White bread in a bread maker - classic and with different additives. White bread with raisins, honey, carrots, garlic - recipes for bread makers


Lush, hot, with a beautiful golden brown crust - this is how home-made white bread comes out of the bread maker. Baking it with a smart device is not difficult.

General principles for making white bread in a bread maker

The main thing in working with a bread machine is to follow the recipe not only in the amount of ingredients, but also in the sequence of their addition. The basic ingredients of plain white bread are wheat flour, yeast, water, salt, sugar, and vegetable oil. You need to put them in the tray of the bread machine correctly: the first are all the liquids, followed by the dry ingredients.

Before placing dough products in the tray, it can be greased with butter, then the crust will be especially beautiful and fragrant. Then the procedure looks like this: pour water, vegetable oil, add salt and sugar, pour out the flour with a slide, make a small depression in it, put dry yeast in it.

Instant bread dry yeast (high-speed) is usually used in bread machine recipes. They must be added to dry flour, not coated with liquid. Also, you must not allow mixing of yeast with salt, this will prevent the bread from rising well.

To make the white bread especially airy, sift the flour through a sieve before laying in the bread machine.

If butter is used in the recipe, it must be melted or cut into very small pieces. Shake the eggs with a fork before adding.

Water for kneading dough is usually used at room temperature. But for some types of bread, for example, for fast white water, you need to warm up to 40-50 degrees. You can take milk instead of water, this improves the taste of bread and the color of the crust.

Bread machines allow you to bake products with various additives. You can put raisins or candied fruits, herbs, garlic, slices of chopped olives or olives, chopped nuts, seeds, poppy seeds, grated carrots or cheese. All these ingredients are added after the main kneading of the dough, about half an hour after the start of the program. The fact that it is possible to lay additives, the device usually reports with a sound signal.

White bread is baked in several programs. In bread machines of different manufacturers, they have their own names. But the essence is one. There is a "Basic" mode, the whole process of kneading, fermentation and baking takes about three hours or a little more. In the "Fast" (or "Ultrafast") mode, ready-made bread can be obtained in one and a half to two hours, depending on the model. There are separate modes for baking sweet and French bread. You can also choose the size of the loaf and the desired color of the crust, from light to dark.

When working with a bread machine, special cups and spoons are used to measure the ingredients, they are included. Most often, a measuring cup is designed for 230-240 ml of water, 140 grams of white flour or 125 grams of white sifted flour. If the bread maker has another measuring cup, for example, 200 or 300 ml, then you can count and use the recipe not in cups, but in grams and milliliters. But measured teaspoons and tablespoons in bread machines, as a rule, correspond to ordinary ones, but without a slide.

Important! When the dough is being raised in the bread machine or baking has already begun, do not open the lid, otherwise the bread may settle.

In the recipes below, the amount of ingredients is calculated on a loaf weighing 700-750 grams.

White bread in a bread maker - a basic recipe


270 ml of water;

three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

one and a half teaspoons of salt;

two and a half tablespoons of sugar;

three cups of flour (in terms of grams - 420);

a teaspoon of dried yeast.

Cooking method

1. Lubricate the bread maker tray with a piece of butter. Pour water, oil. Put salt and sugar. Sift the flour through a sieve. Pour it into the tray, on top of the yeast.

2. Place the tray in the bread machine, select the "Main" program.

3. After a signal of completion of the program, carefully remove the finished bread from the hot tray, cover with a towel and leave it to cool.

Quick white bread in a bread maker

For this recipe you will need warm water (40-50 degrees), in addition, fast bread will require three times more dry instant yeast than normal.


250 ml of heated water;

one egg;

three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

one and a half teaspoons of salt;

one and a half teaspoons of sugar;

three cups of flour (420 grams);

three teaspoons of dried yeast.

Cooking method

1. Break the egg, shake it.

2. Pour water, oil, an egg into a greased bowl of a breadmaker to the desired temperature, put salt, sugar, sifted flour, yeast in series.

3. Select the "Fast" mode. With the finished bread, we do the same as in the basic recipe.

White bread in buttermilk bread maker

If desired, instead of buttermilk, it is permissible to take kefir or yogurt. The finished bread has a slight sour taste and a beautiful brown crust.


One and a half cups of buttermilk (360 ml);

a teaspoon of sugar;

a teaspoon of salt;

three cups of wheat flour (420 grams);

a teaspoon of dried yeast.

Cooking method

1. We put the ingredients in the tray, as described in the basic recipe for white bread, only instead of water we pour buttermilk, kefir or yogurt.

