A kitten constantly meows: reasons why this happens? What to do, how to calm a pet, if a kitten constantly meows


In the house, finally, a pet appeared, which all members of the family were waiting for. And suddenly he began to meow constantly, to ask for something, but you simply don’t know what he wants and how to behave with him. Such a situation can occur in any family, it is important to know why the kitten constantly meows what to do in such a situation.

We will try to understand this issue in more detail.

The kitten constantly meows: the main reasons

So, you brought home a little fluffy, but for some reason he is behaving uneasily, all the time giving a voice, something is clearly disturbing him. The reasons for this behavior can be both physical and psychological.

Hunger. This reason is the most common and applies not only to small kittens, but also to other pets. So, asking their owners for food, kittens often do it as loudly as possible, trying to attract attention in all possible ways. Therefore, treat your pet to some delicious food, he will calm down right away, and will no longer interfere with your business.

This phenomenon is absolutely normal, especially for small pets, because they simply don’t yet know how to behave and “tell” the owners exactly what they need. So, adult cats will not meow incessantly, it will be enough for them to make only a few characteristic sounds to make it clear to the owner that it is time to feed him. With kittens, you just need to wait until they understand how to behave properly.

The kitten constantly meows: the reasons why it cannot adapt

Small kittens, when exposed to an unfamiliar environment for them, are immediately subjected to severe stress, anxiety, everything unknown around them scares. The baby, who was weaned from his mother and other kittens, is very homesick for them. Thus, he begins to show his longing with a compassionate meow.

This situation is especially typical for still very small kittens (up to two months). In this case, the owners need to show patience and patience, and even better to create conditions for the baby that will be as similar as possible to those that surrounded him earlier, next to his mother cat.

So, you can equip a small house, prepare a warm little heating pad, which is desirable to wrap in a soft, fluffy piece of cloth. This will remind the baby of the warmth that surrounded him earlier, he will feel much calmer and fall asleep faster. So, having surrounded the kitten with several simple devices, you can make it clear to him that now he also has a defender and a breadwinner who will not leave him alone with the trouble. Often, getting used to a new cozy atmosphere, kittens calm down and stop getting their owners with a constant meow. As a rule, the process of adaptation of kittens can last about 5-7 days.

A kitten constantly meows: what if he lacks attention?

Despite the fact that domestic cats are independent creatures, they still need care and care, it is very important for them to feel needed.

Small kittens need it most. Sometimes they feel very lonely and so need your attention. Therefore, sometimes you can briefly distract from household chores and pay a little attention to your pet. He needs quite a bit: talk with him, make him a small soft toy with which he will frolic.

Fun for the baby can either be purchased at one of the pet stores or children's departments, or make it yourself. So, the toy will occupy the kitten all the time, he will stop screaming and completely immerse himself in fun.

The kitten constantly meows: what to do if he gets sick?

One of the more common causes of regular meowing can be health problems.

So, the cat may have something to hurt, and it is very difficult to determine the cause of the pain yourself.

Therefore, if your pet is not hungry, went to the toilet, feels quite comfortable in a new place and the adaptation period has long passed, but suddenly for no apparent reason he began to meow loudly and piteously - it is quite possible that the time has come to seek advice from to the vet.

The kitten constantly meows: other reasons

In fact, there can be many reasons for regular "concerts" of little kittens. Therefore, sometimes it is not necessary to be surprised that he can remain silent all day, but from time to time he suddenly begins to meow frantically and, after some time, shut up again. In fact, it can be just a manifestation of character or a request to give him minimal attention, come up to him and say something. Kittens, like any other creatures on the planet, periodically crave communication, and with their meows they simply remind their owners of their existence.

By the way, a curious fact: meow is a means of communication mainly with people. After all, in fact, it is rarely possible to see several cats who are trying to convey any information to each other with this sound.

Another reason for meowing may be the attempt of the kitten to "ask" for a walk. To satisfy his request and reassure the little fluffy, you can buy or make a leash for him yourself and from time to time walk with him in the park.

Well, of course, do not forget about such a simple and understandable reason for the meow of kittens, like a toilet. In order to avoid situations when a small fluffy lump will call you every time he wants to go to the toilet, or even worse starts marking all the corners in the house, you need to start accustoming him to it as soon as possible.

The reasons little kittens start to meow loudly can be different. It is important to determine the true reason for this as soon as possible so that your little pet feels as comfortable as possible and feels that he is loved and appreciated in your home.


Watch the video: How To Stop Your Cat From Meowing and Yowling (July 2024).