The role of confession in human life: why confess? Why do people go to confession, what do they say, does the father let all sins go?


For the most part, modern society strives for material values. But spiritual principles are important even for those who do not consider themselves believers. Almost everyone has heard about the true concepts of Christianity, although not everyone observes them.

That's all about the sacrament of confession. But what it is, how to confess correctly, what is the meaning of this sacrament - very few know. Yes, and understand the true nature of this sacrament, only a few.

Why go to confession?

Most people think that it makes no sense for priests to reveal their souls. After all, the judgment of God still exists, and only the Lord can judge a person and his deeds. But since ancient times, Orthodox families, ranging from the smallest family members to grandparents, went to churches every Sunday day without fail. Now this is practically absent, and few seriously think about what confession is, what its essence is.

The first thing to know: Confession is only part of the church sacrament, the sacrament of repentance before the Lord. A man sincerely speaks of all his sins. And if he does not lie to himself or to God, then the priest forgives him. Priests are those people who forgive sins by the power and authority that God has given them. But sins will be forgiven only if the person sincerely repented of them, and not just listed them. It is important to know the true truth of sin.

Many simply do not know that sins are not only what was committed by man. This is also his unclean, sinful thoughts, unseemly plans, unkind ideas. If a person at least mentally conceived something vague and bad - this is also a sin.

The essence of confession is not just to name your unseemly thoughts and deeds. We must sincerely repent of our deeds, and also firmly decide not to commit them afterwards.

But there are people who daily commit a lot of sinful acts. And they are sure that they will be forgiven for them. But there will be no forgiveness.

The essence of confession is precisely to repent sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts. And the main thing is not to commit sins in the future and to cleanse your thoughts from filth.

Before you go to confession, you need to prepare for it. How to do it?

You need to prepare carefully. The priests say that a person confesses to God, and the priest is present simply as a witness who will confirm the repentance of this person for his sins at God's Judgment.

How to choose your confessor? Who should confess?

It will be best if the person himself goes to the temple and asks the priest to become his confessor. This father will not only accept confession, he will help with advice and guidance on how to lead a Christian lifestyle. One must often go to church, light candles, and pray to God. Each time after visiting the service, it would be nice to talk with the rector of the temple.

When a person finds his father, who will confess, this is the first important step. Now we need to prepare our confession. This is not as easy as it seems. For the first time, it’s quite difficult to even say your sins aloud. Many are worried about the fact that a completely alien person (father) will have to tell his personal and secret.

But everything is surmountable. In order not to get confused by excitement, it is worth writing on paper all that you intend to say, in which to repent to the Lord.

One must also remember that one must come to confession bodily cleansed. More precisely, a person must go to confession after prayer (after fasting). If a person is churches, that is, constantly holds fasts, then he is almost always pure bodily. But if this is a person far from the Church, then before confession it is necessary to fast for three days. And that means not eating meat and dairy products. The food on these three days should be simple, of plant origin.

And, of course, you have to pray. Either by prayer, or utter the most famous prayers.

Observing these simple actions you can correctly prepare for confession.

But how often do you have to confess?

In this matter, the opinions of the inhabitants are different. They say that one should confess once a year. People close to the church believe that the more often you confess, the better. It is especially necessary to confess during fasting. In the Easter fast, this is best done at least twice. Most priests still come to the conclusion that it is better to confess once a week.

Some would say that once a week is often. But even the saints confessed every week, because sin is not only actions, but also thoughts.

A person is free to choose how often to confess. If truly a believer, then he will come to confession every week. But if faith is not so strong, then it is worth confessing once a month.

For example, some believe that the priest can listen to confession at any time. This is not true. In the Temples they profess after the morning liturgy, after the celebratory prayers, at the end of the evening service. You can agree in advance with your father and set a specific day for confession.

It is worth knowing that a priest may not give forgiveness to a repentant person. This happens if a person confessed to mortal sins, or if his confession was insincere.

There are sins for which the priest will not forgive. This is killing, abortion, a change of faith. But they also must be repented of in order to at least partially receive forgiveness.

His sins must be described specifically and without details, so that the priest understands the true essence of sin.

And the children need to confess. They must be attached to this from childhood.

Confession is not so simple. If you follow all the rules, then you need to prepare for this carefully and thoroughly. But confession is worth it. Spiritual cleansing from all sins saves the soul and helps, gives the light and power of God to every sinner.


Watch the video: Confessing the Same Sins Over and Over Again (July 2024).