2. Select the "French bread" mode.

White bread in a bread machine with herbs and garlic

Very fragrant bread. You can take for it as fresh herbs, dill will be especially good, and dried spicy herbs: rosemary, basil, thyme. Just do not give in to the temptation to put garlic and herbs more than indicated in the recipe, otherwise the bread will start to slightly bitter.


One and a half cups of water (360 ml);

one tablespoon of olive oil;

one and a half tablespoons of sunflower oil;

three cups of wheat flour (420 grams);

three and a half tablespoons whole wheat flour;

one teaspoon of sugar, salt and yeast;

greens - one and a half tablespoons;

garlic - one and a half tablespoons.

Cooking method

1. Grind the garlic, finely chopped dill.

2. We pass a piece of butter on the tray of the bread machine. Pour water and oil. First pour the plain white flour, then the wholemeal flour. Put salt and sugar in the corners of the tray. We make a small hole in the flour, we fill the yeast.

3. We put the bread machine on the "Basic" mode. After you hear a signal to add additional ingredients, put the herbs and garlic. After completing the program, we get the bread. You can grease the crust on top with olive oil, cover with a napkin, then with a towel and let it cool down.

White bread in a bread machine with cinnamon and raisins

Such bread with sweet raisins and sweet cinnamon can be served with tea.


240 ml of water;

three tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;

a quarter cup of sugar (50 grams);

a teaspoon of salt;

three cups of white flour (420 grams);

one + 1/8 teaspoon of dry yeast;

three quarters of a teaspoon of cinnamon;

100 grams of pitted raisins.

Cooking method

1. Rinse thoroughly, let drain excess fluid.

2. Put all the ingredients in the tray in the order indicated in the recipe, with the exception of cinnamon and raisins.

3. Choose a special program for sweet bread. We are waiting for a signal. After it we put raisins and cinnamon, you can additionally gently stir them in the dough with a wooden spatula. At the end of the program, take out the bread, cool.

White bread in a bread machine with candied fruit

This is not just bread, but a beautiful sweet treat. Colored candied fruits make it bright, and a small amount of cognac gives piquancy.


240 ml of water;

175 ml of milk;

two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

four tablespoons of sugar;

two teaspoons of salt;

two + 3/4 cup coarse wheat flour (approx. 390 grams);

a teaspoon of dried yeast;

a tablespoon of brandy;

eight tablespoons candied fruit;

two tablespoons of coconut flakes.

Cooking method

1. Lubricate the tray with a piece of oil. Pour water, milk, butter. In order to lay the dry ingredients.

2. Select the cooking mode "Sweet bread".

3. After the sound of the breadmaker, put candied fruit, coconut, pour a tablespoon of brandy. You can additionally mix the dough with a spatula.

4. Serve the finished bread as a dessert, sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

White bread in a bread maker with honey

In this recipe, milk is used instead of water, and sugar is replaced by honey. This significantly affects the taste and aroma of bread.


240 ml of milk;

one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil;

one egg;

a teaspoon of salt;

one and a half tablespoons of honey;

three cups of flour (420 grams);

a teaspoon of dried yeast.

Cooking method

1. Pour milk, butter, a beaten egg into the oiled capacity of the breadmaker. Put the salt. Add honey. Complete all the flour and yeast.

2. Honey bread is baked in the "Sweet" mode. We take out and cool it like any other white bread.

White bread in a bread machine with carrots

An option for lovers of bread with healthy additives. It goes well with soup or vegetable salad.


80 ml of vegetable oil;

one egg;

160 ml of warm water (40-45 degrees);

one and a half teaspoons of salt;

three and a half cups of white flour (approx. 500 grams);

one and a half teaspoons of dry yeast;

a cup of grated carrots (125 grams).

Cooking method

1. Wash and peel the carrots, grate it.

2. Shake the egg with a fork.

3. Put vegetable oil in the tray of the bread maker, pour the egg. Then comes warm water, salt and sugar, sifted flour, dry yeast on top.

4. For this bread "Basic" mode is suitable. Put the grated carrot in the tray after the beep.

White bread in a bread maker - secrets and tricks

· Yeast should be stored in the refrigerator, they will deteriorate in a warm room. If the dough does not rise well, it is most often the faulty yeast that is to blame.

· When cereals are used in the recipe, the dough is too dense, for the best result, you can change the laying order of the ingredients: first flour and yeast, then everything else.

· Do not overdo it with the amount of yeast! Bread in this case will get an unpleasant odor and taste.

· Bread can also be baked on delayed start. However, it should not be used if quickly perishable products are used: milk, eggs.

· Do not put a lot of salt! It slows down the fermentation process. Without salt, the finished loaf will be larger.


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