Developed a cure for bone marrow cancer


As a result of scientific research, Swiss scientists finally achieved positive results in the development of a drug that can treat one of the types of bone marrow cancer.

The drug LBH589, in combination with two hormonal drugs, bortezomib and dexamethasone, was able to increase cell survival without disease progression in patients with multiple myeloma, a tumor that appears in the bone marrow plasma cells and disrupts the production of healthy blood cells. Every year, this disease affects 1-5 people out of a million around the world. As a rule, the risk of myeloma increases after 50 years.

According to a representative of the research group, the effect of the drug is to block the main enzyme of cancer cells, causing stress and death.


Zhenya 10.25.2016
Is this drug a kind of chemotherapy? How will it act on healthy cells? While chemistry kills hair follicle cells and the gastrointestinal mucosa, hence nausea, vomiting, and baldness. Incidentally, I was prescribed the dexamethasone mentioned in the article together with Emend and Ondansetron precisely because of nausea. I have nothing to compare with, but I thought it would be worse. In fact, almost no nausea.


Watch the video: Treating Cancer with Bone Marrow Transplantation (July 2024).