Makeup brushes: varieties and features of application


A face is a canvas on which, with the help of paints, which play various types of decorative cosmetics, you can realize any idea of ​​a beauty artist. And what will help the artist create a real masterpiece, if not brushes, but in this case makeup brushes?

The modern market is full of makeup brushes of various shapes and sizes, in addition, they also differ in the composition of the pile. Among all this diversity it’s hard not to get confused, but in this article we will figure out for what purpose this or that brush is needed and how to use it correctly.

First of all, you need to know that makeup brushes differ in the composition of the pile, this directly affects their ability to apply this or that makeup. For one remedy, a brush with artificial pile is better, for another - with a natural one. So, the pile of brushes happens:

  • Naturalmade by their animal furs (goats, sable, pony fur, squirrels, etc.). Pile of such brushes can be of natural color or be artificially colored. Such brushes will be good for applying cosmetics with a dry texture;
  • Artificial, which consists of materials such as taclon or nylon. Some believe that artificial pile is worse in properties than natural, but this is not entirely true. Modern manufacturers of makeup brushes have learned to make brushes from artificial pile so that they are inferior to nothing, and sometimes even surpass brushes completely made from natural pile. These brushes are most suitable for products with a greasy, creamy texture.
  • Mixed pile (duofiber) - the base of these brushes is made of natural pile, and artificial is built on top.

In addition to the composition of the pile, the brushes also vary in shape:

  • Round grip brush at the base. Large brushes of this shape are suitable for the face, small for the eyes. For applying cosmetics, such brushes are used in circular motions.
  • Flat compression brushes at the base. Such brushes can be used for applying concealer, used in eyebrow and eye makeup. The flatter the brush, the “flatter” the movements will be when applying makeup.

Another important criterion in choosing a brush is the fastening of the pile! The brush can be sheared (the bristles of the brush are simply fastened into a bundle and trimmed evenly) or type-setting (in this case, the bristles of the brush are selected manually and fastened in the desired shape). A clipped brush can scratch the skin, and the product will be uneven. The typeset brush is soft and has high-quality application of cosmetics to the skin.

Let's see what makeup you need this or that brush for. What brushes are used in face makeup ?:

  • For application base for makeup, foundation cream, shading concealer usually use large tightly packed brushes with flat compression. Such brushes provide an average coating density.

The denser the brush is stuffed with pile, the more dense the coating made by it will be.

  • Medium round brushes with a smooth pile cut are used for application. cream blush, as it neatly and precisely shades the creamy texture.
  • For concealerusually a small flat brush is suitable. To apply the concealer tightly, a brush with a denser pile is used, and a thin brush with an uneven edge is suitable for shading.
  • Paint brush powderIt can be large in size, round in shape, but it is possible to use a large brush with a flat compression at the base.
  • AT face contouring using sculpting blush a medium-sized flat brush with an average pile density with an oval cut is used.
  • Small brushes with round compression at the base are used to detailed study face (applying highlighter, illuminator, shading dry blush, etc.). The cut of these brushes can be either a “candle” or more rounded.

What brushes are necessary for eye makeup?

  • Round brush suitable for blending shadows of the upper eyelid.
  • Keg brush - a small round brush for work with lower eyelid. Also with this brush you can work with cream shadows.
  • At applying and shading cream shadows a small flat brush rounded at the top is used. It is a universal brush and is also suitable for eyeshadows with a dry texture.
  • A very small flat brush is perfect for small details eye makeup.
  • Also for applying eyebrow shadow You can use a medium-sized flat brush.
  • To draw a neat thin arrow eyeliner is best to use a brush with a pointed tip.

For makeup, you can use brushes of any composition. The choice of a particular brush depends on individual preferences and the convenience of working with them

Eyebrow brushes

  • The brush is intended for eyebrow stylingin the right way.
  • A dense, wide, beveled brush with a flat base is needed for working with shadows.
  • A small, thin, beveled, flat brush can come in handy for applying greasy consistency to eyebrows (eyeliner, fudge, etc.)

For lips, and in particular for lipstick, a small brush with a flat compression at the base is used, and for contour creation a flat beveled brush will be good.

It is very important to regularly and correctly care for makeup brushes, because otherwise they will wear out quickly, and makeup done with dirty brushes will be inaccurate and of poor quality.

Brushes, untreated from the remnants of makeup, are a breeding ground for bacteria, and the use of such brushes threatens to turn into skin inflammation. What needs to be done to keep the brushes in good condition ?:

  • Wipe the brush regularly with antibacterial wipes;
  • To arrange your “bathing day” for your brushes - gently rinse the brushes with shampoo, rinse them, apply a little balm to soften the pile and rinse them thoroughly in warm running water. Once a week will be enough.

It’s best to dry the brushes by wrapping them in a towel first.

  • Keep brushes in a place where direct sunlight does not get.
  • Keep them away from batteries, as brushes do not like dry air. You can optionally lightly moisten them with a spray gun.

Give your brushes a little attention - and they will delight you for a very long time!


Watch the video: 6 Types of Makeup Brushes and How to Use them Effectively (July 2024).