Need a love spell on a man - read carefully! We’ll tell you how to read a love spell on a man at home: magic in action


It happens that a cloudless family life is violated by the interference of a rival, mother-in-law, and other interested parties.

In order to avoid this, there are a number of rituals.

But what to do when a loved one has already left the family?

And if he does not reciprocate at all?

Love spell on a man: how to read at home (method 1)

A simple and effective method of a love spell of the man - a sexual binding. It is effective when there was already sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. This will strengthen their sexual desire, rekindle with new force all the emotions of the couple. But it is worth remembering that in this way it is impossible in any case to withdraw a man from an formed family. You can get big problems for this from the forces you are addressing.

What do you need

For the ceremony, you need:

• Four red wax candles;

• Four candlesticks or containers for candles;

• Photo of the object;

• A piece of chalk;

• paper;

• Pen with red ink;

• needle;

• Matches;

• Capacity.

All attributes must be prepared in advance and used strictly according to the scheme.

Conducting a ritual

The ritual is held on the growing moon in the apartment. From 00.00 to 03.00. It is necessary to draw a circle in chalk. The size of the circle should be such that it is comfortable to sit in it. Next, you need to place the candlesticks on the four cardinal points in a circle. Put candles in the candlesticks. All attributes should be in a circle at hand.

Clothing should only be worn without buttons. All mirrors in the room need to be curtained. You need to take matches and light candles one at a time counterclockwise while in a circle with a stipulation for each candle. “I light a candle, I get permission for my affairs!” If the candle goes out, you must repeat the plot until it flares up.

When all the candles are lit, you need to take a sheet of paper and looking at the photo of the object write on it:

"Forces higher

What they heard me;

I subjugate your heart;

Your mind (Name) is subjugating by myself;

I order your thoughts to lead you to me

Perfumed dear spirits.

So that no one could reduce my work.

I’m putting a blood seal on you. "

Next, you need to pierce your finger with a needle and under the inscription with your blood write the name of a loved one and circle his heart. In this case, you need to read:

"My blood is now yours,

Where you do not go, I’m fate

Where you will not be - the earth burns underfoot

Until you arrive near me. "

After that, looking at the photo of the object you need to read:

"The night will come down, and (Name) will come to me!" - 3 times.

Next, the note is ignited over the container and while it is burning you need to imagine how the heart of a loved one lights up and how it reaches out and wants to come to you, how it glows with passion. When only ash remains from the note. Candles need to be extinguished with your fingers clockwise with the word true.

After that, the ashes should be dispelled in the wind, and the candles should be demolished at the intersection of two roads. You need to do this the same night, always before dawn. Candles should be carried at the crossroads with gifts. It can be coins, vodka, cognac. Leaving gifts and candles at the crossroads, you should go home without looking back.

How it works

This conspiracy works to attract the favor of the Forces. They will bring home a loved one. The effect of this ritual can be completely different. Some men in a couple of days begin to show interest and appear, and some subside. It’s best to consolidate the result with challenges. You can’t talk about the ritual. This love spell has been in effect for two years, and two lunar cycles can unfold.

Love spell on a man: how to read at home (method 2)

Really need to return love? Then it’s worth trying the old method that our grandmothers used! You need to use water so that the man is saturated with love. Yes, the water is not simple - spoken. That water must be prepared in advance. It can be added to drink, food to the object. This method is well suited for those men who have access and can be flushed.

What do you need

• Prepared water;

• Photo or thing of the object;

• Red candle.

Water is worth talking in advance. On the new moon you need to put a glass of water under the moonlight and read “As Mother Moon grows, so love in the heart of the“ Name ”grows up. The moon blesses, and the“ Name ”will not leave me forever.”.

Such water should stand on the windowsill until the morning. In the morning, you need to hide it and repeat it the next night. On the third night you need to read the plot and say at the end true. After that, you need to pour this water into the drink.

Conducting a ritual

To carry out the ritual, you must definitely retire and read over the water with a lighted candle, baptizing water and the drink into which it will be poured:

"I cross with a cross, I conjure you

Fire the eternal soul and body (Name), give me back, bind to me "

Let it dry like that grass without water without me

From night to day!

