve syndrome;

- The initial symptoms of polyneuropathy;

- tunnel syndrome and others.

Fingers grow numb: what to do

Knowing the reasons why fingers grow dumb, it is enough just to get rid of these preconditions, and good health will be restored.

1. If the cause of the inconvenience is clothing, then it must be replaced so that the body and arms, in a particular case, feel complete comfort.

2. To avoid trouble, it is often necessary to change the posture when sedentary work is necessary. Also regularly, with a break of 20-30 minutes, it is necessary to knead the hands and spine. It is important to do so as not to pinch the median nerve and prevent blood stagnation in the vessels of the hands.

3. If there is a suspicion that fingers are numb due to osteochondrosis of the cervical region, then consultation with a physician is required followed by the appointment of a complex treatment of the ailment. The doctor will prescribe an individual treatment consisting of procedures and medication.

4. Elimination of such causes of numbness as thrombosis of the upper extremities can only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

5. With vitamin deficiency, you should review your daily and weekly diet, adding to it useful, enriched with the necessary elements products.

If diseases are the causes of trouble, the doctor sends the patient for examination (testing of urine and blood, CT and MRI of the head and neck, radiography of the joints of the arm and hand).

Drug treatment includes: taking anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and chondroprotectors. Then means are assigned to improve blood circulation, restore innervation (supply of nerves). Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, paraffin, laser) with exercise therapy exercises will also be useful.

Naturally, any appointment must be made by a professional, because self-medicating is dangerous and irresponsible in relation to his health.


Watch the video: Top 3 Causes of Tingling & Numbness in Your Arm or Hand-Paresthesia (July 2024).