How to spoil grilled fish: the main mistakes


The grill can be natural or electric, and a frying pan with special corrugation often acts in its place. You can cook fish on any of these grills. It will turn out juicy and tasty, if you make some mistakes.

How not to spoil grilled fish?

There are nine of them. THE MOST FREQUENT MISTAKES OF GRILLING FISH. It is important to read to the end!

First mistake: the wrong fish

On the grill, you can even throw yourself caught crucians or perch. Even this fish is better suited for it than dry pikeperch, pike, bershik. Blue whiting, hake and other marine species, in which there is very little fat, are also not suitable. Nothing tasty and really juicy will come of it.

In addition to dry fish, it is also not worthwhile to grill too fatty species, for example, halibut or oily fish (Stromateev family, seriolella, gray mackerel).

What you can grill:

  • crucian carp, carp, tench and other river fish;
  • catfish;
  • Mackerel
  • all types of salmon;
  • herring.

Fish loses taste and juiciness after thawing, especially for river species. For this reason, a fresh product should be purchased for the grill. But, if there is no such possibility, then we try to defrost correctly. It is better to leave in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Second mistake: chopped or crumbled?

Grilled fish are not cooked in small pieces. Transverse steaks are usually made if the carcasses are large. Small fish is better to cook whole, having removed the scales and removing the insides, the heads can be cut off or left, the same goes for the fins.

As for the thickness of the fish when slicing, then for steaks, it should not be less than two centimeters. Otherwise, the pieces will dry out quickly. This is especially dangerous in relation to pink salmon and other dry species. If several types of fish are used, then it will differ not only in the thickness of the pieces, but also in the cooking time. Therefore, you do not need to combine everything in one bowl or lay them on the grill mixed.

Helpful advice! If you are preparing a filet of salmon or other large fish on the skin, then the skin must be cut in several places. Otherwise, it will begin to cringe from the hot grill, the piece will turn out in an arc.

Third mistake: fish is not meat, you don’t need to pickle so much

Grilled meat or barbecue requires prolonged soaking, marinating in spices and sauces. Fish does not need this. It is enough to season the pieces, leave for half an hour. Sometimes they don’t do this, they just pour it over with lemon juice, rub it with oil, and then send it to the grill or to the surface of the electric grill.

If you pickle fish for a long time, especially using a large amount of salt and lemon, it will only become drier from this.

Before pickling, the fish must not only be washed well, but also dried with napkins, otherwise water will prevent the spices from penetrating deep inside.

Mistake Four: A lot of spices for grilling

Fish loves spices, they add a piquant taste, mask the aroma of tina (if any), significantly improve the quality of the dish. It is advisable not to overdo it with them, and also not to mix more than four types at a time.

What can be added:

  • paprika;
  • turmeric
  • different types of pepper;
  • rosemary;
  • laurel.

It should be borne in mind that on the grill not only fish is browned, but also spices, they can burn. Therefore, it is recommended to either grind it into powder or leave large pieces that can be brushed off without any problems.

Fifth error: anointed the grill?

In fact, you can’t lubricate the grill, also do not cover the grill with oil. It is better to apply it directly to pieces of fish. Can be poured into a marinade. This is especially true when using fish of dry species. Fats impregnate fibers, give juiciness, significantly improve the taste.

In addition to oil, a special icing is sometimes used to give the fish a golden crust. It is made from honey with soy sauce and spices, but applied to pieces with a brush at the very end. If lubricated immediately, the glaze will burn faster than the fish itself is cooked.

Sixth error: low temperature

There is nothing worse than aromatic and tasty, but overdried fish. It is impossible to swallow. Therefore, the grill or grill before laying the product needs to be warmed up well. If coals are used, then hot. Firewood should burn out, but not go out. They should come a good fever.

If meat is cooked, then it can be fried after the fish, since it is baked much faster, the coals will not have time to go out or lose heat during this time. But vegetables for side dishes, like mushrooms, can be cooked in the very least, especially for potatoes.

Seventh mistake: cooking for a long time

This point often follows from a previous error. But sometimes fish is cooked at high temperature for a long time. Do not do this. Salmon steaks are often enough for 10-12 minutes. Small fish does not even cook for more than 15-20 minutes. No need to navigate the outer crust. Fish in the skin is not always browned to brown.

Eighth mistake: the fish is not tired

Therefore, she does not need to "rest" after cooking. It is better to lay on plates immediately from the grill. Do not put in a saucepan, cover, otherwise juice will start to flow out of the pieces. For the same reason, you should not cook grilled fish for the festive table in advance. This is exactly the dish that is best served immediately on the table.

Last mistake: gorgeous side dish

Grilled fish can be served with cereals, and with potatoes, and even with pasta. But it is advisable to choose the simplest side dish with a minimum number of spices, seasonings, gravy. Otherwise, they will interrupt the taste and aroma of fish from the grill.

Ideal side dishes for grilled fish:

  • leafy salads and greens;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • boiled, baked cauliflower, broccoli;
  • Braised vegetable mixes, possible with rice.

Since grilled fish is most often cooked in large pieces or whole, it will completely replace the whole dish and will perfectly “go in” even without a side dish. Just add a slice of lemon and a few sprigs of herbs. Salmon looks especially chic in this design. Does he really need something else?

The main secrets of grilled fish are minimalism. No need to pile up the product with spices, cook for a long time, pour with sauces and cover it with a bunch of side dishes. The golden rule - the simpler the better!


Watch the video: 10 Foods That Will Never Expire (July 2024).