Pityriasis versicolor - is it possible to treat at home? Treatments for pityriasis versicolor at home


Thanks to many medicinal plants that act directly on the causative agent of the pathological process, it is believed that treatment of pityriasis versicolor at home is possible.

Its success depends on the correct choice of plants and forms of their application, taking into account the type of human skin, as well as on the thoroughness of the hygiene procedures.

Pityriasis versicolor - what is it

Pityriasis (multicolored, colored) lichen (sun fungus) is a time bomb in the human body.

It is a fungal infection that is characterized by a long, severe course.

This is one of keratomycoses: there is a lesion of the upper layer of the epidermis - the horny.

They are manifested by the appearance of light spots on the skin with clear boundaries, peeling of the skin in the form of flakes (bran).

Often called a sun fungus due to the rapid multiplication of the pathogen in warm conditions and under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it appears mainly in the hot season.

The causative agent and causes of the disease

The disease is contagious, requires precautions and immediate treatment. Otherwise, it becomes chronic and difficult to treat.

The causative agent that causes it is fungus of the genus Malassezia (Malassezia fufur) - lives in the upper layer of the epidermis, is also common in the environment, but in a healthy person it does not lead to the development of pathology. Its development requires some conditions, or existing concomitant diseases:

• hyperhidrosis (increased sweating);

• low immune status;

• chronic intoxication with alcohol, industrial poisons;

• pathology of the digestive tract;

• diabetes.

To these reasons it is necessary to add stress and psycho-emotional overload, which lead to a significant decrease in immunity. Therefore, sedatives that reduce stress levels are often used for treatment.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor at home

Therapy for the detection of the disease should begin as early as possible. In the absence of rational treatment, the fungus quickly captures areas of healthy skin and spreads to new ones.

Mushrooms form new colonies during propagation. They resemble clusters of grapes. With timely treatment, this process is interrupted - the disease can be cured.

Ready Means

For the treatment of pityriasis versicolor at home, there are many ready-to-use pharmacy products that are readily available and easy to use. These include: iodine, ointments (sulfuric and tar), apple cider vinegar, salicylic alcohol, boric acid.

Both tincture of iodine is used for both early diagnosis and treatment. If you lubricate the supposed site of the lesion, capturing part of the surrounding healthy skin, dark spots will appear at the site of the developed lichen. 10% tincture of iodine is used, therefore it cannot be used for treatment for more than 3 days. Iodine is used in the initial stages of treatment. It can be combined with brilliant green - their bactericidal properties are used. But this is done either alternately with an interval of at least an hour between lubrications (4 times a day), or every other day. Iodine has a number of contraindications, and since 10% tincture is used for treatment, it is first necessary to consult a doctor to identify existing contraindications

Medicinal plants

In addition to them, there are many plants that act directly on the fungus. Found widespread use: hellebore, onion, garlic, nuts (mainly walnuts), calendula flowers, needles of trees (pine, fir), burdock. This is an incomplete list of all plants that destroy the causative agent of multi-colored lichen.

Terms of use

There are general principles for preparing home-made dosage forms from plants. Of these, you can do:

• decoctions;

• infusions;

• tinctures;

• ointments;

• oils.

Decoctions are widely used in practice: for their preparation, crushed plants are boiled for several minutes over low heat.

Infusions do not require boiling: the grass, which was previously crushed, is poured with boiling water and insisted for 1-2 hours.

Walnut, garlic, calendula are effective in the form of tinctures. To this end, they are crushed and mixed with diluted alcohol with water (1: 1 ratio) or vodka. The skin during their use does not dry out, and the funds effectively work with regular use.

If treatment of pityriasis versicolor occurs at home, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin in order to avoid unpleasant sensations and complications. If the skin is oily - the benefits are given to alcohol tinctures. With dry and normal skin, decoctions, infusions, oils and ointments are used.

In the treatment of pityriasis versicolor at home, it is recommended to use both separate plants and combination therapy.


An effective and proven tool is tincture or broth from hellebore. This plant is used first. The multiplicity is 3-4 times a day: you must carefully rub the tincture with a cotton or gauze swab into the skin.

Oily skin products

Typically used tinctures of calendula and garlic:

Calendula flower tincture : fresh or dried pharmacy flowers (½ cup) after grinding, pour vodka or diluted 1: 1 with water alcohol (0.5 l). Keep 3-4 days in a dark place, shaking the mixture 1-2 times a day. After filtering, wipe the affected areas 4 times a day.

• 1 tablespoon of suppressed garlic pour 200 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol, after 3 days, filter and use to rub the skin (4 times a day).

Dry skin treatment

For dry skin, it is recommended to use ointments or oil:

• grass hypericum crushed into powder, mixed with any vegetable oil (1: 3), then the mixture is steamed for half an hour, insisted for a day and filtered. The resulting oil must be lubricated affected skin 2-3 times a day.

• For the preparation of ointments are used sorrel roots and seeds. Fresh parts of the plant are finely cut and carefully ground into gruel. Dry are crushed to a powder state. Sour cream is added to the resulting slurry or powder (in a 1: 3 ratio). Used 2-3 times a day.

Combination treatment

Combined treatment involves the use of several drugs simultaneously in different dosage forms.

The skin is pre-treated with salicylic alcohol, degreasing it, then smeared with St. John's wort or other medicinal plants.

Effective methods include the simultaneous use of garlic juice and a decoction from burdock root: the skin is first lubricated with a chopped clove of garlic, and then with a decoction of burdock.

The benefits of treating pityriasis versicolor at home

The positive aspects of this therapy is that the plants used, subject to the correct proportions:

• non-toxic;

• do not damage the structure of the skin;

• Due to their biologically active substances, they increase local immunity and stimulate recovery processes.

Plants and dosage forms of them, used to treat pityriasis versicolor at home, have no statute of limitations and no side effects or contraindications. Such treatment continues until the clinical and skin manifestations of multi-colored lichen disappear.

Subject to all the rules of preparation and regular use of preparations from plants, as well as careful maintenance of personal hygiene, treatment of pityriasis versicolor at home is successful. It continues under the supervision of a doctor for 10-14 days. For any manifestation of the disease, it is recommended that you immediately contact a dermatologist to clarify the diagnosis. In addition to local treatment, you may have to simultaneously treat a concomitant disease, against the background of an exacerbation of which skin lesions develop, take sedatives, adhere to a diet, excluding spicy, fatty, smoked and too salty foods, strong coffee and tea, alcohol.

In addition to a dermatologist, treatment of lichen is carried out by an infectious disease specialist and a mycologist. If there are no such specialists, if spots appear on the skin, you need to contact a therapist who will refer to a doctor with a narrow specialty to establish an accurate diagnosis. The use of folk remedies is an additional method to the main therapy prescribed by a specialist. This will help to cure the disease effectively and in a short time and to avoid chronic process, as well as serious complications.


Watch the video: Pitiriasis Versicolor en Espanol (June 2024).