The meaning of the name Konstantin


Name Konstantin has latin roots. In literal translation, it means "persistent, permanent." The very first known holder of this name was Constantine the Great, canonized by the Christian church.

On behalf of this name went the name of the ancient city, the world cultural and commercial center - Constantinople.

After Constantine the Great, all subsequent eleven emperors of Byzantium received the name Constantine.

When the Byzantine Empire came to an end, the name somewhat lost its meaning and ceased to be heard. However, during the time of Catherine the Great, who named Constantine her second grandson, the name again came into use. In Russia, it began to be often used after its popularization by the great empress.

Today, the name Konstantin has about 5% of Russian men.

Konstantin - character traits

Konstantin is a beautiful and magnificent name. Its owner stands out for his extraordinary actions and ability to think in an original way.

Konstantin from childhood is a great original. He is an active, creative and inquisitive person. For the parents of the baby - Bones, the main problem is the acquisition of a large number of various toys. Konstantin is interested in everything, so every trip to the children's store most often ends with a “financial collapse” of the family budget. After all, good parents are sure to purchase everything that they wish for their baby.

Konstantin has been demonstrating his natural talents since childhood. He loves technique. In his personal children's fleet, cars not only drive, but are also regularly repaired. But the most favorite toy of Constantine is the designer. And the more opportunities he has, the better.

Konstantin - a teenager is characterized by the same activity. He early begins to attract the attention of girls, because he is a bright and outstanding personality. Konstantin can be both a positive and a negative character. In adolescence, it is very difficult to keep him from rash acts. He is ready to draw attention to himself in various ways. Boyish hooliganism is a common occurrence for Constantine.

But the time comes, and he becomes completely different in his actions. Konstantin grows up early. Therefore, professionally, the owner of such a name often achieves a career peak. Konstantin at first is a good performer, and later - a good leader. In his management style there is no place for petty and empty promises, populism. He always gives a maximum of specificity and arguments.

As for women, Konstantin’s attitude towards them is most often consumer. He does not believe in happy love to the grave, therefore, if marriage happens, it will be more of a business, commercial nature, rather than based on a high and bright feeling.

Konstantin - name compatibility

To build family relationships, Konstantin is suitable for women who are ready to turn marriage into a contractual relationship. Bilateral benefit in this case is the most powerful incentive for the appearance of print in the passport. Best for Konstantin fit Tatyana, Vera, Raisa, Marina, Olga. But with soft and modest girls Konstantin will not be interested. In addition, he can make them unhappy and constantly suffering from a lack of male attention. Constantine’s marriage with Natalia, Svetlana, Elena and Lyudmila is undesirable.

Konstantin - famous people who bore this name

Konstantin Balmont - a famous poet - symbolist.

Konstantin Simonov is a Russian writer, author of many works about the Soviet era, a public figure.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - inventor, scientist, author of revolutionary developments in the field of astronautics.

Konstantin Ernst - producer, head of the 1st television channel.

Konstantin - interesting facts about the name

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky not only opened to humanity the opportunity to conquer the vastness of outer space, but also believed that many laws of life on earth are subject to certain forces of extraterrestrial origin. Tsiolkovsky with his statements actually confirmed the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations and world reason. He considered the Earth - the cradle of mankind, which sooner or later will have to leave. His bold statements looked fantastic. However, it often happens that once invented objects in a few years become a familiar thing.


constantine 07/11/2016
Straight to the point

Stasia 04/15/2016
I have a good friend, Konstantin. He is a decent man, knows how to keep his word. But constancy is not his path. It’s impossible for Kostya to stay in one place for a long time and work at one enterprise. They still can’t stand it. I don’t know how with the girls, but my friend lived with three already))

Ksyusha 04/15/2016
Bones generally somehow don’t really want to work ... No, they periodically arrange themselves somewhere, but it doesn’t last long. They cannot tolerate monotony. In technology, indeed, have great interest. Work is also found related to it. In principle, they don’t sit without money.

Svetik 04/15/2016
I have a younger brother, Kostya. Naturally, I always have to look after him. And this, I tell you, is not a simple matter !!! The bully from him is simply excellent))) True, he never does dirty tricks, but he is just harmlessly bully)) I don’t know which wife he will have ...

Alla 04/15/2016
I have Kostya’s lodger. Namely - Kostenka!))) In a different way you can’t say anything about it ... you can expect anything from him, even when you don’t know where he is. And so a sense of humor, he just - otpad. Kostenka and I unlearned sadness at all))


Watch the video: Superhero Origins: Constantine (July 2024).