Fat on the face. For what reasons appear wen on the face and how to get rid of them at home.


Any woman strives for excellence. We monitor our figure, make-up, manicure, clothes. But, what does the gaze of a person initially fall with whom you even just accidentally cross on the street? Yes, it is on the face. Therefore, I want the skin to be perfect, without any flaws and imperfections. So that anyone who looks at you will think: "What a beautiful and well-groomed woman!"

Very often, the fair sex has to deal with such a problem as wen on the face (they are also called lipomas). They are some large formations that consist of subcutaneous fat. Lipomas can appear not only on the face, but also in other places.

What are the dangerous wen on the face and why they appear

These unpleasant formations occur because the sebaceous glands are blocked, and they can no longer function normally. The glands are clogged, and subcutaneous fat accumulates, forming a small lipoma, which becomes more and more every day. The cause of blockage of the sebaceous glands can be malnutrition, metabolic disturbances in the body, hormonal disruptions. Blockage of the sebaceous glands is often a side effect of taking certain medications. Therefore, carefully read the instructions and carefully select medications.

To choose the right method of treating lipomas and completely get rid of them, you must first find out the reason why they appeared at all. So far, only two reasons are known: problematic and too sensitive skin and impaired metabolism due to any disease.

Fat loss is a common occurrence for those people who have diabetes, have problems with the intestines or stomach, whose kidneys and liver do not work well. Each part of the face is “attached”, let’s say, to a certain organ. By the location in which the lipomas or any other rashes appeared, it is possible to determine which of the organs is sick and immediately begin treatment. If all organs are more or less healthy, then you can notice how rarely acne or wen will appear.

Lipomas can occur in adolescents. They have a period when the body is rebuilding, and hormones are raging. Teenagers often have acne and acne on their faces, and they try to fight them and choose cosmetics and products that are not suitable for their skin. Then the subcutaneous fat becomes denser, the sebaceous glands become clogged and lipomas appear.

Zhirovki are uncomfortable in that in order to get rid of them completely, a course of cosmetic procedures or even surgical intervention may be required. They do not pose a threat to health, therefore, if several lipomas appear on your body and face, do not panic. Modern people have learned to get rid of them, not only with the help of a cosmetologist, but also thanks to the means that every hostess has in her house.

Removing wen on the face at home

I present to you some of the most effective masks and compresses that really give a positive result and will become a worthy weapon for you in the fight against wen. If you previously had a manifestation of an allergic reaction to any of the products included in the mask, even if in small quantities, do not make such a mask. It not only does not help you get rid of the wen, but also creates new problems with the skin of the face. Be very serious about choosing a mask, since you don’t want to seek help from a specialist.

Mask of soap and onion from wen on the face

You will need one rather large onion, which must be baked in the oven so that it becomes very soft, but not too much, and it is well rubbed on a coarse grater. Pour the chopped onion into a deep bowl, and do not hide the grater, you will still need it. Take a piece of any laundry soap and rub it on a fine grater. You will need as much grated soap as much as onions. Both ingredients of the mask should be in equal amounts. Mix well and apply on a wen for 10 minutes a couple of times a day.

Mask of sour cream, salt and honey

To prepare this mask you need to take two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of salt and sour cream. Stir these ingredients well until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. Pay attention to the fact that such a mask does not suit individuals whose skin is too delicate and prone to rashes. If you have such skin, but you still risk taking this mask, then an allergic reaction cannot be avoided.

Garlic oil mask from wen

To prepare such a mask, you will need to take a head of garlic, separate several of the largest cloves from it and grate it well on a fine grater. Now, take a piece of butter and melt it in a water bath. Add the grated garlic to the butter and stir. Do not overdo it with oil, because in the end the mask should not be liquid, but thick, so that it is well applied to the face and does not drain from the place you apply it to.

Kalanchoe compress from wen on the face

Kalanchoe is often used to treat many diseases. Its juice is considered useful and is able to relieve inflammation, moisturize the skin and make it more tender. This plant is widely used to combat lipomas. You will need one fresh leaf of Kalanchoe, which will have to be cut lengthwise. It must be applied at night to the wen, fixing with a band-aid so that the sheet does not slip and remains all night in the place where it should be. Do this compress daily for a week, approximately if you want to achieve the desired result.

Celandine kvass

Just take the time to make this drink and leave it in some secluded place. It may be necessary, but you already have it. Pull out a celandine bush in spring, along with the roots and wash, so that there is no trace of the earth. Now, find the place that is the darkest, where the sun does not penetrate at all and put the celandine there so that it dries there for several days. After this time, the celandine must be cut and wrapped in gauze, which then will need to be put in a large jar and pour with serum. Cover the jar with gauze and set aside for a couple of weeks in a calm place. Remember to stir regularly. Take a drink before meals, drinking half a glass at a time.

Cons of home methods for removing wen on the face

Almost everyone who has come across a wen for the first time tries to squeeze them out like normal acne. Dear women, do not confuse acne lipomas. These are completely different things. Zhirovik not squeezed in the same way. Many even take the usual needle and try to pierce the lipoma so that the subcutaneous fat that is collected is on the outside. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Why? But because if you do not disinfect the needle properly, you will introduce an infection, and then you will have problems that are much more serious than the appearance of a wen.

To get rid of a wen on the face and avoid trips to cosmetologists, women resort to a variety of ointments, compresses and lotions. In most cases, such methods are not effective and there is no result. And the thing is that any ointment is applied to the surface of the lipoma. She cannot get inside because there are no ducts. Zhirovik is located under the skin. The fat that accumulates in it, simply can not go anywhere without paths. Yes, you can manage to break through the lipoma with the help of even the needles that were already mentioned above, but the risk of contracting an infection will not go anywhere even when you smear the puncture site with ointment.

Please note: if the wen on the face does not decrease in size, despite all your efforts, then seek help from a professional. Do not overdo it with self-medication. It is very important. Any harmless formation on the face can grow into something more if you do not deal with it properly.

Facial Wen Removal Using Cosmetic Procedures

Lipoma is much easier to get rid of when it is not too big. Therefore, as soon as you notice education, immediately begin to fight it. There are many different methods and procedures that differ from each other only in level of complexity. The less you run a lipoma, the easier it will be to remove it.

In the cosmetologist’s office, your lipoma can be removed mechanically, which involves piercing a wen with a needle and squeezing out the subcutaneous fat that has accumulated in it. The procedure is almost painless and quite simple. You may have thought: "I can do this at home!". But, do not experiment with such things. The cosmetologist has special tools that will help to make sure that no infection gets under the skin, and there are no complications. Everything will be sterile and as safe as possible.

Sometimes, to get rid of a wen on the face, they resort to using a special laser, which quickly and painlessly dries the surface of the wen. It is covered with a crust, from which in a week there will be no trace, and your face will again be clean and without flaws.

There are special peels, scrubs, which include substances that help reduce the size of the wen and gradually get rid of it. Such funds contribute to the opening of pores, the skin over the wen becomes thinner and it breaks through, and the subcutaneous fat that has accumulated there goes out.

Someone's wen appear very often, while others have never had one before, but not a single person is safe from them. There is no specific reason for their appearance, therefore, it is rather difficult to protect yourself from what may arise out of nowhere. Just try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat only healthy foods, drink more water to cleanse the body. Do not forget that the skin will reflect everything that you ate. Let it be vegetables and fruits, saturated with vitamins, so that in any situation you look unsurpassed and never know first hand what lipomas are.


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