Useful properties of watermelon and the chemical composition of its pulp and peel. Watermelon properties useful for the baby’s body


Watermelon is a fresh, summer treat, which is loved by both adults and children. How pleasant its taste is, how useful it is.

But the beneficial properties of watermelon are concentrated not only in the red juicy pulp, but also in the peel, and even in the seeds.

The chemical composition and beneficial properties of watermelon

Despite the fact that watermelon is 92% water, the remaining 8% are extremely rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements, sugars. Also in watermelon, in large quantities, there is fiber and pectins, which are powerful cleaners of the human body.

The most valuable component of watermelon is folic acid. The benefit of that element can hardly be overestimated, since it positively affects all body systems. One of the main functions of folic acid is its participation in hematopoietic processes. Thus, it contributes to the timely renewal of blood, and, consequently, the healing of all organs.

Watermelons contain a lot of magnesium. This mineral is readable as anti-stress for the human body. This element is one of the most important components of bone tissue and tooth enamel. The daily intake of magnesium is 500 mg. It can be obtained by eating only 200-250 g of watermelon.

Sodium - The most important element for a person. In a team with potassium and chlorine, this nutrient is a regulator of water-salt metabolism. At the cellular level, it controls the transfer of substances into the cell and vice versa. This makes it essential for digestive and excretory systems.

Calcium, which is contained in a watermelon, is well absorbed due to the composition of the nutrients in which it is located. This element is the builder of all bone tissue. It is a stimulant of many enzyme and hormonal processes, which makes it necessary for the proper functioning of all organs and glands.

Watermelons contain lycopene and beta-carotene. These substances strengthen the immune system, prevent cancer, prevent diseases of the central nervous system.

B vitamins (1, 2, 6, 9)participate in metabolic processes that are controlled by the brain. Vitamin PP is necessary for intense physical and mental stress. Niacin (Vitamin PP) promotes the release of energy from fatty and carbohydrate compounds.

Vitamins A and C sucrose and fructose, manganese, nickel, iron with the beneficial substances described above form a unique cocktail that determines the healing properties of watermelon.

Useful properties of watermelon seeds and peel

Watermelon seeds, like seeds of other plants, store a high concentration of all active substances present in the pulp, peel, tops and even roots. This is necessary so that the seed can fully convey all the information to the new plant that will grow out of it.

In order to remove all the beneficial properties from watermelon seed, it must be cleaned of a hard protective shell, otherwise it can damage the shell of the digestive tract.

Watermelon seeds are a very high-calorie product, but its value in useful biologically active substances (vitamins, minerals, etc.). The high nutritional value of the seeds is due to the high amino acid content.

For example, arginine is not synthesized in the human body in sufficient quantities. Its role is very important, as it promotes the growth and renewal of muscle tissue, which reduces the deposition of fat masses.

An amino acid called lysine fights viruses (for example, all types of herpes). Tryptophan reduces the likelihood of a stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Essential fatty acids (such as omega-6) are part of the fat component of watermelon kernel. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, and on the skin, and on the hair. Without these acids, stable heart function is not possible.

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, seeds contain a huge amount of vitamins, which are catalysts of all vital processes.

Watermelon bones are appreciated for their set of trace elements. Metals are mainly contained in the peel of seeds, so watermelon flour is made from seeds in order to extract all that is useful. This flour is used to enrich the body with zinc - essential for the immune system, healthy hair and nails. It also has a lot of iron, which is a useful property for the circulatory system.

Watermelon peel is most often used in the form of a decoction, after drying it. These decoctions are used in the initial stages of rheumatic diseases. In folk medicine, with the help of a watermelon broth, headaches and colitis are treated. Dried and ground peel is used for cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis.

Useful properties of watermelon for children

The beneficial effects of watermelon on children have the same positive effect as on adults. However, there are differences.

Amino acid arginine, not replaceable during the growth period, is produced only in a healthy adult body. Children receive this element only from the external environment and with breast milk. Therefore, watermelon is often found in the lists of products of initial baby food (in the form of juice), as well as in the lists of food additives (flour of watermelon seeds) for children from 6 to 14 years (period of active growth).

Easily digestible calcium from watermelons is useful for forming a strong musculoskeletal system. In Soviet children's camps and sanatoriums, watermelons and watermelon juice were given to children whose milk teeth changed. So, when additional calcium enters the body, constipation and other problems with the intestine do not occur due to the large amount of watermelon fiber.

A very important useful property for a children's growing organism is the influence of watermelon on blood formation processes. With the growth of the child, his circulatory system grows, which requires constant updating and an increase in blood volume.

Watermelon flour is used as a soft anthelmintic as a prevention of helminthiasis. It is mixed in baby cereals and warm vegetable soups.

Watermelon: contraindications

Due to the high water content, watermelon should be used carefully by everyone. It can provoke swelling. Therefore, it should not be used by pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. For the same reason, watermelon is dangerous for people suffering from diseases of the urinary system associated with fluid stagnation.

Diseases in which watermelon is contraindicated:

• diabetes;

• diseases of the prostate gland;

• joint diseases accompanied by edema;

• allergy;

• diseases of the digestive system during the exacerbation period.

Since watermelons, for early ripening and large sizes, are fertilized with nitrates, he accumulate them in large quantities. The content of nitrates in most cases determines the allergy to watermelons. Often they become the cause of severe intoxication of the body, which are accompanied by severe vomiting and dehydration.

To avoid such situations, each purchased watermelon must begin to eat with small portions. Sometimes, in order for nitrates to come out of a watermelon, it is immersed in water for one and a half to two hours.


Watch the video: You Will Never Throw Away Banana Peels After Watching This (May 2024).