Tomatoes for the winter - quick recipes for harvesting tomatoes. Ways to preserve tomatoes - recipes for the winter, quickly and without hassle


It happens that the crop exceeds the expectations of summer residents, and you need to have time to process it, while paying attention to the site. At the same time, the question arises of new recipes for harvesting tomatoes: what else to come up with when all the proven methods of canning are flaunted on shelves in the pantry or in the basement?

Quick tomato recipes for the winter - basic technological principles

Tomato juice or mashed potatoes, dried or frozen tomatoes, pickled or salted, snacks, ketchups, sauces, assorted foods - didn’t forget anything? Tomatoes are versatile vegetables, and their presence on the table, in any season and in any form, has become familiar and obligatory.

In addition to tomatoes with traces of rot or late blight, all fruits are suitable for processing at any stage of maturity. Therefore, as soon as the fruit ripening season begins, it is already necessary to take care of preparing the containers for canning, stock up on herbs and roots, fragrant spices to preserve the tomatoes directly from the garden, without wasting time on the preparatory stage, which takes up most of the time. Tomatoes themselves do not require much effort when canning, because they contain all the necessary acids that provide them with reliable storage. It is only important to additionally ensure the desired level of sterility.

All harvested crops must be immediately sorted and sorted by maturity: overripe tomatoes are useful for tomato juice, mashed potatoes, ketchup or pasta;

Dense fruits can be preserved whole, separately or as part of mixed vegetables, in tomato dressing, brine or marinade. Exotic winter harvest options are also suitable here - tomatoes in apple juice, with red currants, gooseberries, grapes or cherry plum - depending on which crop had ripened in the country at the time of canning.

With the onset of the first light frosts, the last crop of unripe tomatoes is harvested from the site. They can be stacked in boxes, sprinkled with pine sawdust, and for a long time, as they ripen, at room temperature, enjoy a fresh taste. But if there are too many unripe fruits, then it makes sense to make a tasty snack in a jar - salad or caviar.

In order to maximally preserve the entire tomato crop and save time, the only way out is an integrated approach to their harvesting. Each hostess, of course, decides how much one or another type of tomato stocks needs to be prepared, based on the needs and possibilities for storage. But, due to the fact that tomatoes sometimes ripen unevenly, due to weather conditions, depending on the variety of varieties, proceeding to harvesting, one must take into account that you have to cook several recipes at the same time.

Take too ripe fruits, wash, chop, and let them boil, so that quickly, together with pickled tomatoes or lettuce, they put juice in jars. This is the fastest tomato recipe for the winter.

When all the tools and appliances, containers and seasonings are prepared in advance, then in an hour you can manage to do a lot.

How to prepare everything you need? Sterilize the jars in advance, be sure to cover them with lids and a clean cloth, and before laying vegetables, it is enough to warm them in the oven for several minutes, and then refrigerate if necessary (when laying fresh fruits).

Onions and peppers, carrots and garlic, celery and dill, horseradish and spices - ingredients that can be washed, peeled and chopped in advance, put in separate containers with lids. Ready spices will only have to be laid out in prescription jars. Thus, the entire canning process will be divided into two parts. Prepare the spicy roots and containers in the evening, and the next day you will not have to stand at the stove until exhaustion, until the last tomato. This method of harvesting is the simplest and easiest when you need to catch a lot.

1. A quick recipe for tomatoes for the winter: sweet pickled "cream"


Salt 30 g

Sugar 50 g

Table vinegar 75 ml

A mixture of peppers (peas)

Mustard seeds

Leaves: laurel, cherry, blackcurrant



Celery root


Water 1.5 L

Tomatoes of technical ripeness, with dense pulp (cherry, cream) 1.8 kg per 1 bottle

Cooking Technology:

Add spices to your taste. Salt, sugar and vinegar for the specified amount of water are the basis of the workpiece, marinade, and you can change their weight only if there is a cool room for storing the workpiece, or tomatoes need to be subjected to longer pasteurization, which is undesirable.

Put prepared leaves and roots on the bottom of the bottle. Wash whole small and medium tomatoes, pierce with a needle so that the marinade soaks the fruits better and the skin does not crack during heat treatment. Put the fruits tightly in the bottle. Boil water, add salt and sugar. Pour tomatoes in a jar with boiling water. Cover the jar with a lid and wrap it with a warm cloth. Wait for it to cool.

Drain the pan, add a mixture of peppers, mustard seeds. Bring the marinade to a boil. Pour the cooked vinegar into a bottle with tomatoes, pour boiling water again and immediately roll it. Turn the bottle over and wrap it up. After cooling, check the quality of the capping and transfer to the pantry.

2. A quick recipe for a salad of tomatoes, peppers and cabbage for the winter


White cabbage

Salad and hot pepper




Salt, sugar and table vinegar to taste

Parsley and dill

Cooking Technology:

All vegetables for salad are taken in arbitrary proportions. Wash, peel and chop peppers, cabbage and onions. Rub carrots on a coarse grater, cut the tomatoes into slices. Stir the salad, season with salt, sugar, add vinegar, hot pepper, chopped parsley and dill.

Tightly put in sterile jars, cover with lids, and pasteurize: 1.0 l - 15 minutes; 0.7 - 0.5 L - 10 minutes. Then roll up the cans, turn over, stand until completely cooled, check the lids and transfer them to the pantry for storage.

