What can you tell about the benefits of green buckwheat. The reasons for the popularity of cereals in nutrition and diet diets for weight loss


Buckwheat is known to be useful. But much more can be said about the properties of green buckwheat, lately generously endowed with praises from scientists and nutritionists.

The main thing about the benefits of green buckwheat and the rules for its use

Green buckwheat is not some outlandish cereal, but the same ordinary buckwheat, but it has not undergone the process of drying (frying).

In appearance, it is distinguished by a lighter, slightly greenish tint.

This product is also sometimes called "live" buckwheat, because:

• the absence of heat treatment preserves in it a much larger amount of nutrients than in ordinary buckwheat, many of which can fully affect the human body only in this "not fried" form;

• kernels are capable of germination.

Calcined grits to better, longer stored, plus - for taste.

Buckwheat and green can be cooked according to the same recipes, but taking into account the fact that green comes to readiness faster and has a softer, peculiar delicate taste. It goes well with mushrooms, cheeses and game meat.

And only green buckwheat can be eaten almost raw, that is, only after soaking in water, when the cereal absorbs a lot of it, swelling. You can still fill it with something with milk or freshly squeezed juice.

But all this will have to be drained and there will only be what the buckwheat will absorb. The fact is that in the liquid, the croup gives a little mucus, so after soaking it needs to be washed.

Buckwheat flour - found in stores, it is also made from green buckwheat is rare, but you can always use, for example, a coffee grinder.

Only you need to remember that in any buckwheat gluten is almost completely absent. On the one hand, this allows you to include it in gluten-free diets, on the other hand, with concoction, you need to add, for example, wheat flour.

And finally, green buckwheat can be turned into sprouted grains, which are so appreciated by modern dietetics - in it its biologically active substances (especially B vitamins and antioxidants) do not sleep and have the most powerful effect.

Germinated grains are delicious in Asian cuisine, with noodles, rice, seafood, coconut milk.

Green buckwheat differs from other cereals in its high protein content - almost 13% compared with 6% contained in the same rice, make it a valuable product for the diet of athletes, because in addition, buckwheat protein in terms of a set of amino acids and other qualities is comparable to proteins of animal origin.

So with buckwheat, it is possible to gain muscle mass, especially since rarely any cereal besides it contains a sufficient amount of the amino acid lysine, which ensures the development and restoration of muscle tissue.

But, in contrast to other cereals, it contains a little starch and has a low GI (glycemic index) of 50 units.

And it is also worth noting the importance of those present in green buckwheat:

• potassium, supporting the work of the heart muscle and participating in the transmission of nerve impulses;

• folic acid (vitamin B9), which is involved in the synthesis of new body cells and is indispensable for pregnant women as a means of preventing pathologies of the development of the baby;

• iron, which increases the level of hemoglobin and treats migraines and dizziness;

• tocopherol (vitamin E), which provides normal reproductive functions of the body and the work of the adrenal glands (producing the most important hormones);

• flavonoid rutin (it contains a record amount, in comparison with other cereals), which is extremely useful for bleeding tendencies (improves blood coagulation), as well as for cleansing blood vessels and preventing atherosclerosis;

• niacin (vitamin PP), which supports the nervous system and is indispensable for converting fats and sugars into energy;

• chlorine, which prevents obesity of the liver and regulates sweating;

• trypsin enzyme, indispensable for the complete breakdown (digestion) of protein foods;

• magnesium, necessary for the contraction and relaxation of muscles;

• retinol (vitamin A), which underlies the skin's protection from harmful ultraviolet radiation and the photoaging caused by it;

• phosphorus, which provides a quick start to brain activity after awakening and increases bone strength.

The presence in the diet (at least 1-2 times a week) of green buckwheat acts to strengthen the body and reduces its susceptibility to negative environmental factors, in particular, this cereal can be recommended to those who live in a dirty, smoky atmosphere, for prevention and treatment diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

How the benefits of green buckwheat is associated with weight loss

The energy value of green buckwheat is 311 kcal per 100 g. So it is not surprising that even a small portion of this cereal allows you to get enough long and good.

But at the same time, due to the unique elements present in its chemical composition, buckwheat slow carbohydrates (about 68 g per 100 g) do not go to fat deposits at all, but are consumed in energy.

Plus, not so long ago, scientists confirmed the property of green buckwheat to accelerate lipid (fat) metabolism due to the amino acid methionine content (also responsible for cleansing the liver).

Therefore, green buckwheat is one of the best cereals for fasting days, and together with kefir it is one of the most popular mono-diets.

It contains almost 2 times more fiber than in other cereals, which, coupled with a rich set of antioxidant substances, allows the product to purify the body of toxins, radionuclides and toxins powerfully, but carefully, which naturally helps to improve metabolism , preventing the collection of excess weight.

What else you need to know about the benefits of green buckwheat

Nutritionists insist on the need to include green buckwheat in the menu at the initial stages of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, to normalize digestion, treat heartburn and prevent the development of gastritis and gastric ulcer, in which the antitumor, regenerative and enveloping properties of the product are effective.

Also, regular consumption of green buckwheat leads to the following:

• improves vision and decreases (if prone to increase above normal) eye pressure;

• improves the condition of the joints (including the attenuation of inflammatory processes, the disappearance of pain and the return of mobility);

• the functioning of the pancreas is normalized;

• skin rejuvenates and their saturation with oxygen improves;

• A water-electrolyte balance is being established (which in particular is expressed in the reduction of edema caused by water retention in the body);

What could be the harm from green buckwheat

The calcination to which ordinary buckwheat is subjected not only improves its taste, but also increases its shelf life, does not allow the cereal to deteriorate quickly and protects it from parasites. So the risk of buying low-quality green buckwheat, which is not fried, is slightly higher. Therefore, you need to choose it carefully.

For some people, the use of green buckwheat at first is accompanied by mild discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and increased stool, and although theoretically, this can only be signals that the body is getting used to a specific product - if it lasts more than one day, in order to avoid harm green buckwheat should be abandoned cereals, because maybe it just does not fit individually.

But even if buckwheat is well accepted by the body, it is not worth abusing it, the harm from green buckwheat will later manifest itself:

• bloating;

• poor digestion;

• violation of the outflow of bile.

The ability of rutin to stimulate platelet production can aggravate the condition with high blood coagulation.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz Discusses the Total 10 Rapid Weight-Loss Plan (July 2024).