Fire Father, Mother Earth

Keep (Name) near me

From the dawn of the sun to the end of a new day! Truly

The candle needs to be hidden and not shown to anyone, it can be used again, but for the same ritual. Water poured into the drink is supplied to the object.

How it works

A love spell on a man how to read at home in this particular variation has the power of both opoea, and love spell, and dryness. This is a working method that allows you to keep your husband’s thoughts and body at home and prevent him from looking at other women. Do not be surprised if, after the ritual, the chosen one is inflamed with passion and begins to seek attention.

You should be prepared for this. It is to restore feelings and stir up passion that this ritual is carried out. It operates flawlessly and for quite some time. You can update it, but not more than once in the lunar cycle. It works great on those men who have problems with potency. They again begin to feel attracted to their woman and give her attention.

If a man is prone to betrayal, it is better to use another conspiracy that will eliminate rivals and not so much stimulate sexual activity. The most important thing is to clearly determine why the ritual is carried out and tune in to this goal.

Love spell on a man: how to read at home (method 3)

A good effect when you need to rekindle love, improve relationships give rituals with a red candle. The red candle represents passion, love, consanguinity. Therefore, it is worth taking such a candle and using a photo of a couple to make a love spell, which also acts as an additive, a lapel from the lovebird.

What do you need

To conduct the ceremony, you must:

• The candle is red, it is possible ordinary, not church;

• Photos of both people.

Before the ritual, if the object of influence has not been in contact for a long time, does not live with you, perform the ritual to suppress the will. It is useful when a man has a strong-willed character and is very principled.

You can perform the ceremony without suppressing the will, but be sure to the growing moon or the full moon. Otherwise, from the ceremony there will only be a drying effect. It is worth noting that the ceremony is working and the effect of it comes pretty quickly.

Conducting a ritual

It is very important in carrying out the ritual to tune in to the result. The text of the conspiracy is quite large, so it is worth memorizing it carefully so as not to go astray and not distort the content. You need to tune in to the result - presenting it. Be sure to carry out the ritual in bright clothes without buttons and with loose hair.

You need to take a red candle, photographs of both people (separately). Place the candle so that the fire is at eye level and read while looking at photos through the fire. Read 3 times:

Oh you great bright spirits

evil-mischief from love

You hear me begging you:

Do not extinguish the candle that I lit

Ignited her with pure intent

And I pray you, light spirits:

You light a fire in a sweetheart's heart

Light all the bends in it,

Light up to the bottom - I smell

There lies an icy ice -

Jealousy is a fierce evil woman of love.

Melt that prickly ice

Turn her with a tear of fuel.

And I pray you, good spirits,

Light a fire in the sweetheart's blood

So that in love he is gentle, furious,

And like a sip of water on the hottest day

My kiss would have been sweet to him.

And the third time I pray you, light spirits,

Protect my pure love

Save me beloved groom

With a faithful heart, indivisible with no one.


After reading, you need to hide the photo in a secluded corner in the apartment until you get the result. And the candles should be taken to the morning service in the church so that they burn out there. It is better to stand near the candles until the end of their burning and imagine mentally how the lover burns and the narrowed heart is lit on this ashes. After that, it is worthwhile to remain silent about the performed ritual until it is fully activated. It is not recommended to constantly think about whether everything will turn out or not. You need to be sure that everything will turn out!

How it works

A love spell for a man at home, this ritual has tremendous power and works to eliminate the rival. Many practices remake it, leaving only the part that deals with relationships in a couple. It is important to remember that all such rituals are performed in fairness and if there is a desire to take a man out of the family with his help, nothing will come of it.

The effect of the conduction can be seen in a month. You can reinforce it by reading calls to the object. When a man gets in touch and there will be meetings - to consolidate the result of singing.

Often women are killed from grief when disaster struck the house and the beloved was about to leave for another. It happens that household issues destroy a family. Everything is known in trouble and do not despair. If we are talking about maintaining the family, then a love spell is not a sin to apply. The main thing is to determine exactly what kind of man you need. Try it and love will return with a new force and will no longer leave your home!


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