8 easy ways to extend your life


The famous British psychologist Louise Atkinson, drawing on her many years of experience and recent medical research, has compiled a list of several fairly simple rules, the observance of which can not only provide significant health benefits, but also mainly extend the life of any person.

No. 1. A cup of tea per day

As several scientific studies have shown at once, the special components of tea help reduce the level of stress hormones, relax blood vessels and even increase survival after a heart attack by 28%.

No. 2. Breathe through the straw

Take at least 2-3 minutes a day to complete the following exercise: take deep, long breaths through a straw. This will allow you to breathe more deeply, which, in turn, will improve the work and capacity of your lungs, slow down your pulse and lower your blood pressure.

No. 3. Walk

Numerous studies say that even a short walk on a daily basis has a beneficial effect on the brain and slows down the aging process.

Number 4. Eat More Onions

80 grams of this readily available product can significantly reduce the risk of developing ovarian, laryngeal and colorectal cancer, as well as generally strengthen the immune system due to the abundance of quercetin in the onion.

No. 5. Do not keep brightly colored fruit in the refrigerator

Storing fruits at room temperature improves their healing properties, according to a study by the US Department of Agriculture. Such bright fruits as, for example, tomatoes, melons, watermelons and grapefruits contain a lot of lycopene, beta-carotene, which is processed by the body into vitamin A, and carotenoids, the number of which is constantly growing, but not at low temperature.

Number 6. Smile Wider

A broad smile triggers the release of certain chemicals in the body that can make you feel happier, thereby improving your mental state, which is one of the most important driving forces in increasing immunity.

No. 7. Chew 20 times

By chewing food 20 times, you will not only reduce the amount of calories entering the body, but you can also reduce the development of type 2 diabetes by up to 50%.

No. 8. Gossip on health

A study by scientists at Harvard Medical School showed that good gossip with friends in just 20 minutes increases the level of the hormone progesterone, which reduces anxiety and stress.


Watch the video: 8 Easy Ways To Make Kitchen Staples Last Longer (July 2024).