Female opinion: Most women want to adopt children, but do not have the opportunity


The growing number of orphans in the country every day is the most visible and perhaps the most alarming indicator of the decline of our society. According to official figures in Russia, the number of children abandoned by parents reaches more than 700 thousand, and according to unofficial figures, there are about 2 million. State policy is currently aimed at reducing the number of orphanages by transferring orphans to foster families, as is done in a number of civilized countries, for example, in Finland, where there are no state orphanages. The Women's Opinion portal decided to find out whether today's Russians are ready to take an adopted child into the family.

It turned out that not only they want but also plan to do it 12% of respondents. And although some just do not exclude such a possibility in the distant future, nevertheless this is a rather large percentage showing that in Russia there are more than 10 million potential adoptive parents. Realize their desire - the problem of abandoned children would be completely solved

Another 48.3% of women have a great desire, but do not have the opportunity for adoption. "I would very much like to do this! Before, I often watched programs where they showed orphans. It is simply impossible to look into their eyes calmly and indifferently. I already have my children, but despite this, I would still adopt a baby. The only thing that stops - so these are financial and housing issues. " At the same time, the age of the children is often specified: “Maybe I would have adopted a baby (up to six months). But a child who already has his habits, his character that has been formed under the influence of the environment is unlikely.”

And only 38% of women openly stated that they did not want to adopt orphans. Some believe that for this "you need to have a big heart." Others are afraid of such obligations: "In general, this is a huge responsibility. It seems to me that it is even more difficult than raising a child. His own is always his own. And if suddenly a native child does not live up to parental hopes or disappoints them, then as a rule there will always be an excuse such as: got into a bad company, they were too spoiled, he had a difficult period. And when the same situation occurs with an adopted child, then, as a rule, parents begin to say that these are genes, and their guilt is not here ... "

Someone is being stopped by paperwork associated with paperwork for adoption and insufficient material security, someone is afraid that the child may have poor genetics, they are afraid that they will not be able to cope with the upbringing, or they will not be able to love the foster child, like their own child ...

But at the same time, 1.7% of Russians who voted were able to proudly report today: “I already did it!” ...

The survey involved 2420 people aged 20-45 years from 119 cities of the Russian Federation.


Watch the video: 7 Celebrities Who Gave Their Kids Up For Adoption (July 2024).