Female opinion: Russians are optimistic about 2013


Very soon, holiday fever will sweep the whole country and swirl in a whirlpool of affairs and events. Hopes and aspirations of people, as always for the new year, are associated with the expectation of joy and happiness, family well-being, career growth and increase in salaries, peace of mind and prospects for a better life ... In anticipation of the coming New Year, the Women's Opinion portal tried to find out that Russians expect him, and what they think will be the coming 2013.

It turns out that 5.9% of Russian residents are sure that the new year will not come because of the end of the world promised by the ancient Mayan Indians, and they also fear the consequences of global warming and all kinds of space disasters. We hasten to reassure them: the Mayan calendar simply ended, and they did not have time to write a new one, which does not mean the end of the world; global warming is also not threatening anything, as is the cosmic threat. The scary number of December 21, 2012 is far from the first end of the world in a series of apocalyptic prophecies and, of course, not the last. So is it worth believing in it?

Most likely, the new year will be the same as the previous one, ”said 24.7% of respondents who are confident in stability, but do not expect much change for the better. There is one independent opinion: “The year will be more difficult, but more productive,” one of the respondents said. Pessimistic sentiment is formed by 18.7% of voters. People are afraid that it will only get worse, and the new year will be marked by a significant increase in prices, and in general - a decrease in living standards.

Nevertheless, faith in a better future wins: the majority of Russians - 50.7% - are optimistic about 2013! They firmly believe that it will be better than the outgoing 2012: “I, as an optimist, think and hope only for the best and don’t even want to think about bad things, and I don’t believe in any part of the world - both lived and we’ll continue to live. We need only hope for the best and think only about the good, so as not to attract negative energy, "one of the participants said. Thoughts have a habit of materializing, and this fact has long been proven by scientists. If we are sure that everything will be fine - so in the end it will be!

Russians in the new year are waiting for stability and prosperity, as well as new achievements not only in the life of the country and the financial well-being of its citizens, but also in terms of personal growth, and look at the future philosophically: “Well, if you look at my life, then I have every the year is better than the previous one. At least because I’m getting older, smarter, more mature "...

The survey involved 2130 people aged 20-45 years from 127 cities of the Russian Federation.


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