This preparation has a secret: it can be served in the winter as a salad, or added to the borscht, followed by potatoes - the borscht will have a summer taste, as if it is made from greens, freshly picked from the garden.

3. A quick recipe for the winter - sun-dried tomatoes




Dill, coriander seeds (ground)

Chilli, allspice, black (ground)

Sugar, salt

Small tomatoes, dense varieties

Cooking Technology:

Sun-dried tomatoes are a completely different taste for many dishes. Be sure to try to cook them.

The amount of ingredients does not matter, be guided by your taste. Spicy additives can also be supplemented or replaced. The main thing is the technology of drying, which is desirable not to break.

Preheat the oven to 120 ° C. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, grease with vegetable oil. Cut the washed tomatoes in half, lay on a baking sheet in one layer, cut side up. Sprinkle the halves with a mixture made from spices.

Remember that salt draws juice, and melted sugar caramelizes fruits, which provides the necessary qualities for long-term storage. Try to sprinkle each half so that both sugar and salt necessarily get into it.

Place the pan in the oven and close it. Keep the oven closed until the sugar has dissolved. After slightly open to lower the temperature, hold the tomatoes for another five minutes, and turn off the oven, and leave the baking sheet inside until it is completely cooled. Repeat this operation 2-3 times until the tomatoes are reduced in volume, approximately, by half.

After that, pour the kitchen salt into a dry container, cover it with parchment, and put the tomatoes on top. Keep the container in the refrigerator. The salt "pillow" needs to be changed periodically. Sun-dried tomatoes can also be stored in a jar by treating them with sterilized oil, also in the refrigerator.

4. Frozen tomatoes for the winter - a quick recipe for tomato dressing

Vegetable caviar in a jar is, of course, delicious, but to make caviar from fresh vegetables in the winter is another matter. Frozen vegetables retain even their summer flavor. Therefore, for example, sauteed eggplant and tomato saute in winter is a particular pleasure.

One drawback of this method of harvesting vegetables is that it requires roomy freezers. But any housewife who has a standard two-chamber refrigerator can now afford a couple of bags of frozen vegetables, for special cases.


Ripe tomatoes

Cling film


In this way, you can freeze any vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, pepper, boiled corn, but note that you need to cut the food in advance so that they can only be put in a pan or in a pan. The second point: after defrosting, juice will flow out of the tomatoes and they will naturally turn into a shapeless mass. Therefore, select the most dense ripe fruits with a minimum content of juice and grains. It is better to pre-blanch and separate the skin, cut into cubes or slices, depending on which dish will be prepared from them in the winter.

Spread the film, put the tomatoes on it, wrap. Choose the dimensions of the package based on the volume of the freezer where vegetables will be stored. They can be frozen by giving the shape of a rectangular briquette or cylinder in order to save usable space as much as possible.

Frozen tomatoes give a pleasant aroma to many dishes, which include tomatoes.

5. Spicy salad of green tomatoes for the winter - a quick recipe


Green tomatoes


Hot peppers




Korean Carrot Seasoning


Pepper Salad

Dill, parsley

Cooking method:

For this salad, as for all vegetable snacks, choose the amount of ingredients and spices at your discretion. Cut the carrots into thin strips, blanch in boiling water for about five minutes, then fold through a colander. Dense green tomatoes cut into slices, combine with carrots, add sugar, vinegar, seasoning and salt to taste. Add the chopped pepper, chopped dill and parsley leaves. Stir, put in sterile jars. Sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5-0.8 L for ten minutes and immediately seal.

6. A quick recipe for tomatoes for the winter with grapes in apple jelly

Ingredients per bottle (3 L):

Apple Juice 1.7 L

Pectin 45 g

Grapes (nutmeg variety) 500 g

Cherry Tomatoes 1.8 - 2.0 kg




Sugar 100 g


Cooking method:

For beauty, choose yellow and red small tomatoes. Wash them, make cuts on the skin and dip in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then transfer to ice water. Remove the peel. Sort the grapes, separating the berries from the brushes. Wash too. Put tomatoes and grapes in a jar. Boil apple juice by dissolving sugar and salt in it. Add spiced spices to the juice, boil for 5-7 minutes, strain. Dissolve pectin in a small amount of juice, pour into the total mass and strain again.

Hot juice (95 ° C) pour tomatoes and grapes. Pasteurize the bottle for 15 minutes by lowering it in hot water. Pasteurization time - from the beginning of the boil. Screw on the lid, turn the bottle over.

The recipe is amazing. Tomatoes have a fresh taste, and the aroma of cinnamon makes them look like dessert. You can use any spices.

Quick Tomato Recipes for the Winter - Useful Tips

Pursuing winter preparations, the housewives worry, thinking that a precisely copied recipe is the basis of reliability in canning. In fact, it is only important to remember the three main conditions that will ensure the safety of the workpiece, even if the recipe was invented on the go.

  • Sterility;
  • Compliance with the temperature regime during pasteurization;
  • Thoroughly sealed for tightness.

Believe me, neither the amount of acid, sugar and salt, nor the exact, "pharmacy" measurement of the weight of the ingredients affect the safety of winter preparations. Therefore, preserve anything you want, guided exclusively by your own taste, adhering to these simple but mandatory rules.


Watch the video: Pressure Canning Tomato Sauce. Preserving Our Harvest (June 2024).