How to use the vent pipe for newborns. Are gas vents safe for babies?


Intestinal colic bothers babies, deprives their parents of peace and sleep. Among the many ways to rid children of gases accumulated in the stomach, one of the most effective is the use of a vent pipe.

Are rectal tubules safe and how to use them correctly?

When to use a vent pipe for newborns

Very often, the vent pipe becomes a salvation for many mothers with bloating and constipation in the baby.

It must be remembered that flatulence in newborns is a natural process. The main reason is the immaturity of the digestive and enzymatic systems of the child. Increased gas formation usually passes by the age of three months, sometimes worries up to 4-5 months.

If the baby screams, writhes, blushes, then most likely his tummy was swollen from the gases.

Children's doctors disagree when and how often to use a vent pipe. Some say that a rectal catheter can only be used in emergency caseswhen other methods do not work:

• massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction;

• warm diapers or heating pad on the stomach;

• bending-unbending legs;

• laying on the tummy.

Other doctors advise easing the baby’s torment with a tube as quickly as possible. Indeed, a strong cry entails not only restless days and sleepless nights, it can be the cause of an umbilical hernia in a baby.

Some pediatricians warn that with frequent use, there is a risk of addiction, and the child will not learn to get rid of gases and feces. But numerous reviews of mothers indicate the opposite. Women who use tubules for bloating in a child talk about the rapid relief of the baby's condition. In this case, the frequency of use is determined by the need, possibly up to 3-4 times a day. Addictions are not noted.

Rectal tubes should be used only when necessary, when the child is filled with crying, his tummy is swollen from gas, and nothing helps. You do not need to use this device for the prevention of flatulence in newborns, because the procedure for introducing a tube is unsafe and requires maximum caution.

The vent pipe does not treat flatulence, but only removes gases, which facilitates the condition of the baby.

Varieties of vent pipes

Currently, in pharmacies, you can often find rectal tubes of two types:

• domestic production;

• production of Sweden.

Rectal probes from the Netherlands are less common.

How do they differ, and which tube to choose?

Gas pipe from a Russian manufacturer

It is made of orange rubber. Its length is 35cm, the diameter depends on the number, 5-6mm. For babies up to 3 months, it is recommended to purchase the 15th and 16th, for older children the 17th and 18th numbers are suitable.

Gases exit through the wide edge, the narrow is inserted into the rectum. Near the thin edge there is a side opening, which also serves to remove gases.

This tube is refillable. Before the first use, it must be boiled for at least 20 minutes. Subsequently, it is enough to wash with soap or disinfect with hydrogen peroxide, if the device is used only for one baby. In medical institutions, reusable tubes are boiled and carefully processed after each use.

It is recommended to store rectal tubes at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, away from heating appliances. Do not expose to direct sunlight, bactericidal lamps, substances that can destroy rubber (lubricating oils, alkalis, acids, gasoline).

Swedish rectal catheters

Catheters are made of thermoplastic material, which, when in contact with the skin, heats up and becomes softer.

The total length of the device is 10 cm, the input part is 2.5 cm. The shape of this tube prevents the catheter from being inserted deeply; there is a stopper. The rounded tip minimizes the risk of damage to the baby’s intestines. The embossed surface prevents accidental slipping of the catheter during use. The one-piece tube design protects against small parts entering the intestines.

Rectal catheters from Sweden are disposable, which ensures their sterility and ease of use. No need to waste time processing and sterilizing. Sold in packs of 10 pieces. Some pharmacies can be purchased individually.

This tube can be used even by an unprepared person without harming the baby’s health.

Many parents are confused only by the price of the device.

Netherlands Rectal Probe

It is a transparent tube 20 cm long, made of thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride. Has a rounded end for installation safety and 2 side openings. On the input part, 1 cm marks are plotted to the 5 cm mark, which helps to accurately determine the probe insertion depth.

These vent tubes are disposable and are sold in a set of 5 pieces. Probes sized 06, 08, 10 (diameter from 2 to 3.3 mm) are suitable for newborns.

Disadvantages of the vent pipe

With careless use of rectal vent tubes there is a risk of damage to the intestines of the newborn. This is more true for Russian-made rubber tubes. But even safe Swedish catheters must be used very carefully, according to the instructions. After all, any mechanical effect can injure the intestinal mucosa of the baby.

How to use a vent pipe for newborns

Before using the tube, you must prepare vaseline (or sterilized sunflower) oil, cotton pads or balls, wet wipes. Then proceed directly to the administration procedure.

1. Be sure to grease the end of the tube with oil.

2. Put the baby on the back, prudently laying the oilcloth and diaper.

3. Holding with one hand the legs, with the other, slowly introducing a gas outlet into the rectum of the child. In this case, translational or rotational movements can be made. You can’t put pressure on the handset, if there is a barrier, it’s safer to stop. While the baby is not yet 3 months old, it is necessary to enter to a depth of no more than 3 cm, older children - up to 5 cm. In some cases, 1-1.5 cm is enough.

4. If the child cries even more, resists, then the process must be postponed to avoid causing injuries to the intestinal mucosa.

5. Keeping the device in the anus is not recommended for more than 10 minutes.

6. When exhausting gases, a characteristic sound will be heard. Bowel movement may also occur. The child calms down, falls asleep firmly and serenely.

7. If necessary, wash the baby or use napkins.

8. If after 10 minutes no relief has occurred, then the tube should be removed. Most likely, flatulence is very strong, or the cause of concern is not in the gaziki. In these cases, you must resort to the help of a pediatrician who will prescribe treatment.

When using a vent pipe for a newborn, it is very important to keep clean. Children's intestines are sensitive to various microorganisms that cause microflora disturbance or inflammatory processes.

If the vent tube helps calm the intestinal colic in the newborn, then you should not be afraid to use it. With deliberate and careful use, this device will not harm, the baby will sleep soundly, and parents will find peace of mind.


Watch the video: Using a Farrell Valve Bag When Feeding Your Child's Stomach (June 2024).