Embroidery related signs. What flowers need to be embroidered while pregnant?


It is believed that needlework from ancient times had some magical power. That is why the young women so zealously embroidered the dowry. Now such a hobby is gaining popularity again. More and more girls and women spend their free time with a needle in their hands. But not all of them know that there are signs that can affect the result of embroidery and even the fulfillment of the wishes of the needlewoman.

Common signs

Folk wisdom has accumulated a wealth of knowledge by simply noticing some of the details and transforming them into a guide to action. Most people will say that a thing done with a soul and a favorable message becomes a strong guard.

For example, the embroidered rushnyk in the bedroom of an unmarried girl attracts fast matchmakers. And the product presented to a sick person saves from complications and serious consequences.

It is believed that it is impossible to embroider a portrait of a dead man. Such work will tie him to the product, will not allow him to find peace, and will bring many worries and health problems to living people: insomnia, headaches, loss of strength. Images of aggressive animals attract negative energy into the house, promise problems in a career and communication with business partners. It is not recommended to embroider with old threads, they symbolize poverty.

When choosing a common picture, it is worth considering the prevailing colors.

Do not do black embroidery. In the bedroom, such an image will attract frequent quarrels.

Drawing in the nursery will affect the child’s sleep, he will often suffer from nightmares. But products in bright colors can bring family success and prosperity for all its members. Green landscapes improve health, red attract luck in love. More scarlet shades are recommended to be placed at the bed of an unmarried girl.

Flowers in embroidery

A very common plot of creativity are flowers. For inspiration, works use mainly field and garden inflorescences. Most often embroider roses, lilies and poppies. But they need to be placed correctly so as not to drag the troubles. Roses are a symbol of love and passion. Embroidered in the bedroom lead to a long, romantic relationship.

If a couple lives together for many years, embroidered roses will awaken passion and restore passion to a relationship.

These flowers can help find love destined for fate. To do this, it’s enough to sit down for work at night on the growing moon. An embroidered flower by a lonely girl at another time promises her a long loneliness, but her husband’s deliberate choice. If there are no thorns on the rose, then the needlewoman has a calm, meek disposition, which her man will appreciate.

Lilies embroider most often for a specific purpose. This flower symbolizes eternal life, if you use gold threads to embroider it, you can positively influence your own talents.

Such work is preferred by people who are passionate about self-improvement. Also, such embroidery helps radically change your life, get rid of old habits.

Popular beliefs say that if you embroider such a flower while pregnant, then a fair-haired girl will be born. Find a product decorated with a lily, promises to gain quick wealth. In the process of creativity, the flower turned out to be crooked - there will be news of the betrayal of a loved one. Also, a random prick with a needle indicates that an enemy has wound up in a close environment. It is worth less frankness, keep an eye out in order to avoid problems. The embroidered lily promotes quick recovery. At the crib of a sick child, you need to do such work, hang the finished product on the wall in the bedroom. If the fabric and the pattern do not fade, then this means healing, as well as good health in the future.

Poppies are classified as masculine flowers. They symbolize career advancement.

The embroidery of these flowers enhances leadership qualities. This picture should be placed in the workplace. It will strengthen working capacity, increase labor productivity, and help promote promotion. It is not recommended to place these flowers in the women's or children's bedroom. Women will manifest masculine character traits that scare away potential suitors, and the child’s behavior will be moody.

Wildflowers act as a talisman, a talisman. The painting, hung at the entrance to the house, will protect against unwanted guests and fake friends.

If the picture often falls, it means that the family has many envious and ill-wishers.

It is worth taking care of stronger protection or revising your environment. Wildflowers in the office will attract quick profit. If you give this picture to a lonely person, then he will soon find family happiness.

Animals in embroidery

People strive to live in harmony with the outside world, then this world also reciprocates.

Animals in embroidery play the role of a powerful amulet against the effects of negative energy.

This option is especially suitable for families with small children. Dog - since ancient times, a true friend of man. Her image at the entrance will save the family from problems. And any animals in a pair will be an amulet of family happiness. But if they often fall from the wall, then change is coming soon.

The greatest protection will be the embroidery of mythical animals. The dragon symbolizes success and prosperity in business. An important condition: it must be with a pearl, which symbolizes the connection between the material and spiritual aspects. Without it, the animal will be angry and refuse to help.

Unicorn is worth embroider unmarried girls. Soon after finishing work, they will meet their fate, a life with which will be full of joy and happiness.

For the appearance of favorable changes, it is worth choosing the image of a horse looking up for the next picture. This symbol of performance and endurance will attract the wind of change, as well as fame, money.

To protect the child, you can embroider a picture of a tigress and a little tiger cub.

The baby will grow healthy, strong, successful in any field. In general, the image of any animal with its offspring will help the child and protect him.

Embroidery is a common hobby. But in addition to a pleasant pastime, you can use the paintings for your own purposes, improve, strengthen some aspect of life or make a wish fulfillment.


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